Outcome 4

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James Watt College Centre for the Creative Industries Music Industry Promotions (DJ2R 34)

Assessment Paper
Describe the development of the promotional video Outcome 4
Assessment conditions: Open book - unsupervised, 12pt clear font word processed.

You are required to produce a report on the development of the promotional music video. When answering please consider the following points: 1. Describe the history, and use, of video as a promotional tool for music, how this has developed including the importance of MTV and other similar broadcasters, and in what timescale. Also describe technical issues to do with broadcast of music video, such as content, format, time of broadcast. 2. Consider the purpose and benefit of video from the perspective of both the artist and the record company. 3. Comment on at least one landmark video and its director, describing how it contributed culturally, and to the development of the medium.

You should use notes given / taken in class but you will also be expected to undertake further research to complete this assignment. Your response should be embedded in the Assessment Front Sheet supplied by your lecturer and submitted via Turnitin no later than 4.00pm Wednesday 26th September 2012.

End of paper

G Simpson James Watt College


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