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May 2012 Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) Semester 3 BC0046 Microprocessor

(Book ID: B0807)

4 Credits

Assignment Set 1 (60 Marks)

Answer all questions.

[10 x 6 = 60]

1. Convert the decimal number 231.23 to octal and hexadecimal. 2. Draw and explain the internal architecture of 8085. 3. Draw and explain the internal architecture of 8086. 4. Write a sequence of instructions to reverse a two digit hexadecimal number available in the register AX using shift and rotate instructions. 5. Explain the concept of Linking and Relocation. 6. Differentiate macros and procedures. 7. What is the operational difference between the IRET and RET instructions? 8. Describe about each flag of a 8086 flag register. 9. Write an assembly program to add and display two numbers.

May 2012 Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) Semester 3 BC0046 Microprocessor

(Book ID: B0807)

4 Credits

Assignment Set 2 (60 Marks)

Answer all questions.

[10 x 6 = 60]

1. What is the value of SI after the execution of following block of code? Explain how? CLD MOV CX, 0 MOV SI, 1 REP LODSB 2. When working with strings, what are the advantages of the MOVS and CMPS instructions over the MOV and CMP instructions? 3. Explain the working of DMA. 4. Write short notes on (i) programmed I/O and (ii) Interrupt I/O 5. Explain about the semaphore operations. 6. Explain what a virtual memory is? 7. Differentiate between minimum mode and maximum mode of configurations in microprocessor. 8. Explain the 8288 Bus controller. 9. Draw the block diagram of 8087 10. Explain why the processor utilization rate can be improved in a multiprocessor system by an instruction queue.

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