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Summary of: Giant kites to tap power of the

high wind
Experiments show that the power generated could provide electricity for
100,000 homes

By Alok Jha
The Observer, Sunday 3 August 2008

The article is about a new technology that could provide electric energy by
using kites as an engine.

This technology is based on a simple invention, the kite. Scientists from

Delf University of technology (Netherlands) are trying to harness a kite to
a generator. In a test they produce 10 kW of power. Researchers have
been trying to build a so called laddermill which should use multiple kites,
so that they could produce up to 100 MW of power. 100,000 homes could
be provided for with this amount of power.

This technology offers a lot of advantages. It can produce the same energy
like a standard coal-fired plant. The efficiency of the laddermill could by
higher by using higher-altitude-winds which exist at height from 1 km to 2
km. The potential energy that is in the wind is 100 times higher than the
energy which is needed on the earth.
This technology could be a green solution to the demand for energy. We
could avoid burning fossil fuels.
In comparison to existing windmills the laddermills could work with a
higher degree of efficiency because they can work with high-altitude-winds
that are stronger than the winds on the ground.

This Know-How is in its infancy so a lot of money is needed. The further

development of this technology depends on the money that is invested. To
reach serious results public money is required. With the right investment a
readiness for start of production could be achieved within the next 5 years,
without it, it will take decades to develop.

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