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When a Man Loves a Woman


Patient verbalized feelings of anxiety, tension, distress, shame and embarrassment, and loneliness. Verbalized ineffective spouse communication and altered role function. Repressed emotions and alcohol abuse. Disturbances in concentration and inability to meet emotional, security, and spiritual needs of its members.

Dysfunctional Family Processes related to Abuse of Alcohol

Assess current level of functioning of family members. Ascertain familys understanding of current situation. Determine history of accidents or violent behaviors within family and safety issues. Discuss current or past methods of coping to be able to identify methods that would be useful in current situation. Mutually agree on behaviors or responsibilities for nurse and patient. Provide factual information to patient or family about the effects of addictive behaviors on the family and what to expect after discharge. Provide information about enabling behavior, addictive disease characteristics for both user and nonuser who is codependent. Encourage involvement with or refer to self-help groups to provide ongoing support and assist with problem solving.

Determined history of accidents or violent behaviors within family and safety issues and identified preventions. Family identified methods useful in current situation. Mutually agreed on behaviors or responsibilities for nurse and patient. Husband verbalized understanding about the effects of addictive behaviors on the family and what to expect after discharge, and enabling behavior, addictive disease characteristics for both user and nonuser who is codependent. Patient got involved with self-help groups to provide ongoing support and assist with problem solving.

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