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Style of Sound Instruments: piano, trumpet, saxophone, drums Tempo/Pace: slow at beginning, peaceful and relaxed, gets faster

when more drums are introduced, 4 minutes into song trumpet gets faster and higher pitched, slows down for ending Rhythm/Beat: Slow and steady beat at beginning, gets faster half way between, slow again to end Voice: no voice Overall mood created by the above: very peaceful and relaxed at beginning, becomes more abrupt and slightly chaotic in the middle (4-6 minutes into) and then calms down again. Narratives Is there a lyrical narrative or musical narrative - why may this be? -No lyrics powerful instruments doing all of the talking -Musical narrative equilibrium, disruption and then restoration. -Even though its peaceful and relaxed, and could be interpreted as sad, its too fresh to be played at a funeral/too sad to be played at a wedding/celebration event Is it a happy or sad narrative? -Neither neutral feelings maybe leaning towards sad rather than happy -Slow piano keys and gentleness of trumpet and saxophone Is the narrative easy to understand or complex? -Musical narrative is quite up and down as to speak first relaxed, then chaotic and then restored back again. -Title of Over There could have some meaning as to whats happening around you and how life and moods change What are some of the main themes? -Relaxation -Peace Is there a message the song is trying to get across - what is it? -Hard to understand without a lyrical content interpretation from title of Over There making the listener understand of other people in the world and how its not only them going through hard/tough times, or how events in the world are always changing moods

Motives and Themes Is there any recurring themes - what are they? -Recurring part of the slow music at beginning and end -Moral is theres always a rainbow after a storm What is the main message or teaching it is trying to make? -Theres always a rainbow after a storm -To never give up -Know that youre not alone Why have they produced a song with this message? -Bring people together -Personal background knowing that people are stronger in numbers Is the message created by the themes obvious or complex? -Extremely complex no lyrical narrative to follow or analyse all by the sound of the music, how it makes you feel and the brief title

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