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A Fish in a Spaceship-Kenn Nesbitt

A fish in a spaceship is flying through school. A dinosaur's dancing on top of a stool. The library's loaded with orange baboons, in purple tuxedos with bows and balloons. The pigs on the playground are having a race while pencils parade in their linens and lace. As camels do cartwheels and elephants fly, bananas are baking a broccoli pie. A hundred gorillas are painting the walls, while robots on rockets careen through the halls. Tomatoes are teaching in all of the classes. Or maybe, just maybe, I need some new glasses.

A Shark is a Pet--Kenn Nesbitt

A shark is a pet that you don't want to get. There is nothing less fun than a shark. He doesn't have fur. He won't cuddle or purr, and he never takes walks in the park. Instead he just stares and intensely prepares, as he circles and waits in the dark, to nibble your nose and your fingers and toes, for his bite is much worse than his bark.

Pet Shopping--Kenn Nesbitt

While shopping at the pet store I got my fondest wish. I bought myself a fish bowl and then a pair of fish. And since I was already out shopping at the store I thought I ought to purchase another smidgen more. And so I got a rabbit, a hamster and a frog, a gerbil and a turtle, a parrot and a dog. I purchased an iguana, a tortoise and a rat,

an eight-foot anaconda, a monkey and a cat. A guinea pig, a gecko, a ferret and a mouse, and had them all delivered, directly to my house. My sister went berzerko! She's now installing locks, because I said her bedroom would be their litter box!

A Bird
by Emily Dickinson
A bird came down the walk, He did not know I saw; He bit an angleworm in halves And ate the fellow, raw. And then he drank a dew From a convenient grass, And then hopped sidewise to the wall To let a beetle pass.

The Oriole
by Andrew Downing
In robe of orange, and of black, With mellow music in his throat, Our fairest summer bird is back From southern woods and fields remote.

Beneath the shading, glossy leaves The sunset gold upon his breast-The restless, little toiler weaves His hanging wonder of a nest!
And, as I watch him, flashing there, My fancy deems the oriole A wand'ring blossom of the air, Endowed with wings, and voice, and soul!

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