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ACKNOWLEDGMENT The satisfaction Euphoria that accompany the successful completion of anywork would be incomplete unless we mention the

e name of the person, who madeit possible, who constant guidance and encouragement served as a beckon of light and crowned our efforts with success. I consider it a privilege to expressthrough the pages of this report, a few words of gratitude and respect to those who guided and inspired in the completion of this project.I am deeply indebted to Mr. Vineet Bhandawat (Branch Manager) for giving me the opportunity to undergo my project in their esteemed organizationand the their timely suggestions & Valuable guidance. I also want togive thanksto Mr. Hemant Arora (Sr. Sales Manager) Mr.Manish Gandhi (Sr. RelationshipManager) and Mr. Sanjay Panwar (Business Development Manager). Theyc o n s t a n t l y e n c o u r a g e d m e a n d s h o w e d t h e r i g h t p a t h f r o m d a y f i r s t t i l l t h e completion of my project.I had visited almost all markets of Jodhpur and collected information of theproject. I have also done promotional activities under the constant guidance of my project guide.In the last but not the least, my grateful appreciation is also extended toMr. Mukesh Mandan (Administrative Head), Mr. Vishal M. Thomas (PlacementOfficer) and Mr. Sidharth Jain (Faculty-Financial Management) my thanks to allmy faculties members, Parents and friends.H o w e v e r , I a c c e p t t h e s o l e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r a n y p o s s i b l e e r r o r s o f omission and would be extremely grateful to the readers of this project report if they bring such mistakes to my notice.

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