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The 3Rs Fitness Regime for Managers, Leaders and Organizations

The 3R Fitness Regime prepares leaders and organization to meet and overcome the challenges of a demanding, stressful and complex world.

The 3Rs program presents three competencies critical for managers, supervisors, leaders and organizations to sustain their performance and competitive edge in demanding and stressful situations and business climates. The 3 Rs: Renewal, Resiliency and Relationships address critical concepts and skills that are at the core of performance and competitiveness. Renewal focuses on skills that assist in maintaining ones physical, emotional and mental alertness, energy and readiness for change. Resiliency addresses core attitudes that have a proven positive effect on managing and overcoming stressful and adverse situations. Relationships are the keys to professional and organizational competitiveness and success. How team members work together and interact with consumers is the link that separates high performing and competitive organizations from the rest of the pack. No amount of technology can make up for one bad interaction between a customer and an employee.

Learning Objectives and Key Take Aways: 1. Learn 3 elements of Renewal that will keep you and your organization Fit and Ready in mastering change and complexity. 2. Learn 3 Resilient attitudes that will assist you and your organization from falling into adversity victimization. 3. Learn 5 values that will reward you with relationships you can count in demanding times and strengthen consumer connectivity. 4. Learn how to develop and apply emotional intelligence skills in reducing stress and improving personal, team and organizational performance. 5. Learn what it takes and how to become an Influential and Relational Leader.
Who Should Attend: This program is designed for anyone who has responsibility for improving individual and team performance. It can also be customized for organizations to utilize in their work/life programs. Tom Wojick 401-263-5500

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