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Stockport Action for Voluntary Youth Personal Development Opportunities

Interested in building up your CV?

SAVY are giving young people who are

not in education, employment or training the chance to take part in a 10 week program to increase skills and gain experience, helping you on your way to college or work!
The first session is on Tuesday 18th Sept Meet us at the SFYP town centre building (Connexions) at 12.30pm for your FREE 1 DAY bus pass! Meet at town centre office for 12.30pm. Session will finish at 3pm

Increase confidence? Learn new skills? Work experience? Have a go at local radio? Gain accreditation in.... Sports Coaching Peer mentoring Community Involvement Timetable:
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday 18th sept 25th sept 2nd oct 9th oct 16thoct 23rd oct 30th oct 6th nov 13th nov

sports coach sports coach conservation conservation Peer mentoring Peer mentoring community involvement community involvement Graduation and dinner at Pizza Hut!

For more info call: Vicky: 0161 475 7703


Example of a day with SAVY on the PDO Program... 12.30pm Meet vicky at town centre office (old connexions building) - Here you will receive your 1 day bus pass 12.301pm Travel to place of activity by bus. Example: Reddish Vale Park for 2 hours of conservation. 1pm3pm Take part in activity learning new skills and gaining an accreditation in Peer mentoring, sports coaching, conservation and community involvement. 3pm Travel back to the town centre by bus. Any questions???? Call Vicky on 0161 475 7703 or email

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