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Style of Sound Instruments: drums, pianos, guitar Tempo/Pace: slow but edgy with the amount of instruments, slows

down in sections varying with lyrics Rhythm/Beat: consistent and medium at beginning, changing beats Voice: soft male voice, peaceful edge Overall mood created by the above: Slow dance song, chilled out garage tune Narratives Is there a lyrical narrative or musical narrative - why may this be? -Lyrical meeting a girl for the first time spending 7 days with her -Musical the different tempos in a new relationship how it changes from fast to slow Is it a happy or sad narrative? -Quite happy new relationship/having fun/being young -I met this girl on Monday..took her for a drink on Tuesday We chilled on Sunday Is the narrative easy to understand or complex? -Easy lyrics to understand, repetitive main narrative what they did on the seven days What are some of the main themes? -Love -Finding love In front of me stood a beautiful honey -Relationships -Future Ill be a man thatll always be there -Growing Up Took her for a drink on Tuesday Is there a message the song is trying to get across - what is it? -Having fun when growing up finding love can be fun and enjoyable -Not being serious, enjoying life -Sex and emotions Motives and Themes Is there any recurring themes - what are they? -Love -The girl I met this girl on Monday

What is the main message or teaching it is trying to make? -How falling in love is fun Its a special kind of thing -His account of falling in love -Not to treat life seriously Why have they produced a song with this message? -To attract young people going through same thing Is the message created by the themes obvious or complex? -Obvious, repetition of lyrics again title about what the song repeats

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