Pyschology 200 Test 1 Study Guide NCSU

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Test 1 Study Guide PSY 200-06 1. History of Psychology a. Contributions of Wundt, James, & Watson b. Behaviorism c. Structuralism vs.

Functionalism 2. Scientific Methods a. Characteristics of good theory b. Scientific method c. Sampling Techniques d. Operationalizations e. Types of Research Design f. Descriptive & Inferential statistics 3. Biological Psychology a. Structure and function of neurons b. How drugs work c. Major divisions of the brain and general functions 4. Sensation & Perception a. Structure & function of the eye b. Theories of Vision c. Mechanisms behind non-vision sensation d. Top-down vs. bottom-up processing e. Gestalt laws & perceptual constancies 5. Memory a. Testing Memory b. Theories of memory c. Processes by which we encode, store, & retrieve memories *NOTE* This study guide is not a comprehensive list of everything on the exam, but rather a general list of concepts with which you should be familiar.

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