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Bot2010 9/7/2012 What are the similarities and differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells do not have membrane-bound organelles like eukaryotic cells do, and just like the later, the former have cell walls (although the walls of an eukaryotic cell would be composed of cellulose while prokaryotic cell walls would be composed of a substance called murein). Both kinds of cells possess membrane and may or may not have flagella. Prokaryotic flagella are composed of flagellin and eukaryotic flagella are made out of tubulin. There is no prokaryotic cilium and when eukaryotic cells have it, it is made of tubulin. Eukaryotic plant cells are notoriously autotrophic (able to create their own food) while prokaryotic types can be either autotrophic or heterotrophic (having to get their nutrition from another organism). Chloroplasts are organelles necessary for the photosynthetic process, they abound in many eukaryotic plant cells but they are never found on prokaryotes (because, like stated before, prokaryotes do not have membrane-bound organelles like chloroplasts). The two kinds of cells are capable of respiration, which is the process in which glucose is burned to release energy, and reproduction: eukaryotes go through a process called mitosis in contrast to the process of binary fusion, which is carried by prokaryotes. The formers form of sexual reproduction is atypical.

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