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HOMEWORK September 10, 2012 (date) Example: Reading- Read each night for 30 minutes. Math- Addition Strategies Have parents sign permission slip Book Orders due on Friday Student copies homework from 9:25 9:35 Teacher signs homework notebook and gives behavior grade at the end of day. Parent(s) are expected to review childs homework and sign that they reviewed homework and saw behavior grade. Behavior Grades 4I had an awesome day! I Rocked! 3I had a good day! 2I had a so-so day! I made poor choices and I need to do better tomorrow. 1I did not have a good day at all. My poor choices affected other people significantly. Homework is worth 25% of overall grade! Student(s) who miss homework, lose recess and other privileges. Parents may feel free to write notes and ask questions inside of their childs HW journal.


HOMEWORK September 10, 2012 (date) Example: Reading- Read each night for 30 minutes. Math- Addition Strategies Have parents sign permission slip Book Orders due on Friday Student copies homework from 9:25 9:35 Teacher signs homework notebook and gives behavior grade at the end of day. Parent(s) are expected to review childs homework and sign that they reviewed homework and saw behavior grade. Behavior Grades 4I had an awesome day! I Rocked! 3I had a good day! 2I had a so-so day! I made poor choices and I need to do better tomorrow. 1I did not have a good day at all. My poor choices affected other people significantly. Homework is worth 25% of overall grade! Student(s) who miss homework, lose recess and other privileges. Parents may feel free to write notes and ask questions inside of their childs HW journal.

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