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School year: 2011-2012




Pro 1 ei d I T UT N F N L H0 NR CI O E GI 1 O S

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Educational aim: Help St have a basic knowledge in studying English at grade 10 Teachers activities A. Greeting and introducing B. Giving St some guides to study and to do tests: I. Purposes and demands of English subject: 1. Purposes: - Compelling subject in high school and university - Being good for job and communication, especially with conditions of location 2. Demands: - Having a necessary vocabulary asset - Having a thorough grasp of basically grammar points - Accumulating some experiences in studying skills II. Units and Structures: 1. Units : 16 units are divided into 2 terms Each unit has 5 sections: reading, language focus, writing, speaking and listening Each sections has 3 parts: before, while and after III. Program allocation: IV. Tests: Oral test: 1 or 2 times/term 15 minutes test: 3 times/term 45 minutes test: 2 times/term same Final test: 1 time/term content The amount of money to serve for this subject V. Methods to study English effectively: - Paying attention in class - Participating actively in class - Practicing reading in class and at home - Taking notes carefully and clearly - Learning by heart all theories (forms) - Doing homework and practicing more - Listening English channel on radio, television or on the Internet, etc. Asking St prepare 2 notebooks VI. Duties of St: - Studying actively and discuss straightly with teacher improving learning result - Working out good plan about learning this subject and targets to reach - Good attitude during the class C. Taking notes the opinions of St: let St discuss D. Homework: Preparing Unit 1 - Reading Students activities - Greeting and introducing - Listening and taking notes

- Discussing and giving opinions - Taking notes




Unit 1: A day in the life of.. Period 3: Reading

I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their daily routines by learning a typical day of a farmer 2. Lexical items: Words related to daily activities. 3. Structures / Grammar: It takes (sb.) + time + to do sth. Some questions about daily routine 4. Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information about a day in the life of a farmer II. Procedure:

Teachers activities 1. Warm up: (3) Ask Ss to match A and B. Then ask one or two Ss answer their results. - Give the answer to Ss. * Match following jobs (A) to the right places of work (B): Lead in the new lesson: There are a lot of jobs and each of them has their own characteristic. Today we are learning a day in the life of farmer to understand and sympathize with farmers everyday work. 2. Before you read: (10) Ask Ss to work in pairs. Tell them to ask and answer about their daily routines by using the cues: - What time/you/often get up? - What time/you/have breakfast/go to school? - What/you often do in the morning/ afternoon /evening? Ask some of Ss to do their conversation in front of

Students activities 1. Warm up: - Matching - One or two Ss answer their results. A B 1. Teacher a. Factory 2. Doctor b. Market 3. Farmer c. School 4. Worker d. Field 5. Seller e. Hospital Keys: 1c 2e 3d 4a 5b 2. Before you read: - Pair work Answer: I often get up at 6 oclock. I have breakfast at quarter to seven. I often do my homework in the morning. - Some Ss will ask and answer.




class. Listen to conversation and correct pronunciation or grammar if necessary. Ask Ss to look at the picture in the book. Show Ss to know about farmers daily routines. Pre-teach vocabulary: - Give some new words with their expressions and Vietnamese meaning to Ss on the blackboard. - Have Ss repeat the new words in chorus and then in individual. - Ask Ss to make sentences with the above words to make sure they understand their meanings. 3. While you read: (2) Ask Ss to look through two passages and read in silence. Help Ss read the text loudly in whole class then in individual. Correct the pronunciation mistakes. a. Task 1: (5) Multiple choice Ask Ss to do task 1 by choosing the option A, B or C that best suit the meaning of the italicized words. Advise Ss to read the passages quickly and stop at the lines that contain the word to guess the closest meaning. Help Ss with new words if necessary. Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers. Ask them translate their choice into Vietnamese.

- Look at the picture and listen to the teacher. - Write new words in Ss notebooks. - Repeat new words. - Make sentences with new words above. 3. While you read: - Read the text in silence. - Listen to the teacher then read passages. a. Task 1: Multiple choice - Do task 1 individually or in group.

- Read and translate their answer. Then write them down in the note books. Keys: 1. 1. C ( goes off = rings) 2. C ( to get ready = to prepare) 3. A ( chat = talk in a friendly way) 4. A ( contented with = satisfied with) b. Task 2: Answering question b. Task 2: (12 ) Answering question - Work in pairs. Let Ss work in pairs, try to answer questions in right - Practice with a partner in front of class then write way then ask some pairs to do the task in front of class. them into blackboard and down in the note books. - walk around to give help if any Suggested answer: Give feedback and suggested answers. 1. Hes a peasant/farmer. 2. He gets up at 4:30 and then he goes down to the kitchen to boil some water for his morning tea. 3. In the morning, he ploughs and harrows his plot of land, drinks tea and smokes local tobacco during his break. 4. In the afternoon, they repair the banks of their plot of land. Mr.Vy pumps water into it while his wife does the transplant. 5. Yes, they are. Because they love working and they love their children. c. Task 3: Note completion - Work in groups. c. Task 3: (9) Note completion Divide class into 4 groups and ask each group to scan - Appoint a represent for group to give answer on the passage and make a brief note about Mr.Vy and the board. Mrs.Tuyet s daily routines. In the - 4:30: the alarm goes off and Mr.Vy Ask groups to show their answers to compare and give morning gets up, goes down the kitchen, boils





4. After you read: (3) Ask Ss to look at the picture in textbook and the chart theyve finished then tell aloud the daily routines of two farmers in two passages after closing the book. Listen to students and correct mistakes. 5.Homework: (1) Write a passage about the daily routines of Mr.Vy and Mrs.Tuyet (about 50 words). Ask students to do reading exercise of Unit 1 in workbook and prepare Part B: Speaking.

water for tea, drink tea, has quick breakfast, leads buffalo to field. 5:15: leaves house 5:30: arrives in the field, ploughs and harrows 7:45: Take a break 10:30: goes home 11:30:has lunch In the - 2:30p.m: Mr.Vy and Mrs. Tuyet go afternoon to the field again, repair the banks of the plot of land. He pumps water into the plot of land. She does transplanting. 6:00p.m : finish work 7:00p.m:have dinner In the - Watch TV, go to bed. evening sometimes visit neighbors, chat with them. 4. After you read: - Look at the picture and remember the chart to be able to give the short talk about farmers daily routines in front of class. 5.Homework: - Write a passage about the daily routines of Mr.Vy and Mrs.Tuyet (about 50 words). - Do reading exercise of Unit 1 in workbook and prepare Part B: Speaking.

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Unit 1: A day in the life of Period 4: Speaking

I. Objectives: 1. Educational aims: Ss can talk about Quans activities, using the pictures in the text book and talk about their daily activities 2. Lexical items: Words related to sts daily activities 3. Structures/ grammar: The simple present tense Telling the time II. Procedures Teachers activities (1)- Check attendance. - Check the previous lesson and give marks. 1. Warm up: (5) - Prepare cards in which words relating to subjects are omitted some letters. I_f_ _ma_ _on T_ _hno_ _gy M_ t_ s _ _olo_ _ _ eo_ _ _phy _hy_ic_ _ E_u_ _tio_ Lit_r_ _ure P_ _ _ics Ci_ _c Ed_c_ _io_ Cl_ _ _ M_ _ ti_ _ Ch_ mi_ _ ry _ _sto_ _ - Check and explains the words that most students dont know - Introduction of the new lesson: Last time we studied about a typical day of farmers. Today we will talk about Quans typical day Vocabulary: - civic education: GDCD - information technology: CNTT - class meeting: SH lp * Lead into the new lesson: Last time we studied a typical day of a farmer. Today, we will observe daily routines of a student. His name is Quan 2. Activity 1: (5) Review of telling the time Give handout and ask Ss to match a number in A with a suitable phrase in B. Then calls on two Ss speak their answer. - Correct Ss answers (further teach the method to speak the time) A B 1. 7:15 a. a quarter to seven pm. 2. 8:05 b. half past five pm Students activities 1. Warm up: - Sts fill the missing letters and give the Vietnamese meaning of those words. Those who can finish most words will win the game. Information Technology Maths Biology Geography Physical Education Literature Physics Civic Education Class Meeting Chemistry History

- Take note new words

2. Activity 1: Review of telling the time - Matching - Ss do the exercise - Two Ss speak their answer Keys: 1g 2f 3e 4d 5c 6b 7a




3. 8:55 c. five oclock pm 4. 10:40 d. twenty to eleven 5. 17:00 e. five to nine 6. 16:30 f. five past eight 7. 18:45 g. a quarter past seven - Ask Ss practice in pairs by using the cues: What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6 oclock (fifteen to six/five fortyfive, five thirty/half past five, five-fifteen/quarter past five) - Call on some pairs practice in front of class. 3. Activity 2: (12) Task 1 Set the scene: introduce the situation and the examples in the textbook. Quan is a tenth-grade student. He goes to school every morning. Now, look at his weekly timetable on page 15. Ask and answer questions with a partner, using the information from the timetable. Ex: What time does Quan have a civic education lesson on Sunday? He has a civic education lesson at 7:15 am. Ask Ss work in pairs (using the information in the textbook to practice with each other) - Goes round the class to help Ss do the task - Then ask Ss to tell about the timetable of their class by using following cue: What lesson do you have on Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday? I have (a/an) History/English.lesson/class on Monday/. - Call out some pairs to check their conversation. 4. Activity 3: (13) Task 2 Ask Ss to look at the pictures and find verbs showing activities in each picture. Then confirm the verbs that Ss suggest and offer some other verbs if necessary

- Work in pairs by using the cues

- T practice before class 3. Activity 2: Task 1 - Observe Ts action - Ss look at the timetable in page 15 and read 2 examples in pairs so that they can understand the aim of the task.

- Work in pairs: ask and answer. - Tell about the timetable of their class

- Present their conversation 4. Activity 3: Task 2 - Try to find verbs relate to actions in pictures.

Get up, study, watch TV, go to the stadium by bicycle, play football, come back home, take a shower, have




dinner, review his lesson - Ask Ss to work in groups to talk about Quans activities, using the pictures in Task 2. Walk round and help them. - Ask some Ss to stand up to talk again loudly. Listen and correct mistakes. 5. Activity 4: (8) Task 3 - Ask Ss to work in groups of 3 to 4 and talk about their daily routines. - Call on some Ss to present in front of the class. - Have other Ss comment on presenters' performance regarding content and pronunciation. - Feedback and give comment. 6. Wrapping: (3) Summarize the main point Today weve reviewed the way to speak the time, ask for and give information from a timetable. Moreover, you can tell your daily activities fluently. Especially youve learnt words related to the daily routines. I hope you will practice more at home. Assign homework - Write a short paragraph (50 words) about Ss daily activities. - Prepare Unit 1 Listening

- Work in groups to do task 2. - Stand up to talk again loudly 5. Activity 4: Task 3 - Work in groups to do task 3. - Some Ss present and others will comment. - Comment on presenters' performance regarding content and pronunciation. 6. Wrapping: - Summarize the main point

- Write a short paragraph (50 words) about Ss daily activities. - Prepare Unit 1 Listening

Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................







Unit 1: A day in the life of. Period 5: Listening

I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Help Ss to be aware of life of laborers appreciate with them 2. Lexical items: Words related to traffic activities (especially to a cycles activities) 3. Structures/Grammar: II. Procedure:

Teacher s activities I. Checking the old lesson: (1) II. Warm-up: (5) - T shows 4 pictures drawing means of transportation ( bus, taxi, cyclo, bicycle) - T asks Ss to tell names of means of transportation - T and Ss give comments - Give some statements: He has a cyclo He drives passenger everyday He usually has meal at a foodstall - Give question: Who is he?(he is a cyclo dirver) Lead to the new lesson: If you want to know more details about daily activities of a cyclo driver, we will go to Unit 1- part Listening III. Pre-listening: 1. Activity 1: (8) - Put question in textbook and ask some Ss to answer: Have you ever traveled by cyclo? When was it? Is it interesting to traveled by cyclo? - Which do you prefer, going by bicycle or by cyclo? Why? Do you think the job of a cyclo driver is hard? Do you want to know about a day in the life of a cyclo driver? Now you will hear a tape about it. But before you listen to it, you'll have to practice reading some new words which appear while you are listening. - Read loudly and ask Ss repeat - Listen and check pronunciation routine office pedal purchases + district drop passengers ride park food stall +

Students activities I. Checking the old lesson: II. Warm-up: - Look at the pictures and tell the names of means of transportation.

- Answer Ts question

III. Pre-listening: 1. Activity 1: - Listen to the teacher and open textbooks - Ss answer questions

- Write and speak loudly these words.




take Sb from somewhere to somewhere 2. Activity 2: (3) - Ask students to look at the pictures about some activities of Mr Lam, a cyclo driver and predict the content of the listening. Then ask Ss to put the pictures in the order they think is right. T may write some Ss' answers on the board to compare later. IV. While listening: Task 1: (13) - Introduce the situation of the listening: You will hear Mr.Lam, a cyclo driver in HCMC talks about hic morning activities. The pictures in your textbook describe his activities. Listen to the tape and then number the pictures in their correct order - Play tape 3 times: * T plays the tape the first time & stops for several seconds to see if Ss have the answers or not. * T plays the tape the second time & stops to get the answer from Ss. * T plays the tape and stops the tape at each picture so that Ss can have the most exact information. Task 2: (14) - Ask Ss to look through the sentences in task 2. - Ask Ss to listen to the tapescript again and decide whether the statements are T or F. - Ask Ss to tell their keys and give reasons for their answers. V. Post listening: (2) - Let Ss work in pairs and ask them to ask and answer questions about Mr Lams activities, using the cues in the textbook. - Walk round and help students. - Ask some students to stand up and retell Mr Lams story to the class. - Listen and correct mistakes. - Ask Ss to prepare Unit1 - writing

2. Activity 2: - Try to guess the content and give their orders.

IV. While listening: Task 1: - Listen and do task 1

- Read sentences in task 2 then listen tapescript and do it. Keys: 1-e, 2-f, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-d

Task 2: - Work in pairs to practice speaking about Mr.Lams activities. Keys: 1.F- 2.T- 3.F- 4.F- 5.F- 6.F V. Post listening: - Work in pairs to ask and answer

- Volunteer to retell Mr.Lams story in front of class. - Prepare Unit 1 -writing

Tape script:

Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................




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Unit 1: A day in the life of Period 6: Writing

I. Objectives: 1. Educational aims: - Ss know how to write a narrative (about content, language, structures) - Ss can write a narrative about problems on a flight or a fire in a hotel using given prompts. 2. Lexical items: Words related to problems on a flight or a fire. 3. Structures/Grammar: - The simple past of verbs - The connectors often used in a narrative (time expression). 4. Teaching aids: some pictures showing flying accidents or hotel fires. II. Procedures:

Teachers activities I. Checking the old lesson: (3) II. Warm-up: (3) # Ask Ss some questions: LE QUY DON HIGH SCHOOL UNIT 1 Have you ever heard or seen a terrible accident? 10 When and where did you see it? How did you feel? # Lead to the new lesson: Today we will learn how to write about some terrible experiences. III. Content: Activity 1: Task 1 (10) Ask student to read the narrative in task 1 Explain some new words and expression: o Stare death in the face: i mt t thn o Be due to + inf,: v o Stay seated: ngi yn o fasten ones seat belt: tht dy an ton o be in danger: b nguy him o scream in panic: la ht trong s hi o dip (v): nho xung o overjoyed (a): vui mng khn xit o relieved (a): nh nhm Ask students to work in groups and look through the passage again and find all the verbs that are used in the past simple and the connectors (time expression) Walk around, check and help students Call on some Ss to give their answer. Comment and correction.

Students activities I. Checking the old lesson II. Warm-up: - Answer questions


III. Content: Activity 1: Task 1 - Read the narrative. - Write and practice pronunciation

Activity 2: Task 2 (13) Explain the instruction of Task 2 Explain to Ss the format of a narrative: the events, the - look at the list on a poster. climax, and the conclusion.. Prepares a list of all the events on a poster: - I arrived at the airport... - we got on the plane... - the plane took off... - the airhostesses were just beginning to serve.... - the plane began to shake.... - we thought.... - we were told to stay.... - the plane seemed to dip.... - we realized.... - many people screamed... - we all thought we had only minutes to live - we felt the plane slowly gained height... - the pilot announced that..... - we were all overjoyed..... - we landed..... Asks Ss to work in groups to identify the events, the climax and the conclusion. Then call a S to underline the events on poster with a yellow marker, the climax with a red marker and the conclusion with a blue one. Checks Ss' answers.

- Work in groups, find verbs and connectors Keys: - Verbs in past simple: started, was, arrived, got took off, began, thought, were, told, seemed, realized, were, screamed, thought, felt, announced, was, landed. - Connectors: on that day, at first, then, just, a few minutes later, once hour later. Activity 2: Task 2 - listen to T - take note if any

- Group work

- Report their answer. Keys: The events: got the plane, plane took off, hostesses were just beginning to serve lunch when the plane began to shake, plane seemed to dip, people screamed in panic...




Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................




Unit 1: A day in the life of Period 7: Language focus

I. Objectives: 1.Educational aim: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: * Distinguish the sounds / I / & / i: / in speech * Review the usages of the present & past simple tense & be better at using adverbs of frequency in communication as well as writing (by talking their daily activities).Help Ss speak and write English exactly. 2. Skills: Improve students speaking and writing skill. II. Method: integrated, communicative approach. III. Procedures:

Teacher activities Student activities I. Checking the old lesson: (3) I. Checking the old lesson: - Call 2 Ss to go to the blackboard and write stories about - Ss do the task on BB while the rest of class daily routines as assigned in the previous lesson in the does it in their notebook. LE QUY DON HIGH SCHOOL UNIT LESSON PLAN BB (or read some words and sentences for Ss to write.) 1 10 - Feedback and give marks. II. Warm up: (3) II. Warm up: - look at the pictures and answer questions.

Show each pictures to Ss and ask : What can you see in this picture? Introduce lesson: lead into the new lesson after asks Ss to pay attention to the pronunciation of the two vowels. As you see in the example Ive give you above, the pronunciation of two words is nearly similar but they also have difference. And today well study two different ways to pronounce the sound /I/ and /i:/ III. Pronunciation: (5) Ask Ss look at their book and listen the pronunciation of the two vowels carefully. Help Ss distinguish these two sounds by pronouncing slowly and clearly. Instruct the way to pronounce * /i:/ is a long sound: open your mouth very little. * /i/ is a short sound: open your mouth a little more. Ask Ss look at word columns in the book. Firstly, read column /I/ then column /i:/. Secondly, read each pair of words (hit-heat) first and ask Ss to repeat. Divide class into 2 groups to practice in turn b/w 2 vowels then ask Ss to practice in pairs in front of class. Read sentences and ask Ss to repeat. Then call a S to read and tell what words contain sound /I/ or /i:/ Correct mistake if necessary. IV. Grammar and vocabulary: Review the simple present tense: (5) Call some Ss to answer some question regarding the use and form of the present simple tense: Please tell me the form of the present simple tense.(T writes this form while S tells) When do we use this tense? What adverbs of frequency does it go with?

- Answer ( ship, sheep, sheep on a ship) - Listen to T

III. Pronunciation: - Look at the book and listen to T - Look at the T - Look at the books, listen to T and repeat in chorus. - Practice in pairs. - Listen and repeat. Find words contain sound /I/ or /i:/ IV. Grammar and vocabulary: Review the simple present tense: - Answer and write in notebook. Form: S + to be (am/is/are) / V_s/es Rules: - general truth or natural law - habitual activities (every.. - present state or condition (seem, know,..) - planned or scheduled future events - future time in adverb clauses - in real and predictive conditional sentences Exercise 1: - Group work

Exercise 1: (12) Ask Ss to work in group 3 or 4 to complete the blanks in the passage using the correct simple present. (T walks around class and helps Ss when necessary). - Report results. Call Ss report each of result and correct it. Then have Key: 1. is 2. fish 3. worry 4. are 5. catch a S read a completed passage. 6. am 7. catch 8. go 9. give up 10. say 11. realize 12. am *** Confirm the rule to use adverbs of *** Confirm the rule to use adverbs of frequency in frequency in sentences: sentences: * Use - Write this rule in notebook. -Adverbs of frequency show how often something




Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................

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