Arjun Jat: Career Objective

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Address: Vill-Bachakhal DOB 27/07/1989 Teh-Khategaon Mob. No. + -9098283329 91 Dist. Dewas(M.P.)455336 Email Id arjunjat1989@gmail.

com ________________________________ _ _______ ___________________________ _ ______________________ Career Objective To curve a bright future in the field of Market doing work under suchn organization where I can explore ing , a my knowl dge and polish my skil whilecontributing my best to organization. e ls the S pecialization: Major:Marketing(Intended ) AcademicQualification s: Examination M.B.A. Core ( ) B.Sc (plane) H.Sc.(XII) S.Sc.(X)

Arjun Jat

Minor H.R.(Intended : )

Board/University P.I.M. . { R Indore} Devi Ahilya University (Indore) CBSC Board CBSC Board

Year 2011 -13 2010 2007 2005

Percentage (Pursuing) 62.2 % 69% 65%

Co-Curricular activities : Two TimeRegional in Voll y-ball Member of Marketing fo in college rum Winner of Debate Competition at College Level th Participated in 6 National I.T. conference at college .

Hobbies and Interests: Playing Outdoor Games Reading N ovels Date:16/03/2012 Place: Indore Arjun Jat

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