Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering: Duration: 90 Mins Unit Test-I Part A (9 2 18)

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Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering

YEAR/SEM: II/III Duration : 90 mins SUB.CODE/TITLE: EC2204 Signals & Systems

(B) i) Determine if the following signals are periodic or not. If they are periodic, calculate the period?(12) a) X(t) = cos(4t)+2 sin(8t) b) x(t)=3 cos(4t) + sin(t) ii) what is the difference between unit sample response sequence and unit step response?(4)

UNIT TEST-I PART A (9*2=18) 1. Define signal? 2. Define even and odd signals? 3. Compare energy and power signals? 4. Define linear and nonlinear systems? 5. Define causal and noncausal systems? 6. What is bounded signal? What is BIBO stability? 7. Define periodic and nonperiodic signals? 8. State the condition of periodicity 9. Prove that x(t)=A cos 0t is a periodic signal? PART B (2*16=32)


Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering

YEAR/SEM: II/III Duration : 90 mins SUB.CODE/TITLE: EC2204 Signals & Systems

PART A 1. Define signal?

UNIT TEST-I (9*2=18)

2. Define even and odd signals? 3. Compare energy and power signals? 4. Define linear and nonlinear systems? 5. Define causal and noncausal systems? 6. What is bounded signal? What is BIBO stability? 7. Define periodic and nonperiodic signals? 8. State the condition of periodicity 9. Prove that x(t)=A cos 0t is a periodic signal? PART B (2*16=32)

10.(A) Write in detail the classification of system with example? (or) (B) What are the basic operation performed on a signal explain in detail? 11.(A)Explain in detail the elementary signals or standard signals used in signals and systems? (or)

10.(A) Write in detail the classification of system with example? (or)

(B) What are the basic operation performed on a signal explain in detail? 11.(A)Explain in detail the elementary signals or standard signals used in signals and systems? (or) (B) i) Determine if the following signals are periodic or not. If they are periodic, calculate the period?(12) b) X(t) = cos(4t)+2 sin(8t) b) x(t)=3 cos(4t) + sin(t) ii) what is the difference between unit sample response sequence and unit step response?(4)

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