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CRITIQUE PAPER ON DOES THE MASS OFFERED FOR THE DEAD SAVE THEM? POINTS OF ARGUMENTS 1. It is clear that the more we pray for the souls in purgatory, the more chances we have of being heard by God. AGREE OR DISAGREE?/DEFENSE DISAGREE. All of our sins, bar none, were put away "once" by the sacrifice of Christ. Anyone who needs removing from sin after death, has obviously never had his sin paid for by Christ in life, and is thus still dead in sin. And after death is the judgment, not the opportunity for atonement. (Hebrews 9:27) Nothing can deliver a sinner from the day of judgment, except the atoning sacrifice of Christ. When Christ died on the cross, His sacrifice was Final. DISAGREE. 1 John 5:13 said that whoever believes in the name of Jesus, will have eternal life. Jesus also said that in His Fathers house are many rooms, and He has prepared a place for us, according to John 14:2. The assurance of our salvation and where we will spend our eternity is written clearly through the testimony of Gods Word. This is our eternal security. From His own mouth, He uttered that those who believed and followed Him will have a place in His Fathers house. DISAGREE. Romans 5:8 said that while we were STILL sinners, God already demonstrated His love for us, when He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Romans 3:23-24 said that for all have sinned, yet we are justified by His grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ. Gods grace has been given to us when He sent His Son to save us from all our sins. Grace is an undeserved favour from God, yet He has given it to us for free.

2. We really cannot know whether a person has entered heaven or not. God does not give us this information.

3. By comparison, Gods grace to us could be an ocean, but if our love for Him is small, a can, that is also the grace that we will receive from Him.

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