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Unit 2: School talks Period 8: Reading

I. Objectives: 1. Aim: Ss will better their reading comprehension skills by doing True or False exercise, answering questions and brain storming By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about topics related to their school 2. Grammar and structures: Simple present tense Verbs + to infinitive Verbs + V-ing 3. Lexical items: Words related to activities at school II. Procedures: Teachers activities I. Warm up: (5) Chatting - Ask Ss some questions Where do you spend most of your time, at home or at school? What topics do you often talk to each other when you are at school? + Sport and games + Holidays + Entertainment + Films + Health problems + Weather + Hobbies + Work and study - Encourages Ss to talk about topics that are not mentioned in book. II. Before you read: (8) - Give handouts of new words to Ss o Corner shop (n) ca hng gc ph o Household (adj) trong gia nh o Household work cng vic nh o To be stuck in traffic b kt xe o Weight (n) trng lng o Mall (n) ph bun bn ln o Shopper (n) ngi i mua sm o Similar (adj) tng t o Attitude (n) thi o Opinion (n) quan im o Safety (n) s an ton o Profession (n) ngh nghip - Read new words loudly in Vietnamese and ask Ss to read in E. Correct the pronunciation if necessary. - Introduce some verbs that are followed by to + inf and some followed by V-ing o Like, enjoy, Love + V-ing, o Want, Hope, Decide + to inf III. While you read: (6) - Set the scene: You are going to read three talks given Students activities I. Warm up: Chatting - Work in pairs and discuss the question.

II. Before you read: - Look through handouts. - Practice the pronunciation. - Ss do some examples using these verbs.

III. While you read:



by a teacher, a student and a fathers student. Read them and do the tasks. - Give some specific phrase and explain the meaning - Ask Ss to work in pairs, practice and try to translate into V (4minutes). -Ask Ss to answer some question about the information of 3 talks. - Confirm Ss understand the meaning of 3 talks. Task 1: Gap-Filling (4) - Have Ss work independently. - Ask Ss to answer in whole class (correct if necessary) Task 2: (5) Finding who - Ask Ss to work in pairs and find out who - Ask Ss to answer and explain their answers. - Feedback and correct.

Write phrases in notebook. - Work in pairs( time limited) - Answer the question (in whole class or individual) Task 1: Gap-Filling - Work individually - Answer in whole class Keys: 1. enjoy 2. worry 3. worry 4. crowded 5. language Task 2: Finding who - Work in pairs to find out who - Answer and explain Keys: Miss Phuong: enjoys teaching, loves working with children, teaches E. at a high school Phong: has to get up early, lives far from school, loves learning E., rides a bicycle to school every day, studies at a highschool everyday. Mr.Ha: worries someones safety Task 3: Answer question - Answer and translate their answer into Vietnamese. Keys: 1. He studies at Chu Van An high school. 2. He studies many subject such as: Maths, physics, chemistry 3. Because its an international language 4. she says that teaching is hard work, but she enjoys it because she loves working with children. 5. Because his son has to ride his bike in narrow and crowded streets on the way to school. IV. After you read: - Work in groups, discuss the topics with whole groups.

Task 3: (12) Answer question - Ask Ss to answer the question in the book and translate their answer into V. - Feedback and correct if necessary.

IV. After you read: (7) - Ask Ss to work in groups, choose one of then topics in the book to discuss + What subjects do you like best? Why? + What do you like or dislike doing at school? + What are you worry about at school? - Walk around, offer help if necessary. V. Homework: (1) - Write Ss topics at home. - Ask Ss to prepare Unit 2 Speaking

- Practice in front of class about the topic his/her group have chosen. V. Homework: (1) - Write topics at home. - Prepare Unit 2 Speaking

Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................



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Unit 2: School talks Period 9: - Speaking

I. Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use common expressions in making small talks. They can know how to start and close a conversation 1. Grammar and structures: Some common expressions to start and close a conversation Simple present and simple past tenses 2. Lexical items: Words related to daily situations such as work, studies, health, and weather, so on II. Teaching aids: Some paper cards III. Procedures: Teachers activities I. Warm-up: (5) - T gives out 5 sentences whose words are not in correct order. Each of these words is written on a paper card 1. has, nice, to, you, talking, been, it, very 2. weekend, did, nice, have, a, you 3. school, everything, how, at, is? 4. sorry, go, Ive got, later, to, to, you, talk - T gives feedback and asks Ss when these sentences are used - T introduces the new lesson: Today we will practise conversations with starting and closing sentences II. Content: Activity 1: (3) - Raise the questions: 1. What do you think about greeting? 2. How many kinds of greeting? 3. How can you say when you meet teacher in the morning? 4. How can you say when you meet your friend in the morning? 5. How can you say to your teacher when your school finishes? Task 1: (5) These expressions are commonly used when people are chatting. Place them under the appropriate heading then practise with a partner - Give instruction - Introduce some expressions that we can use to start and close a conversation: a. Good morning Mr.Chau! b. How are you? Hi How are you doing? Hello Hows everything? Hows your work? c. Nice to see you! d. Have a nice weekend! Students activities I. Warm-up: - Each group will rearrange a sentence into its correct order - A representative will stick the cards with right order on the blackboard 1. It has been nice talking to you 2. Did you have a nice weekend? 3. How is everything at school? 4. Sorry, Ive got to go. Talk to you later II. Content: Activity 1: - Look at the questions and answer questions. Answers 1. It is important 2. There are 2. They are:- People who use greetings when they meet to each other - People use greetings when they say goodbye to each other 3. Good morning 4. Good morning/ Hi/ Hello 5. Goodbye/ Bye bye/ See you again Task 1: - Listen to the expressions - Do the task - Give answers: * Starting a conversation: - Good morning - Hows everything at school? - Hello. How are you? - Hello, what are you doing? - Hi, how is school?



Good evening! Great trip! e. Did you have a nice weekend! evening! trip! flight! f. Whats the matter with you! g. I have a headache. your eyes! toothache your back! backache your leg! stomachache - Ask student to place the expressions under the appropriate heading - Ask student to work individually then work in groups - Give suggestions Task 2: (10) Rearrange the following sentences to make a conversation and then practise it with a partner - Ask students to rearrange the sentences to make a conversation - Ask students to work individually then in pairs - Walk around the class to help student when necessary - Check and give suggestions - Ask student to practise it with a partner - Corrects students pronunciation if necessary Task 3: (10) Complete the following conversation with suitable words, phrases or sentences in the box and then practise it with a partner - Ask students to complete the conversation with suitable words - Ask students to read all words in the box o Whats the matter with you? C chuyn g xy ra vi bn vy? o Awful (adj) khng khip o Headache (n) au u o Cold (n) cm lnh o Backache (n) au lng o Toothache (n) au rng o Sorry to hear that Mnh ly lm tic khi nghe vy o Should = Had better ( d better) nn - Give the meaning of some words when necessary - Ask students to work individually then work in pairs - Walk around the class to help students when necessary - Check and give suggestions - Ask students to practise this conversation - Correct their pronunciation when necessary Task 4: (11) Make small talks on the following topics, using the

* Closing the conversation: - Sorry. Ive to go. Talk to you later - Well. Its been nice talking to you - Goodbye. See you later -Great. Ill see you tomorrow. Catch up with you later

Task 2: - rearrange

- work individually - Do the task Keys: D- E- B- H- F- C-G - Practise with partners Task 3: - Do task 3 - Work in pairs - Complete the conversation - Read all words in the box

Model: A. Hello Hoa. You dont look very happy Whats he matter with you? B. Hi Nam. I feel awful. Ive got a headache A. Sorry to hear that Youd better go home and have a rest. B. Yes. Thats a great idea. Goodbye, Nam. A. See you later. Task 4: - Do task 4 - Work in groups



starting and ending of a conversation - Divide the class into 4 groups - Ask each group to discuss one topic and make a small conversation - Walk around the class and help all students when necessary - Ask students to present the conversations - Give comments Model 2. Last nights TV programmes A: Hi. How are you today? B: Hello. Im fine. Thanks. Did you watch TV last night? A: Its a pity. I had a lot of homework to do last night. Is there anything interesting? B: Yes. There was an exciting football match on VTV3 and a good film on HTV7 A: Oh, I think I will try to finish my work early to have time for TV B: What about going to the canteen for a drink? A: Maybe next time. Ive got to go now. Catch you later B: Goodbye for now III. Post-speaking: (1) - Ask students to practise all conversations again - Ask Ss to prepare Unit 2 - Listening

- Practise the conversation Answer: A: Hi, Minh. How was your trip to Da Lat? B: Hi, Huy. It was wonderful A: What was the weather like in Da Lat? B: It was cool. A: Really? I love it, too. * Plans for the next weekend: A: Hello, Nga. B: Hi, Lan. A: Are you free on Friday? Would you like to go to the cinema next weekend? B: Thanks. But I have a plan to go out with Lan. A: Oh, bye B: Bye - Practise all the conversation again

III. Post-speaking: - Practise all conversations again - Prepare Unit 2 - Listening

Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................





Unit 2: School talks Period 10: Listening

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make mini conversations about daily topics such as study at school, weather, and travelling... Grammar and structures: Present continuous tense Be going to Would you like ...? II. Procedures: Teachers activities I. Checking old lesson: (5) Words and phrases II. Warm-up: (3) - T writes some sentences on the blackboard and asks Ss to make questions: 1. Yes, some orange juice please 2. Were taking English 3. The beach here is wonderful 4. No, Im travelling alone - T lets Ss read their questions and corrects them if necessary - T reviews the structure Would you like...? III. Before you listen: (5) - Chatting to Ss by using follow questions: 1. What subjects are you taking in this semester? 2. How do you like your class? 3. Are you enjoy attending/taking part in a party? (Have you ever enjoyed a party? And where?) 4. How long are you staying there? 5. Did you friend invite you have a drink in the party? 6. What did your friend say to invite you? - Through questions T asked Ss above, T asks Ss to match A with B by using the options similar to their answers. IV. While you listen: Task 1: Matching (5) - T asks Ss to work in pairs, one put the question about pictures and the other answer by using Wh-question - If time is not limited, T can ask one pair to practice in front of class. - T plays the tape one time then asks Ss to match pictures with the right conversation. Task 2: Answer questions (12) - T asks Ss to read all questions to understand the content of questions and decide the right content they should listen. - T explains what questions Ss dont understand.(if necessary) - T plays the tape two times: the first time for Ss take note Students activities I. Checking old lesson: Words and phrases II. Warm-up: - Observe answers on board and make questions Suggested questions: 1. Would you like something to drink? 2. What subjects are you taking this semester? 3. How is the beach here? 4. Are you travelling with your family? III. Before you listen: - Answer Ts questions: 1. Maths, Literature, Biology, Physics. 2. +I really like it 3. Yes, I am (Yes, I have. In) 4. Till the end of the party. 5. Yes, he did 6. He said: Would you like to have a drink? - Matching Ex: P1: Where are they? How many people are there in the picture?......... IV. While you listen: Task 1: Matching - Work in pairs Keys: C1: Pb C2: Pc C3: Pd C4: Pa Task 2: Answer questions - Read and translate the questions. - Listen to 4 conversations and take note - Give their answers: 1. She takes English 2. She is in Miss Lan Phuongs class 3. He is at a party



the answers, the second time for Ss check the answer again - T reads the questions and asks whole class tell their results. T writes Ss answers on BB then corrects it if necessary. Task 3: Fill the blank (8) - T plays the tape once more time for Ss to listen and write the information in the blanks. - T asks Ss to discuss their results with each other (2m) then T corrects Ss answers. - T asks Ss to perform the conversation in front of class. - T checks the pronunciation and give marks.

4. He stays there for a week 5. No, she doesnt. She travels alone Task 3: Fill the blank - Listen to fill the blank - Discuss with each other

- Make performance. Keys: A: Hoa. How do you like (1) it here? B: Its (2) very nice. The hotel is (3) big and my room is (4) comfortable. A: Are you (5) travelling with your friends? B: (6) No, Im travelling (7) alone. A: Would you like to go somewhere (8) for a drink? V. After you listen: (6) B: Thats great - T asks Ss to work in groups to talk about the problems they V. After you listen: have experienced in school. - Work in group to talk with each other - T guides Ss to use follow question to talk: 1. What problem(s) have you experienced at school? 2. What is/are the reason(s)? 3. What have you done to solve it? VI. Homework: (1) - Practise listening at home VI. Homework: - Write an essay about Ss problem at school (50w) - Practise listening at home - Write an essay about Ss problem at school - Ask Ss to prepare Unit 2 - Writing (50w) - prepare Unit 2 - Writing

Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................





Unit 2: School talks Period 11: Writing

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - fill in some common forms such as enrolment forms, simple application forms, library admission forms - use useful words and structures in some certain forms Lexical items: Words and phrases related personal information II. Procedures: Teachers activities I. Checking old lesson: (5) Gerund ( function, position), Wh-question II. Warm-up: (7) Task 1 - Show and give some kinds of form - Chatting to Ss by asking some question: + What are they? + Have you ever written or filled such similar forms? + On what occasion? + What sort of information do you often have to provide when you fill a form? - T gives a model answer for each question if necessary: + When we want to ask for.. + We often have to provide. III. Content: Activity 2: Task 2 (9) - T guides Ss to do this task by matching a line in column A with column B. - T explains new words: + Marital status: a person who gets married or not. - Let Ss work in group to do this task within 2m. Then T reads column A and ask Ss to give their option in column B (take turn if necessary) - After finishing, T asks Ss read the task again carefully then call on some Ss give the question in column B after T gives the information in column A without looking at the textbook. Activity 3: Task 3 (8) - T explains new words: + delete: unnecessary things to use are write out or erase. + male: for man + female: for woman - T asks Ss to do the task individually in 1m then call 2 Ss do the task on BB. T corrects the mistakes if necessary (pay attention to block capitals and sex) Activity 4: Task 4 (15) - T hangs the form on BB Students activities I. Checking old lesson: II. Warm-up: Task 1 - application form, library admission form, enrolment form - date of birth, first name, surname,.

- Answer Ts question. III. Content: Activity 2: Task 2 - do this task by matching a line in column A with column B. - Take note new words - Do the task in groups - Read the right option aloud - Give the right question for the given information. Activity 3: Task 3 - Listen and write in notebook

- 2 Ss do the task on BB Activity 4: Task 4 - Look at the form on BB



- T asks 2 Ss to go to the BB and fill their own information in the form while others do task 4 in textbook - Correct the forms. - T asks Ss to practice with your partners by asking about information their friends filled in the form (by using questions in task 1 and task 2). Then T calls some pairs practice in front of class. IV. Homework: (1) - T assigns homework for Ss: Do writing exercise in the textbook. - Ask Ss to prepare Unit 2 Language focus

- 2 Ss do the task on BB, others do the task on papers or textbook. - Practice with partners.

IV. Homework: - Do writing exercise in the textbook. - Prepare Unit 2 Language focus

Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................





Unit 2: School talks Period 12: Language focus

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce the vowels / / and /a: / - making WH- questions correctly and quickly - distinguish the use of gerund and to infinitive 1. Grammar and structures: WH- questions Verbs + to inf and Verbs + gerund 2. Teaching aids: Whiteboard- markers, paper cards II. Procedures: Teachers activities I. Warm up: (5) - T asks Ss to open their books and look at their books - T asks Ss to play game: Jumbled Words - T divides the class into 4 small groups. - T gives each group one card containing 10 words whose letters are jumbled: 1. bsutcej 2. skat 3. lmeeaf 4. ctarfif - T asks Ss to rearrange the letters to make good words - T reads and asks Ss to repeat - T introduces todays lesson, the sounds /^/ and /a:/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly II. Pronunciation: (7) 1) Activity 1: Listen & repeat - T asks Ss to listen how to pronounce the sounds /^/ and /a: / /^/: First practice the sound // then put your tongue back a little. It is a short sound /a:/ put your tongue down and back - T points some words in book and reads /^/ /a: / Study far Subject father Cousin marvelous Love target Wonderful guitar - T asks Ss to repeat 2) Activity 2: Practise the sentences - T reads the sentences first - T asks Ss to read them aloud. - T asks Ss to underline the words which has the sound /^/ & circle the words having the sound /a/. - T check Ss' answers III. Grammar and vocabulary: Students activities I. Warm up: - Ss open their books and look at their books - Ss observe and get card - Ss divide into 4 small groups and get card - Ss rearrange the letters 1. subject 1. female - Ss repeat 2. task 4. traffic

II. Pronunciation: 1) Activity 1: Listen & repeat - Ss listen how to pronounce the sounds /^/ and /a: /

- Ss take note

- Ss repeat 2) Activity 2: Practise the sentences - Whole class - Do the task.

III. Grammar and vocabulary: 1) Activity 1: Making question



1) Activity 1: (13) Making question - T asks Ss to work individually making questions for the responses. - T asks 2 Ss to do the task on BB while the others do on their notebooks. - T asks Ss to give comment and correct the mistake on the question on BB themselves.

- Work individually - Write the question on BB - Correct by themselves. Keys: 1. When did you come here?/When did you come back from HCMC? 2. How long did you stay? 3. Who did you come with? 4. Where do you live? Why do you like learning E.? 5. Why do you like learning E.? 7. What time is it now? 8. How many children do they have? 2. Activity 2: - Observe the lists and get out which is infinitive and gerund. Exercise 2: Fill blank - Do the exercise 2 then give the answer individually. Keys: 1. to hear 2. going 3. remembering 4. doing 5. worrying 6. to pay 7. to go 8. visiting 9. seeing 10. hearing Exercise 3: Fill blank - Do the exercise 3 then give the answer and translate individually. - read aloud their result and translate their sentence into V. Keys: 1. to go 2. waiting 3. having 4. to find 5. living 6. making 7. to call 8. to lend 9. taking 10. to post IV. Homework: - Do homework - Prepare Unit 2 Writing - do part B-Language focus in notebook.

2. Activity 2: (18) - T distinguishes the inf and ing form and lists Verbs followed by To-inf and the ones followed by gerund. Exercise 2: Fill blank - T asks Ss to do the exercise 2 then call on some Ss read aloud their result. - T gives the correct keys.

Exercise 3: Fill blank - T asks Ss to read the sentences carefully and then fill in each blank with a correct form of a verb. - T calls on some Ss read aloud their result and translate their sentence into V. - T gives Ss the right answer if necessary. IV. Homework: (1) - T assigns homework. - Ask Ss to prepare Unit 2 - Writing

Experience: ....................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................

HANDOUT: Verbs followed by gerund - avoid, have trouble, practise, stop*, try*, enjoy, remember*, forget*, consider, miss, like*, mind, suggest, love, hate, dislike, finish, keep, risk, postpone, suggest, avoid, etc. - Gerunds often follow prepositions. - Gerunds are used with go: go camping, go fishing, go shopping, go swimming, go dancing, Some verbs followed by either To-inf or Gerund: Verbs followed by to-infinitive -expect, stop*, try*, remember*, forget*, plan, decide, hope, threaten, agree, like*,want , need, agree, seem, tend, fail, manage, etc. - Some verbs + O + to-infinitive: want, ask, advise, tell, request, order, Ex: remember posting the letters



remember + to-inf forget + to-inf : refer to an action in regret + to-inf the future - remember + V-ing forget + V-ing : refer to an action in regret + V-ing the past Ex: remember to post the letter

- try + to-inf: c gng - try + V-ing: th Ex: We always try to study hard. - stop + to-inf: ngng li lm g - stop +V-ing: ngng hn khng lm na Ex: I couldnt stop laughing when I saw him.

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