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Continuing Professional Development Training Programme

Secondary Physical Education Best Practice Forum

Course details Code Venue(s) Date(s) Times Arrival PE007 PE007 PE007 Yate Leisure Centre Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre Yate Leisure Centre 08/10/2012 05/02/2013 16/05/2013 13:00 13:00 13:00 Start 13:15 13:15 13:15 Finish 16:15 16:15 16:15

Audience PE subject leaders and professionals involved in school PE and sport Aims To share best practice with others and develop next practice To provide high quality training in new initiatives To strengthen leadership capacity in the subject area and across school To offer support between the three fora meetings in local networks and sharing the learning back in the fora group To bring further consistency to the messages from national and local bodies to support school development planning

Course description This series of three meetings is for heads of PE and other relevant, appropriate partners to share and discuss strategic, and delivery themes relevant to current needs. This will include raising standards in teaching and learning, increasing participation, identifying and working with vulnerable children, individual achievement and sharing effective OHDGHUVKLS SUDFWLFH ([SHUWV LQ WKH HOG ZLOO EH invited as required. Lead trainer(s) Jeanette Quinn PE Adviser, External Consultant, Action First Foundation
Full Cost 290 or as part of the Best Practice Fora Discount Cost 210 or as part of the Best Practice Fora

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