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Effective Communication: What is It?

Effective communication may be defined as:

Using language that is appropriate to others' levels of understanding. Making sure others receive the information or knowledge intended. Developing relationships with others. Talking with others in a way that facilitates openness, honesty and cooperation. Providing feedback.

Key Communication Skills

Clarity Expression Pace Listening

Listening is the most important speech skill of all; its also the skill which is practiced
the least. To listen actively, you need to change from being a passive target to being a contributor to the communication

Key Communication Skills

3 Techniques for Active Listening Set the Stage. Stop what youre doing, turn to face the speaker and make eye contact. Appropriate Advancement. Make appropriate comments that advance the conversation. Summarizing. Show the speaker youve been paying attention by summarizing the speakers key points.

Barriers to Communication
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lack of Sensitivity to Receiver Lack of Basic Communication Skills Insufficient Knowledge of the Subject Information Overload Emotional Interference Conflicting Message Channel Barriers

Barriers to Communication
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lack of Interest Lack of Knowledge Lack of Communication Skills Emotional Distractions Physical Distractions No provision for feedback Inadequate Feedback

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