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/* Profile Module Report by shelim ekbal hussain*/ 1. Basic Information: Here user add/edit his basic info.

This page is very easy to understand for development and easy to understand for user.

2. Profile pictures Here users save/edit his picture for the profile. I noted that when i click on the save thumbnail button a message is alerted asking for selection first. It confused me and also need understandings. --- Image Cropper

3. Position: This page is perfect and easy for user and me. However we can improve by adding jquery to the add more link? It will easy for the user because he need not wait for page. ---->No, if we use jquery then whole code will be on same page and that will reflect the page load time.

4. Education This page is perfect and easy for user and me.However we can improve by adding jquery to the add more link? It will easy for the user because he need not wait for page load. ----> Same as point 3

5. Summary This page is perfect and easy to understand.

6. Personal Info This page is perfect and easy to understand.

7. Additional Info In this page website portion confused me. I need detail description about how it works and rest of the things is perfect and easy to understand.

8. Public Profile I found this page little confusing so I want to know the logical flow for this page once.

9. Twitter Settings This page is for allowing twitter information to flexi guru profile page. It is easy to understand.

10. Email Address Here we can add multiple email address. However messages will be sent only to the primary email address we checked as primary.

11. Change Password Here we can change password. It is easy to understand.

12. Close your account Here we can close our account by choosing reasons from the radios.

13. Mobile Settings Here we can change or add or verify our mobile numbers for receiving alerts.

14. Notifications Settings This page contains settings for the event reminder and notifications to set allow for sms alert.

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