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Banow ETAD 803, Summer 2012 Assignment 5: Virtual Tour

All images are original photos except for the computer drawn images. The drawn images are credited on the slide notes.

Our walk began at our home located in northwest Muenster. We headed south on 1st Avenue.

These trees caught our eye because they look like the mushroom kingdom from Mario Brothers.

This stop sign is about three feet tall. It can easily be covered by snow in the winter.

Baseball is a favourite pasOme of Muenster residents. This stadium is a symbol of the love for the sport in the community. Baseball image credit: hPp://

Despite being a small village, Muenster sOll manages to support a two-sheet curling rink. Curling rock image credit: hPp://

Muenster Meats is one of very few business in Muenster. The sign is oVen vandalized to say Muenster Eats. Steak image credit: hPp://

This is the Railway Street the home of most of Muensters businesses. The businesses include a Co-op grocery store and a Credit Union.

Muenster Hotel is clearly a very old building that is in need of upgrades. Muenster Powder CoaOng (MPC) is a thriving business.


The East end of Railway Street is where this house sits the yard and owers are always well-kept and inviOng.


Each year around the end of August, there is corn ready to pick on the grounds of St. Peters College. The public is allowed to pick and buy cobs of corn. Payment is based on the honour system.


Along the south edge of the village, there is a railway line.


Just south of the railway tracks in St. Peters College. Muenster is known as The Hub of St. Peters Colony. St. Peters College is a strong symbol of Muensters history and future!


Somebody call the Grammar Police! This path leads into an organic crop being grown at St. Peters College. In the winter this path is open and is very popular with snowmobilers. It leads into trails that go through trees.


Rather than traveling through the eld, you can walk under the shade of two rows of beauOful old trees.


This wound on a tree caught my aPenOon. It looks like a heart!


Due to the dry gravel roads, the walk can be very dusty when vehicles drive by.


St. Peters grounds house many dierent buildings. Many of these buildings will be showcased in the next slides.


This is one of the corn elds where the public can come to pick corn.


The building on the leV gives an indicaOon of the age of St. Peters Colony. The building on the right is where Muenster residents come to pick up mail. It is inconveniently located outside of the village.


St. Peters Press is a mainstay of the Muenster area. It has been ediOng and prinOng the Prairie Messenger journal for years. Nowadays they also do graphic design, prinOng and sort the mail for the post oce.


This is Michael Hall, which is the main building of St. Peters College. St. Peters College is aliated with the University of Saskatchewan and oers rst and second year courses. Michael Hall underwent major renovaOons and upgrades in the past few years.


This is a very nice birdhouse in the design of Michael Hall!


On the grounds of St. Peters is an abbey. There are a number of BenedicOne Catholic monks who live and worship on these grounds. Many keep to themselves. This tower always reminds me of Lord of the Rings!


A view of St. Peters from the east. The building on the leV is a church. To the right are the residences and Michael Hall in the background. AVer this, we headed back into Muenster. Church image credit: hPp://


Another business in Muenster is Eastside LiquidaOon! This business sells overstock or returned appliances at very compeOOve prices. It is located just o of Highway 5.


Muenster School oers a K-12 educaOon. It has an enrolment of approximately 170 students. School bus image credit: hPp://


This is where we began our walk but now facing north.


We have arrived home at 109 Taphorn Street.


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