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Library VIP Application

Privileges: Check out 5 books at a time! (cant have any overdues) Check out select reference books! Join us for Books and Bagels party! Every 5 checkouts, pick out a prize! Submit prioritized requests for book orders! Need a bookmark? Choose from V.I.P. bookmarks! Check out up to 15 books/mags for summer vacation! Equip yourself for the real world by ingesting as many books/mags as you can!

**Terms subject to change. Card can be revoked due to book damage, long-overdues, and at discretion of Ms. Southworth.

I am an avid reader. I believe I qualify for the VIP card. I understand the rules and privileges of book borrowing, I understand that _________________________________________________ Name Printed _____________________________________________________ Name Signed

________________ Grade ______________________________________ English Teacher _____________________________ Checkout record cleared by library staff (Staff will note issues on back or attach sheets) _______________ Approved ________________________________________________________________________________ Denied

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