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Introduction BCI EEG Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp. EEG measures voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain. BCI TYPES Brain Computer interface (BCI) is a communication system that recognize User's command from brainwaves and reacts according to them. BCI refers to the direct interaction between a healthy brain and a computer. It doesnt depend on peripheral nerves and muscles. Research on BCIs began in the 1970s at the University of California Los Angeles. A Direct Brain-Computer Interface would add a new dimension to Man-Machine interaction. BCI is a Direct Communication Pathway between a Human/animal brain and an External device.

1. Invasive a. Involves attaching electrodes directly to the brain tissue. b. The patients brain gradually adapts its signals to be sent through the electrodes. 2. Non-Invasive
a. Involves putting electrodes on the scalp of the patient, and taking readings. BCI ELEMENTS The input, measuring the activity from the human brain. The signal pre-processing, the first step of acquiring usable signals by amplification, applying filters and reducing noise and artifacts of the input signals. The translation Algorithm, this step compromises feature extraction which extracts the most valuable signals from the processed input. The output, from the future extraction is used as a control signal for various applications.

BCI APPLICATIONS Some of the BCI applications are..

1. Error and conflict perception. 2. Working memory encoding. 3. Rapid visual recognition FUTURE WORKS Brain Computer Interfaces Allow with muscle controls to communicate and physical devices. High Precision (can be used reliably_). Requires somewhat invasive sensors. Requires extensive training (poor generalization).

CONCLUSION BCI is a method of communication based on voluntary neural activity generated by the brain. BCI can be recorded using Invasive or Noninvasive techniques.

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