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MUET Listening Practice/Test: Part 1- Practice 7 (Cycling) For Question 1, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

1. Cycling is considered particularly good because when one cycles.

For Questions 2,3, and 4, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 5 WORDS.

In the space provided below, list the benefits of cycling: 2 . 3 . 4

For Question 5 and 6, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

What are the basis of general fitness? 5 6

For Question 7 and 8, circle the correct answer.

7. Which of the following is an indicator of a communities livability

A. Cycling B. Quality of life C. Improved bikeways

8. Cycling in cities and towns creates a sense that

A. These place are safe B. The air in these places are clean C. The people in these places are active

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