Sociology - "Religion Activity," Week #8

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Dylan John Mazziotti

SS205: Sociology, Week 08 Activity Religion Activity

The concept of religion has three major elements. Firstly, the belief that things are sacred or set apart for specific purposes. Next are practices, which are rituals or ceremonies that center on the things considered sacred. The last element is a moral community or church of a like-minded group who share beliefs and practices.

Churches are highly bureaucratized or strictly set to defined rules, generally with national or international headquarters that give counsel to local congregations, defines who can be ordained, and has financial control. The Mormon Church is consider one of the largest churches in the world, with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Mormon church has a prophet as their primary leader.

Cults are new or different religions whose teachings and practices, who are generally considered weird or bizarre, and are put at odds with the dominant culture s and religions. Scientology is considered as cult with because of their strange ceremonies like audits, that process the person to a certain way of thinking in order to free themselves.

Ecclesia are so tied to their culture and strongly allied with their government, that it is difficult to tell where one leaves off and the other takes over and together try to shape society. The Islam or Muslim religion is considered Ecclesia in many areas of the

Middle East where the laws of the land are written based on teaching in the Quran and other teachings.

Sect is larger than a cult, but its members feel tension between their views and the prevailing beliefs and values of a broader society. The Mormon faith has had many sects over the years holding on to old beliefs from the churchs past that have changed. One sect split from the LDS church still practices polygamy, which is the practice of having multiple wives and many have been persecuted for doing so..

In closing, these different forms of religion are basically serve as levels of dedication from living every moment of your life in it or if it an element of your self preservation.

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