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Countries having nuclear weapons: 1. USA 2. Russia 3. UK 4. France 5. China 6. India 7. Pakistan 8.

North Korea De'facto nuclear country: Israel Which countries have not signed NPT: 1. India 2. Pakistan 3. Israel Which countries are non-signatories of CTBT: 1. India 2. Pakistan 3. North Korea Where is Headquarter of NATO? Brussels, Belgium. What is the total membership of NATO? 28 Total number of countries in SAARC? Eight 1. Afghanistan

2. Bangladesh 3. Bhutan 4. India 5. Maldives 6. Nepal 7. Pakistan 8. Sri Lanka

When SAARC established? December 8, 1985 Where is Headquarters of SAARC? Kathmandu, Nepal Total observers of SSARC? 9 observers Who is Avigdor Lieberman ? Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel. Interfax is news agency based at? Moscow, Russia. Where last summit of SAARC held? 16th summit at Thimphu, Bhutan on 28-29 April 2010 Great effort Brother. Keep it up. 1. Qantas is the name of the airline of Australia. 2. Antra is the news agency of Indonesia. 3. Silk Air is airline of Singapore 4. Commonwealth Games 2010 were held in New Delhi India. 5. Asian games 2010 were held in Guangzhou,China. 6. Hockey world cup 2010 was played in India

7. The headquarter of Palestinian authority is Rammala 8. Ariana is airline of Afghanistan. 9. Olympics games are to be held in 2012 in London, England 10. Olympics games 2016 are to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 11. Olympics games were held in Beijing, China

Commonwealth of Nations 1. Headquarters Marlborough House, London, England, United Kingdom 2. Number of members 54 3. Last member Rwanda admitted on 29 November 2009. 4. Head of the Commonwealth Queen Elizabeth II 5. Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma (India) 6. Etablished in 1926 Balfour Declaration of 1926 1. The first Chinese aircraft equipped with an early warning system, known as the Karakoram Eagle, was inducted into Pakistan Air Force fleet. 2. The Karakoram Eagle is also known as ZDK-03 with advanced air-borne warning and control system with sophisticated integrated sensors and communication suits. 3. Pakistan and US signed a $ 375 million agreement to carry out a 150 megawatts wind power generation project. 4. The wind power generation project, to be completed in 2 years, will be setup at three places Gharo, Thatta and a site near Karachi. 5. Inflation rose to 15.48 % in October indicating an upward in the price spiral showing impact of the flood on food prices. 6. Iran said its first atomic power plant build by Russia in Bushehr has begun operation. 7. North Korea is supplying banned nuclear and ballistic equipment to Iran, Syria and Myanmar using surreptious means to avoid international sanctions, according to a UN report released. 8. UNESCO declared French cuisine a world intangible heritage, the first time gastronomy is added to a list aiming to protect cultural practices.

9. 2018 FIFA world cup will be held in Russia. 10. 2022 FIFA world cup will be held in Qatar. 11. US announced $ 2 billion military package for Pakistan on the final day of the latest US-Pakistan strategic dialogue. 12. Pakistan has moved up the corruption, from 42nd rung in 2009 to 34th this year out of 178 countries. 13. Diamer Bhasha Dam is constructed on Indus River. 14. More than half of the 20 richest women in the world are Chinese. 15. Myanmar ruling military changed the countrys flag, national anthem and official name. The new name of Myanmar is Republic of the Union of Myanmar. 16. India, Germany, South Africa, Columbia and Portugal won nonpermanent seats in the 15 member UN Security Council. 17. Canadian Muslims have built the Arctics first minaret. Salamuna !!! Here is the updated list of leaders of famous countries. This thread will not only help in Current Affairs Paper but also in Pak Affairs, I.R and other papers as well. It will also prove helpful for those who are preparing for CSS interview. Afghanistan President Hamid KarzaiVice President Mohammed FahimVice President Karim Khalili Australia Government Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchyMonarch Queen Elizabeth II-

Governor-General Quentin BrycePrime Minister Julia Gillard Bangladesh Government Unitary state and parliamentary democracy[1]President Zillur RahmanPrime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed FM Dipu Moni Bhutan Government Constitutional democratic monarchyKing Jigme Khesar Namgyel WangchuckPrime Minister Jigme Y. Thinley (Jigme Yoser Thinley ) Canada Government Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy - Monarch Elizabeth IIGovernor General David Lloyd JohnstonPrime Minister Stephen Harper China Government Single party-led republic President Hu Jintao- Premier Wen JiabaoCuba Government Unitary communist state President Ral Castro Egypt Government Semi-presidential republic - President Hosni Mubarak - Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif France Government Unitary semi-presidential republic-

President Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP)Prime Minister Franois Fillon (UMP) FM: Michle Alliot-Marie Germany Government Federal parliamentary republicPresident Christian Wulff Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) India Government Federal parliamentaryconstitutional republic - President Pratibha Patil - Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (INC) - Speaker of the House Meira Kumar - Chief Justice Sarosh Homi Kapadia - Mohammad Hamid Ansari V.P and chairman Rajya Sabha Pranab Mukherjee Minister of Finance P. Chidambaram Minister of Home Affairs A.K. Antony Minister of Defence S.M. Krishna Minister of Foreign Affairs Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono president of Indonesia. Iran Government Islamic republic - Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Hoseyni Khmenei - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi - Speaker of the Parliament Ali Larijani - FM Ali Akbar Salihi Iraq Government Parliamentary republic - President Jalal Talabani - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Israel

Government Parliamentary democracy - President Shimon Peres - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - FM Avigdor Lieberman Italy Government Unitary parliamentary republic - President Giorgio Napolitano - Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi Japan Government Unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchyEmperor AkihitoPrime Minister Naoto Kan Parliament: National Die (two chambers) FM Seiji Maehara Jordan Government Constitutional monarchy - King of Jordan Abdullah II of Jordan - Prime Minister Samir Rifai Kazakhstan Government Presidential republic - President Nursultan Nazarbayev - Prime Minister Karim Massimov Libya Prime Minister Baghdadi Mahmudi Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution: Muammar al qaddafi Lebanon Government Confessionalist, parliamentary republic - President Michel Suleiman - Prime Minister Saad Hariri Malaysia

- Yang di-Pertuan Agong Mizan Zainal Abidin - Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak (The Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the head of state of Malaysia.) Maldives - President Mohamed Nasheed - Vice President of Maldives Mohammed Waheed Hassan Nepal - President Ram Baran Yadav - Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal Qatar - Emir Hamad bin Khalifa - Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim Russian federation - President Dmitry Medvedev - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin - FM Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov Saudi Arabia - King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz (PM) - Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz (Deputy PM) - Second Deputy Prime Minister Naif bin Abdul Aziz (interior minister) - FM Prince Saud Al-Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Somalia - President Sharif Ahmed - Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Omar al-Bashir president of Sudan Tajikistan

- President Emomalii Rahmon - Prime Minister Oqil Oqilov Turkey - President Abdullah Gl - Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan - FM Professor Ahmet Davutolu UAE - President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan - Prime Minister Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum UK - Monarch Queen Elizabeth II - Prime Minister David William Donald Cameron - Deputy PM Nick Clegg - FM William Hague - Defence Secy Liam Fox USA - President Barack Obama - Vice President Joe Biden - Speaker of the House - John Boehner - Chief Justice John Roberts - Secy of State Hillary Clinton - Secy of Defense Robert Gates - US ambassador to Pakistan - Cameron Munter - Frank Ruggiero has replaced his late boss Richard Holbrookeas the acting special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan Uzbekistan - President Islam Karimov - Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev President of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chvez Fras

Mr. Haruhiko Kuroda is the President of the Asian Development Bank Turkmen President Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov The Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline (TAP or TAPI)

It is a proposed natural gas pipeline being developed by the Asian Development Bank.The pipeline will transport Caspian Sea natural gas from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan into Pakistan and then to India. Proponents of the project see it as a modern continuation of the Silk Road. Contents of the document signed by Karzai, Berdymukhamedov, President Asif Ali Zardari and Indian petroleum minister Murli Deora in Ashgabat. Turkmenistan is believed to hold the worlds fourth-largest gas reserves. Pipeline would deliver up to 33 billion cubic metres of gas annually. According to a preliminary breakdown, Pakistan and India would each get about 42 per cent of the gas and Afghanistan the remainder. The 1,680 kilometre long Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline, backed by the Asian Development Bank, would bring 3.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day (bcfd) from Dauletabad gas field, Turkmenistan via Qandhar to Multan in central Pakistan and end in the northwestern Indian town of Fazilka. Under the IGA, the four nations would commit to provide government support, including security for the pipeline. The construction of the pipeline is likely to commence soon and would be completed by 2013-14. The project would help overcome Pakistans growing energy crisis that has caused electricity shortage and protests across the country. Project worth 7.6 billion dollars. Mark Zuckerberg, Times Person Of The Year Times magazine has named Mark Zuckerberg as the person of the year . Mr Zuckerberg is the founder of thesmash hit social networking site Facebook and is also the world youngest billionaire currently. Human rights activist Dr Binayak Sen convicted, gets life term on grounds of sedition and conspiracy thereby sentencing them for life due to their links with the Maoists. Dr Sen has been held guilty under Chhattisgarh Special

Public Security Act 2005, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967, of being a conduit between Naxals and of meeting Narayan Sanyal in jail. __________________ No matter how fast i run or how far i go it wont escape me, pain, misery, emptiness. Last edited by Silent.Volcano; Monday, January 31, 2011 at 05:37 PM. Digg this Post!Add Post to del.icio.usBookmark Post in TechnoratiTweet this Post! Reply With Quote The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Xeric For This Useful Post: Gulrukh (Tuesday, February 01, 2011), Tassawur (Monday, January 31, 2011) #7 Old Monday, January 31, 2011 Shahid Shakoor's Avatar Shahid Shakoor Shahid Shakoor is offline Senior Member Join Date: Sep 2010 Location: in quest Posts: 366 Thanks: 91 Thanked 230 Times in 149 Posts Shahid Shakoor has a spectacular aura aboutShahid Shakoor has a spectacular aura about Default Plz give the info here about dams salam All brothers and sister,, please give here info about the dams which are under construction or recently completed.becoz it is very important for CA and Pak affair Mcqs.these were asked many times in past...and i have no info abt this please give here info about the dams which are under construction or recently completed.becoz it is very important for CA and Pak affair Mcqs.these were asked many times in past...and i have no info abt this regerds ONGOING PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION DAMS * Gomal Zam Dam Project

* Mirani Dam Project * Mangla Dam Raising Project * Sabakzai Dam Project * Satpara Dam Project UNDER CONSTRUCTION CANALS * Rainee Canal Project * Kachhi Canal Project * Greater Thal Canal Project UNDER CONSTRUCTION DRAINAGE PROJECTS * * Right Bank Outfall Drain Project-I * Balochistan Effluent Disposal Into RBOD-III UNDER CONSTRUCTION HYDROPOWER PROJECTS * * Allai Khwar Hydropower Project * Khan Khwar Hydropower Project * Duber Khwar Hydropower Project * Jinnah Hydropower Project * Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project SMALL / MEDIUM DAMS *

* Bara * Garuk * Hingol * Naulong * Pelar * Darwat * Darban Brochure on Darban Zem Dam * Ghabir * Naigaj * Papin * Winder * Tank Zam Dam Brochure on Tank Zem Dam BARRAGES * * Chashma Barrage * CJ-Link Canal * Chashma Right Bank Canal FUTURE PROJECTS PROJECTS ANNOUNCED BY THE PRESIDENT OF PAKISTAN * Diamer Basha Dam

* Kurram Tangi Dam Project * Munda Dam Project * Akhori Dam Project Source: Wapda - Welcome __________________ No matter how fast i run or how far i go it wont escape me, pain, misery, emptiness. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Barack H. Obama VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Joseph R. Biden THE WHITE HOUSE White House Chief of Staff Rahm I. Emanuel Senior Adviser to the President David M. Axelrod White House Press Secretary Robert L. Gibbs NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL National Security Adviser General James L. Jones, U.S. Marine Corps, retired Deputy National Security Adviser Thomas E. Donilon Senior Adviser and Coordinator for Afghanistan-Pakistan Lieutenant General Douglas E. Lute, U.S. Army, retired National Security Council Chief of Staff

Mark W. Lippert January 20, 2009October 2, 2009 Denis McDonough October 2, 2009 Assistant to the President for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security John O. Brennan Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Benjamin Rhodes Chairman, Interagency Policy Review of Afghanistan-Pakistan Bruce O. Riedel February 10March 27, 2009 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton United States Ambassador to Afghanistan Lieutenant General Karl W. Eikenberry, U.S. Army, retired [B]DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE[/B] Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates Undersecretary for Policy Michle A. Flournoy Pentagon Press Secretary Geoffrey S. Morrell THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY Director of National Intelligence Vice Admiral Michael McConnell, U.S. Navy, retired February 13, 2007 January 29, 2009 Admiral Dennis C. Blair, U.S. Navy, retired January 29, 2009May 28, 2010 Director of the Central Intelligence Agency General Michael V. Hayden, U.S. Air Force, retired May 30, 2006February 19, 2009

Leon Panetta February 19, 2009 Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Stephen R. Kappes July 25, 2006April 14, 2010 Michael J. Morell May 6, 2010(previously CIA Director for Intelligence, 20062010) UNITED STATES MILITARY Commander, United States Central Command General David H. Petraeus, U.S. Army October 31, 2008June 30, 2010 Commander, U.S. and NATO forces, Afghanistan General David D. McKiernan, U.S. Army June 3, 2008June 15, 2009 General Stanley A. McChrystal, U.S. Army June 15, 2009June 23, 2010 General David H. Petraeus, U.S. Army July 4, 2010 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael G. Mullen, U.S. Navy Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General James E. Hoss Cartwright, U.S. Marine Corps Director of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Center of Excellence, Central Command Colonel Derek Harvey, U.S. Army, retired Spokesman for General Petraeus Colonel Erik Gunhus, U.S. Army AFGHANISTAN President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai Leader, Provincial Council of Kandahar; President Karzais half-brother Ahmed Wali Karzai Kalabagh Dam:

The Kalabagh dam was a proposed hydroelectric dam planned to be built on the Indus River: proposed site for the dam was situated at Kalabagh in Mianwali District of the Punjab province, bordering the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Kalabagh Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tarbela Dam Tarbela Dam is one of the worlds largest earth and rock filled Dam and greatest water resources development project which was completed in 1976 as a component part of Indus Basin Project. The Dam is built on one of the Worlds largest rivers the Indus known as the Abbasin or the father of rivers. Total generating capacity of Tarbela Power Station as 3478 MW. WAPDA - Power Generation Warsak Dam Warsak Hydro Electric Power Project is located on River Kabul at about 30 km from Peshawar in North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. The project financed by Canadian Government was completed under COLOMBO PLAN in two phases. WAPDA - Power Generation Mangla Dam Mangla Dam Project was actually conceived in 1950's as a multipurpose project to be constructed at a place called Mangla on river Jhelum located about 30 km upstream of Jhelum city (120 km from Capital Islamabad). The initial investigation and its feasibility studies were completed in 1958. Later on the project was included in the Indus Basin Project. The construction of Mangla Dam was started in 1962 and completed in 1967. WAPDA - Power Generation Current Affairs MCQs 2011-2012 MCQs 2011 1) Which of the following countries is the world's largest emitter of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere?

a) China b) America c) Russia d) India 2) Who is Stanley McChrystal? a) Commander US forces in Afghanistan b) Head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) c) NATO Commander in Afghanistan d) None of these 3) The headquarters of Green Peace International is located at: a) Vancouver b) Amsterdam c) London d) Paris 4) The oldeest internet search engine among the following is: a) Google b) MSN Search c) Yahoo d) 5) The power generating capacity of Diamer-Basha Dam would be: a) 3450 MW b) 3800 MW c) 4500 MW d) None of these 6) ANTARA is the news agency of: a) Indonesia b) Malaysia c) Turkey d) None of the these 7) The largest opium producer province in Afghanistan is: a) Helmand b) Nangarhar c) Badakhshan d) None of these 8) Silk Air is an airline of: a) Sri Lanka b) Switzerland c) Singapore d) China 9) Channel Tunnel is an under sea rail tunnel linking: a) England and Ireland b) England and France c) France and Germany d) None of these. 10) The Strait of Malacca is the main shipping channel between the India Ocean and: a) The North Pacific Ocean b) South Pacific Ocean c) South Atlantic Ocean d) None of these 11) The recently published book " Between Dreams and Realities" is written by: a) Shamshad Ahmad Khan b) Gohar Ayub c) Sahibzada Yakoob Ali Khan d) None of these 12) The largest Agency of FATA by population is: a) Bajaur Agency b) North Wazirstan c) South Waziristan d) None of these 13) Which of the following categories of Nobel Prise was established in 1968?

a) Medicine b) Literature c) Economics d) None of these 14) Total cultivable Land of Pakistan is approximately: a) 80 million hectares b) 120 million hectares c) 150 million hectares d) None of these. 15) Who is Francois Fillon? a) Prime Minister of Italy b) President of Germany c) Foreign Minister of France d) None of these 16) The largest island in Indian Ocean is: a) Sri Lanka b) Sumatra c) Madagascor d) None 17) 3 May is observed Internationally as: a) Environment Day b) Population Day c) Press Freedom Day d) None of these 18) 2016 Summer Olympics will be held at: a) Sydney b) Madrid c) Chicago d) Rio de Janerio 19) Kyat is the currency of: a) Nepal b) Myanmar c) Bhutan d) None 20 Environment Treaty Kyoto Protocol will be expired in: a) 2012 b) 2014 c) 2015 d) None of these. Benazir Bhuttto was awarded UN Human Rights Award 2008. -10th December was celebrated as Human Rights day. -1st December was celebrated as world AIDS Day. -UNEP (United Nations Environment Program has declared 2009 as Year of Gorilla. -Somali Prime Minister Hassan Hussein Nur was sacked from his post on December 14, 2008. -Harold Pinter , a Nobel Prize-winning eminent British Playwright died on Dec24,2008 -J.K. Rowling is the creator of Harry Potter series and his latest book is The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

-In USA presidential elections Barak Obama got 364 electoral college votes. -Highest number of electoral votes in America belongs to Califonia -The operation to flush out Mumbai terrorists was Operation Black Tornado. -Carla Bruni has been made the first ambassador to the Geneva based Globa Funds to Fight AIDS TB and Malaria. -APEC is Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation . Its HQ are at Singapore -Recently ASEAN concluded an agreement as first step in establishment of a free trade area FTA in the region by the year 2016. 1. The Swadeshi movement means Boycott of goods (British goods) 2. Simla Deputation was led by Sir Agha Khan 3. Who moved the resolution for establishing Muslim League? Nawab of Dacca 4. Who delivered the Presidential address in which the Muslim League was established? Nawab Waqr ul Mulk 5. Separate electorate was awarded to Muslims in 1909 6. Annulment of partition of Bengal was announced in 1911 7. Jinnah was formally enrolled in All India Muslim League in 1913 8. "Comarade" was started by Moulana Muhammad Ali 9. Al Hilal was started by Moulana Muhammad Ali 10. Jinnah was the Principle architect of

Lucknow pact 11. The most important change brought about by Minto Morley Reforms was Separate Electorate 12. Turkey in the First World War was chose to fight on the side of Germany 13. Treaty of Severes was announced in 1920 14. Shuddhi and Sangthan movements were started at the end of Tehrik e Khilafat 15. "Zamindar" was brought about by Zafar Ali Khan 16. Report of Rowlatt Committee was published in 1918 17. Jallianwala Bagh tragedy took place in: 1919 18. Jinnah resigned from congress during Nagpur session in 1920 19. Moplah rising in Malabar took place in 1921 20. The Moplah rose against the British and Hindu Zamindar. 21. Which movement was started by Sir Swami Shradhnand? Shuddhi 22. Sangthan was started by Pandit Malavia 23. Swami Shradhnand was murdered in 1926 24. Chauri Chaura incident took place in 1922

25. Khilafat was abolished by Mustafa Kamal Pasha in 1924 26. Simon Commission was sent to India in 1927 27. On the arrival Simon Commission Muslim League was Split into two groups one was led by Sir Muhammad Shafee and the other was led by Quaid e Azam 28. Which party was divided into pro changers and changers? Congress 29. Nehru Report was an answer to the challenge given by Lord Birkenhead 30. Nehru Report accepted the following demand a separate province for North-West Frontier and Sindh 31. Jinnah Fourteen points were offered in 1929 32. Which member of Simon Commission resigned and replaced by another member Stephen Walsh 33. Dyarchy was scrapped in 1919 Reforms 34. The first session of Round Table Conference was opened in London 35. Which party was not present in First Round Table Conference Congress 36. Federal form of Government for India was approved by British in First Round Table Conference 37. Who was the Prime Minster of England during First Round Table Conference? Ramsay Macdonald

38. Second Round Table Conference was held in 1931 39. Communal award was published in 1932 What was the reaction of Congress and Muslim League over Communal Award? Both Disliked The recommendation of Round Table Conference was published in 1933 The whole of India Act of 1935 came into operation in provincial part in 1937 Anandhnath is a novel Nagri is a Script Pirpur Report was about Congress ministries Shareef Pur report was about Bihar Who wrote" Muslim Suffering under Congress Rule"? Fazl ul Haq Wardha scheme was about Education The author of Wardha Scheme was Zakir Hussain Band e Matarm was an anthem Day of Deliverance was celebrated on 22nd December 1939

"Now or Never" pamphlet was written in 1933 by Ch. Rehmat Ali "Pakistan National Movement" was founded by Ch. Rehmat Ali "Outline of a Scheme of Indian federation" was written by Sikandar Hayat Khan Lahore resolution was introduced by Fazl ul Haq "Thoughts on Pakistan" was written by Ambedkar. The British August offer was made in 1940 What was the response of Muslim League over British offer? Neither accepted nor rejected Which Congress leader thought after Lahore Resolution that the partition was unavoidable? Raja Gopal Acharia Sapru proposals were offered in 1945 Liaquat Desai Pact was concluded in 1945 Wavell plan was made in 1945 Parity was the issue in Wavel Plan Simla Conference was held in 1945 In1945 elections, out of total 102 seats of Central Assembly, Congress won 57

And Muslim league won 28 seats In the provincial elections of 1946 Congress won 930 seats and Muslim League won 428 seats In Provincial elections of 1946 total seats of Muslim League were 492 In the Cabinet mission who many Cabinet Ministers were present 3 The name of the Cripps Mission was made after Sir Stafford Cripps who was The President of the Board of Trade The Cabinet Mission members were parleyed with how many Muslim members 4 Under Satyagarh Tehreek people chose by Gandhi were to Offer arrest Cripps Mission Published its report on 30th March 1942 The main emphasis in Cripps Mission was on Creation of new Dominion Non accession clause was mentioned in Cripps mission "Quit India" movement was started in 1942 In the Cabinet Mission provinces were divided into how many sections? Three Quaid e Azam, for the continuation of Cabinet mission, demanded how many portfolios? Five In Cabinet Mission plan total portfolios were Sixteen

Congress was awarded how many portfolios? Six How many portfolios were given to Muslim League? Five How many portfolios were reserved for minorities? Three Lord Wavell was replace by Lord Mountbatten The only Indian on the Viceroy lord Mountbatten staff was V.P. Menon V.P. Menon prepared the final draft of the transfer of Power Lady Mountbatten is said to be the close friend of Nehru What was the name of the daughter of Nehru? Indra Who wanted to become the joint Governor General of India and Pakistan? Mountbatten Who decided, at the time of partition, the fate of Baluchistan? Shahi Jirga By which method fate of NWFP was decided? Referendum Jinnah was by origin a Khoja "Dawn", the Muslim League newspaper was started in 1942 Besides Jinnah who was the ex-officio member of Muslim League Working Committee Liaquat Ali Khan Direct Action resolution was passed in

July 1946 Jinnah's speeches were translated into Urdu often by Nawab Bahadur YAr Jung Who gave Fatwas in 1945 and forbade to joining Muslim League? Maulana Hussain Ahmad Which party leader labeled Quaid e Azam as "Kafre azam"? Jamiyat al Ulema-i- Hind Which magazine criticized Jinnah's decision to become the Governor General? Economist Whom Jinnah appointed the Governor of NWFP? Sir George Cunningham Whom Jinnah appointed the Governor of PUNJAB? Why Jinnah appointed British Governors in four Provinces? They were more experienced Soon after the establishment of Pakistan which Prime minister had been the Ambassador to Burma also? Muhammad Ali Bogra HISTORY OF PAKISTAN SINCE 1947 INCLUDING FOREIGN POLICY, POLITICS AND DEFENCE Important events from 1947 to 1958 1. He was the Governor General of Indo-Pakistan before Mountbatten: Lord Wavel 2. Mountbatten came to India in March 1947 3. Mountbatten was an officer in British Navy 4. Plan for the Separation of Indo Pakistan was announced on 23rd June 1947

5. Election to the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan took place in: 1946 6. The first Cabinet of Pakistan consisted of 7 members. 7. Finance Portfolio in the first Cabinet was held by Malik Ghulam Muhammad. 8. The Chief Minister of the following province refused to salute the Pakistani flag in 1947: NWFP 9. CM of NWFP Doctor Khan Sahib was dismissed by Quaid e Azam who was his successor? 10. Chief Minister of the following Province was dismissed by Quaid e Azam Bengal 11. Approximate population of Pakistan at the inception in 1947 was 7 crores 12. First census of Pakistan was held in 1951 13. Population of west Pakistan in 1951was 34 million 14. The only country to oppose Pakistan's entrance into the UNO in1947 was Afghanistan 15. Total area of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 was 84,471 sq. miles 16. India stopped the passage of water from the rivers Ravi and Sutluj in April 1948 17. Madhupur Head works is located on the river Ravi 18. Ferozpur Head works is located on river Sutluj

19. Muslim majority Tehsil Zira was handed over to India in Redcliff award it was a tehsil of Ferozepur District. 21. He was the first head of state to visit Pakistan in 1947 Amir of Kuwait 22. Quaid e Azam relief fund was set up in September 1947 23. At the time of division the cash balances of undivided India stood at about Rs. 4,000 million 24. India and Pakistan mutually came to an agreement that Pakistan would get Rs. 750 crore as her share. 25. Only Rs. 200 crors had been paid as an interim installment 26. Referendum in 1947 in NWFP province was held in July. 27. On 15th August 1947 the state of Junaghadh announced that it had acceded to Pakistan. 28. He was the first Governor of Punjab Francis Moody. 29. Governor Moody imposed the Governor Rule in Punjab in January 1949. 30. Pakistan Fund was setup by Quaid in June 1947. 31. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid in July 1948. 32. The initial assets of SBP were equal to three Crore 33. Karachi was declared Federal area by the legislative Assembly in May 1948.

34. He was the only Muslim to oppose the Objectives Resolution in the Assembly. Mian Iftikhar ud- din 35. "The Myth of Independence" was written by Z.A. Bhutto 36. Muslim yesterday and today was written by A.B.Rajput 37. Pakistan's flag was designed by two brothers and name of one of them is Altaf Hussain. 38. White strip in the flag was added in August 1947. When was moon and star added in the flag February 1949. 39. Ayub Khoro ministry in Sindh was dissolved by Quaid in April1948. 40. The Quaid delivered his last message to the nation on: 27th August, 1948. 41. He was called the iron man of NWFP Khan Qayyum Khan 42. Peer Sahib Manki Shareef founded the following party in September 1949 Awami Muslim League 43. In the East Bengal elections were held in 1954 44. He is the only man to be prosecuted under PRODA Khoro 45. It was the first opposition party of the country Jinnah Awami League 46. Awami League was found by Abdul Hameded Bhashani in 1950 47. Rawalpindi Conspiracy was unearthed in March 1951

48. The accused of the conspiracy were prosecuted in the following jail Hyderabad Jail 49. Liaqat Nehru Pact announced at Delhi in April 1950. 50. Liaquat ali Khan visited America in May 1950 51. "Wheat Crisis" in Pakistan took place in 1952 52. Martial Law in Lahore was imposed in MARCH 1953 53. MALIK GHULAM Muhammad dissolved the Govt. of Nazi mud Din in April 1953 54. Shortage of Salt took place in 1952 in East Bengal 55. Pakistan became member of Baghdad pact in September 1955. 56. The Manila Pact is the other name of SEATO 57. The Manila Pact was signed in September 1954 58. Muhammad Ali Bigra formula was put forward in October 1954 59. According to Bogra formula the Lower house consisted of 300 seats 60. Out of the total 309 sears muslim League secured only 9 seats in 1954. 61. PRODA was replaced in September 1954

62. Ghlam Muhammad dissolve dthe Constituent assembly on: 24th October, 1954. 63. Ghulam Muhammad resigned in August 1954 64. One unit bill was brought intp effect on 14 October, 1955 65. He became the first Governor of West Pakistan Gormani 66. The First Five Year Plan was announced by Chaudhary Muhammad Ali on 18th May 1956 67. Principal of joint Electorate was accepted by the Assembly on 10th October 1956 at Dacca 68. Suez Canal Crisis took place in the reign of: Soharwardy 69. Pakistan bought Gwadar from King ofmaskat at the cost of 40 lakh pounds on 8th September 1958 70. Deputy spleaker of East Pakistan was killed during a rumpus in the Assembly in 1958. 71. After the promulgation of MARTIAL Law in 1958when did the new cabinet take oath? 24th October 1958 72. Z.A.Bhutto had the following portfolio in the Ayub Khan's cabinet Trade. HISTORY FROM 1958 TO 1969 73. According to the agriculture Reforms announced in January 1959, maximum limit of non irrigated lands was fixed at: 1000 acres. 74. How many land farm holders were affected by the Ayub Reforms 902

75. Which ordinance contributed a great deal towards generating public resentment against Ayub regime: Muslim family Law Ordinance. 75. In the Basic Democratic System introduced by Ayub the number of basic Democrats was 80,000 76. Ayub lifted the Martial Law in June 1962 77. Presidential Elections between Ayub Khan and miss Fatima Jinnah held in January 1965 78. Pakistan launched an operation in Kashmir in 1965 which was called operation Gibralter 79. India mounted upon a three pronged attack against Pakistan along Lahore on 6ht September 1965 80. China issued an ultimatum to India on 17th September 1965 81. Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman presented his 6 points for the first time in February 1966 at the house of Former premier Ch. Muhaamad Ali in a meeting of All Parties Conference. 82. What was the name of opposition alliance against Ayub in 1965 elections? Combined Opposition Parties 83. In 1967 five parties formed an alliance against Ayub Khan which was called PDM 84. The Ayub regim celebrated tis 10 years of rule in October 1968 85. As a result of boundary settlement between Pakistan And China Pakistan got 750 sq. miles of land out of a total of:

3400 sq. miles 86. U- 2 incident took place in 1960 87. The old name of Round garden was changed into Nasir garden in 1966 after the visit of Egyptian President Nasir. 88. Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar died in 1958 89. EBDO was promulgated in 1959 90. Ayub Khan took oath as President of Pakistan in February 1960 91. I.I. Chandaraker died in 1960 92. Muhammad Ali Bogra died in 1963 93. Soharwardy died in 1963 in Bairut 94. Islamabad was completed in 1966 95. Bhutto was arrested in November 1968. 96. States of Dir, Chitral and Swat were incorporated in NWFP in August 1969. DEVELOPMENTS FROM 1969 TO 1977: 97. Yahya khan became C-in-C in March 1966. Who was C-in-C before him. Musa Khan 98. Ayub Khan handed over the reins of Government to Yahya Khan on 25th March 1969.

99. In April 1969 yahya regime announced Labour Reforms 100. One Unit Scheme was done away with on 1st January 1971 101. Total number of National Assembly seats in the L.F.O. was 313 102. East Bengal has 169 seats in the L.F.O. 103. Punjab had 85 seats in L.F.O. 104. Elections could not be held on fixed date and had to be postponed till 7th December due to Floods in East Pakistan 105. In the 1971 elections out of total 162 common seats in East Bengal Mujeeb ur Rehman won 160 seats 106. In the elections of 1971 PPP got 62 seats out of total 82 common seats in Punjab 107. Agartala conspiracy was about Kidnap and murder of Ayub Khan 109. Kashmir Mujahideen hijacked an Indian plane "Ganga" in 1971 110. Army action was started in Easr Pakistan from March 1971 Mother of Z.A.Bhutto was Hindu 111. Z.A. Bhutto studied in the following university Southern California University 112. Bhutto was appointed Foreign Minister in 1963 113.EAST Pakistan BECAME AN INDEPENDENT ENTITIY in December 1971

114. A commission was appointed by Bhutto to probe into the 1971 crisis. It was called Hamood ur Rehman commission 115. In March Mr. Bhutto dismissed 1300 service men 116. The banks were nationalized in May 1972 117. In his agricultural reforms Bhutto put ceiling to land holding at 150 acres of irrigated land. 118. Bhutto announced second package of agricultural reforms in 1977 119. In April 1974 Bangladesh agreed to release 195 held up POWs 120. Mr. Bhutto announced to dissociate Pakistan from the Commonwealth of Nations in 1972 121. Martial Law was imposed in Balochistan in May 1973 122. The Qadyanis were declared non Muslims in Semptember1974 123. He is the only person who resigned from national Assembly on this decision Ahmaad Raza Qasuri 124. Elections to the National Assembly were held under Z.A. Bhutto in March 1977 125. Martial Law was imposed in the country on 5th July 1977 in the morning 126. Pakistan announced to delink from SEATO in November 1972 Chaudhary Khaleeq uz Zaman died in

1973 127. Ayub Khan Passed away in 1974 128. Friday was declared a weekly holiday in January 1977 CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PAKISTAN 129. How many constitutions have been tried in in Pakistan so far? 3 130. 1973 constitution was promulgated in 14th August 131. How many amendments have been made in1973 constitution up to 1999 16 132. The 16th amendment is about the expansion of Quota 133. Quota has been extended to the year 2013 134. The Quran and Sunnah are declared the Supreme law of Pakistan under this Amendment 9th. 135. The Qaduanis were declared non Muslims in this amendment 2nd 136. The first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan consisted of 79 members objectives resolution was passed in 12th March 1949 137. The Ulmas offered 22 points for the future constitution of Pakistan. 138. The 2nd Basic principle Committee Report was published on 22nd December 1952. 139. The following constitutional draft was called as the Bengali Punjab Crisis Report

2nd BPC Report 140. Muhammad Ali Bogra formula was put forward in the Assembly on: 7th October, 1953 141. Bogra Formula offered a bicameral legislature wherein every unit had 10 seats in the Upper House 142. The number of East Bengal Seats in the Lower House in the Bogra Formula was: 165 143. The First constituent assembly of Pakistan was dissolved by Ghulam Muhammad on; 24th October 1954 144. The Sindh chief court restored the 1st Constituent Assembly 145. He was the first governor of the West Pakistan Mushtaq Ahmed Grmani 146. It was necessary for both the President and the Prime Minister to be Muslims in this Constitution. 1973 147. The Objectives Resolution was made the part of the Constitution instead of being merely a document of guiding Principles in 8th Amendment 148. Bicameral legislature was provided for in the 1973 constitution. 149. The minimum age of a Senator is 30 years. 150. The minimum age of Prime Minister under the constitution is 35 years. 151. The age of President is 45 152. The retirement age of justice of High court is

62 years 153. The retirement age of justice of Supreme Court is 65 years 154. How much practice as a lawyer is must for becoming Justice of a High Court 8 years. Quote: 1) Which of the following countries is the world's largest emitter of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere? a) China b) America c) Russia d) India China Quote: 2) Who is Stanley McChrystal? a) Commander US forces in Afghanistan b) Head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) c) NATO Commander in Afghanistan d) None of these Commander US forces in Afghanistan Quote: 3) The headquarters of Green Peace International is located at: a) Vancouver b) Amsterdam c) London d) Paris Amsterdam Quote: 4) The oldeest internet search engine among the following is: a) Google b) MSN Search c) Yahoo d) Yahoo Quote: 5) The power generating capacity of Diamer-Basha Dam would be: a) 3450 MW b) 3800 MW c) 4500 MW d) None of these 4500 MW Quote: 6) ANTARA is the news agency of: a) Indonesia b) Malaysia c) Turkey d) None of the these Indonesia

Quote: 7) The largest opium producer province in Afghanistan is: a) Helmand b) Nangarhar c) Badakhshan d) None of these Helmand Quote: 8) Silk Air is an airline of: a) Sri Lanka b) Switzerland c) Singapore d) China Singapore Quote: 9) Channel Tunnel is an under sea rail tunnel linking: a) England and Ireland b) England and France c) France and Germany d) None of these. England and France Quote: 10) The Strait of Malacca is the main shipping channel between the India Ocean and: a) The North Pacific Ocean b) South Pacific Ocean c) South Atlantic Ocean d) None of these North Pacific Ocean Quote: 11) The recently published book " Between Dreams and Realities" is written by: a) Shamshad Ahmad Khan b) Gohar Ayub c) Sahibzada Yakoob Ali Khan d) None of these None of These Quote: 12) The largest Agency of FATA by population is: a) Bajaur Agency b) North Wazirstan c) South Waziristan d) None of these South Waziristan 1 Quote: 3) Which of the following categories of Nobel Prise was established in 1968? a) Medicine b) Literature c) Economics d) None of these Economics Quote: 14) Total cultivable Land of Pakistan is approximately:

a) 80 million hectares b) 120 million hectares c) 150 million hectares d) None of these. 150 Million Hectares Quote: 15) Who is Francois Fillon? a) Prime Minister of Italy b) President of Germany c) Foreign Minister of France d) None of these None of these Quote: 16) The largest island in Indian Ocean is: a) Sri Lanka b) Sumatra c) Madagascor d) None Madagascor Quote: 17) 3 May is observed Internationally as: a) Environment Day b) Population Day c) Press Freedom Day d) None of these Press Freedom Day Quote: 18) 2016 Summer Olympics will be held at: a) Sydney b) Madrid c) Chicago d) Rio de Janerio Rio de Janerio Quote: 19) Kyat is the currency of: a) Nepal b) Myanmar c) Bhutan d) None Myanmar Quote: 20 Environment Treaty Kyoto Protocol will be expired in: a) 2012 b) 2014 c) 2015 d) None of these. 2012 __________________ :)To succeed,look at things not as they are,but as they can be. Current Affair Paper 2010 Part-2 note: attempt only four.

Q.2. "The troubling issue in Pak.pertains to an overbearing centre's supremacy in the federations and the resulting demand for Provincial autonomy."discuss. Q.3. "Pakistan provides the natural link btw the Sco states to connect the Eurasian heartland with the Arabian sea and south asia." substantiate Pak's claim for the membership of Sco in the view of the above mentioned statement: Q.4. The issue of central imp.about corruption and accountability in Pak is the increase in corruption despite six decades of efforts to eradicate it.Analyse and comment on the root cause of rampant corruption in the society. Q.5. President obama's extended hand of friendship to china ushers in a new era of realist diplomacy in washington. Highlight the new dimensions of U.S.foreign policy towards People's Republic of china. Q.6. That feasible measures would you suggest to bridge the existing trust deficit btw Pak and India for the resumption of stalled process of composite dialogue. Q.7. "The new afghan strategy of U.S.,in fact,is a veiled request for their safe exit-.It is a gamble.the price of victory will be high and the price of failure is incalculable."analyse and comment? Q.8. Write notes on any two of the followings: a.liberhan commission report. b.aghaz-e-haqooq balochistan package. C.jewish settlements in Palestinian terroritories. d.chinese aided development Projects in Pak. MCQs 2010 1) Which of the following countries is the world's largest emitter of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere? a) China b) America c) Russia d) India 2) Who is Stanley McChrystal?

a) Commander US forces in Afghanistan b) Head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) c) NATO Commander in Afghanistan d) None of these 3) The headquarters of Green Peace International is located at: a) Vancouver b) Amsterdam c) London d) Paris 4) The oldeest internet search engine among the following is: a) Google b) MSN Search c) Yahoo d) 5) The power generating capacity of Diamer-Basha Dam would be: a) 3450 MW b) 3800 MW c) 4500 MW d) None of these 6) ANTARA is the news agency of: a) Indonesia b) Malaysia c) Turkey d) None of the these 7) The largest opium producer province in Afghanistan is: a) Helmand b) Nangarhar c) Badakhshan d) None of these 8) Silk Air is an airline of: a) Sri Lanka b) Switzerland c) Singapore d) China 9) Channel Tunnel is an under sea rail tunnel linking: a) England and Ireland b) England and France c) France and Germany d) None of these. 10) The Strait of Malacca is the main shipping channel between the India Ocean and: a) The North Pacific Ocean b) South Pacific Ocean c) South Atlantic Ocean d) None of these 11) The recently published book " Between Dreams and Realities" is written by: a) Shamshad Ahmad Khan b) Gohar Ayub c) Sahibzada Yakoob Ali Khan d) None of these 12) The largest Agency of FATA by population is: a) Bajaur Agency b) North Wazirstan c) South Waziristan d) None of these 13) Which of the following categories of Nobel Prise was established in 1968? a) Medicine b) Literature c) Economics d) None of these 14) Total cultivable Land of Pakistan is approximately:

a) 80 million hectares b) 120 million hectares c) 150 million hectares d) None of these. 15) Who is Francois Fillon? a) Prime Minister of Italy b) President of Germany c) Foreign Minister of France d) None of these 16) The largest island in Indian Ocean is: a) Sri Lanka b) Sumatra c) Madagascor d) None 17) 3 May is observed Internationally as: a) Environment Day b) Population Day c) Press Freedom Day d) None of these 18) 2016 Summer Olympics will be held at: a) Sydney b) Madrid c) Chicago d) Rio de Janerio 19) Kyat is the currency of: a) Nepal b) Myanmar c) Bhutan d) None 20 Environment Treaty Kyoto Protocol will be expired in: a) 2012 b) 2014 c) 2015 d) None of these. Mine.....Quite a few of them are wrong,darn. 1) Which of the following countries is the world's largest emitter of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere? a) China b) America c) Russia d) India 2) Who is Stanley McChrystal? a) Commander US forces in Afghanistan b) Head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) c) NATO Commander in Afghanistan d) None of these 3) The headquarters of Green Peace International is located at: a) Vancouver b) Amsterdam c) London d) Paris 4) The oldeest internet search engine among the following is: a) Google b) MSN Search c) Yahoo d) 5) The power generating capacity of Diamer-Basha Dam would be: a) 3450 MW b) 3800 MW c) 4500 MW d) None of these

6) ANTARA is the news agency of: a) Indonesia b) Malaysia c) Turkey d) None of the these 7) The largest opium producer province in Afghanistan is: a) Helmand b) Nangarhar c) Badakhshan d) None of these 8) Silk Air is an airline of: a) Sri Lanka b) Switzerland c) Singapore d) China 9) Channel Tunnel is an under sea rail tunnel linking: a) England and Ireland b) England and France c) France and Germany d) None of these. 10) The Strait of Malacca is the main shipping channel between the India Ocean and: a) The North Pacific Ocean b) South Pacific Ocean c) South Atlantic Ocean d) None of these 11) The recently published book " Between Dreams and Realities" is written by: a) Shamshad Ahmad Khan b) Gohar Ayub c) Sahibzada Yakoob Ali Khan d) None of these 12) The largest Agency of FATA by population is: a) Bajaur Agency b) North Wazirstan c) South Waziristan d) None of these 13) Which of the following categories of Nobel Prise was established in 1968? a) Medicine b) Literature c) Economics d) None of these 14) Total cultivable Land of Pakistan is approximately: a) 80 million hectares b) 120 million hectares c) 150 million hectares d) None of these. 15) Who is Francois Fillon? a) Prime Minister of Italy b) President of Germany c) Foreign Minister of France d) None of these 16) The largest island in Indian Ocean is: a) Sri Lanka b) Sumatra c) Madagascor d) None 17) 3 May is observed Internationally as:

a) Environment Day b) Population Day c) Press Freedom Day d) None of these 18) 2016 Summer Olympics will be held at: a) Sydney b) Madrid c) Chicago d) Rio de Janerio 19) Kyat is the currency of: a) Nepal b) Myanmar c) Bhutan d) None 20 Environment Treaty Kyoto Protocol will be expired in: a) 2012 b) 2014 c) 2015 d) None of these. 3. The Head Quarter of Green Peace International is in AMSTERDAM. 4. Silk Air belongs to Singapore 11.The write of Dreams and Realities is Sartaj Aziz. 15.Farcois Fillon is the Prime Minister of France 1.Antara is the news agency of Indonesia. 2.Silk Air is of Singapore. 3.Largest island in Indian ocean is Madagasker. 4.Kyat is the currency of Mayanmar. 5.Channel tunnel is b/w France and England. 6.Francois Fillon is the PM of France. 7.3 May is the press freedom day. 8.Green peace HQ is in Amsterdam. 9.2016 summer Olypic will be in Rio De Janerio. 10. Gen S McChrystal is the commander of US forces in Afghanistan. Answers to the MCQs 2010 1) Which of the following countries is the world's largest emitter of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere? a) China b) America c) Russia d) India 2) Who is Stanley McChrystal? a) Commander US forces in Afghanistan b) Head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) c) NATO Commander in Afghanistan d) None of these

3) The headquarters of Green Peace International is located at: a) Vancouver b) Amsterdam c) London d) Paris 4) The oldeest internet search engine among the following is: a) Google b) MSN Search c) Yahoo d) 5) The power generating capacity of Diamer-Basha Dam would be: a) 3450 MW b) 3800 MW c) 4500 MW d) None of these 6) ANTARA is the news agency of: a) Indonesia b) Malaysia c) Turkey d) None of the these 7) The largest opium producer province in Afghanistan is: a) Helmand b) Nangarhar c) Badakhshan d) None of these 8) Silk Air is an airline of: a) Sri Lanka b) Switzerland c) Singapore d) China 9) Channel Tunnel is an under sea rail tunnel linking: a) England and Ireland b) England and France c) France and Germany d) None of these.

10) The Strait of Malacca is the main shipping channel between the India Ocean and: a) The North Pacific Ocean b) South Pacific Ocean c) South Atlantic Ocean d) None of these because it connects Pacific Ocean to the South Indian Ocean 11) The recently published book " Between Dreams and Realities" is written by: a) Shamshad Ahmad Khan b) Gohar Ayub c) Sahibzada Yakoob Ali Khan d) None of these Right answer is Sartaj Aziz 12) The largest Agency of FATA by population is: a) Bajaur Agency b) North Wazirstan c) South Waziristan d) None of these 13) Which of the following categories of Nobel Prise was established in 1968? a) Medicine b) Literature c) Economics d) None of these 14) Total cultivable Land of Pakistan is approximately: a) 80 million hectares b) 120 million hectares c) 150 million hectares d) None of these. because total geographical land in Pakistan is 79.6 Million Hectares while only 1/5 of it is being irrigated 15) Who is Francois Fillon? a) Prime Minister of Italy b) President of Germany c) Foreign Minister of France d) None of these Prime Minister of France 16) The largest island in Indian Ocean is: a) Sri Lanka b) Sumatra c) Madagascor

d) None 17) 3 May is observed Internationally as: a) Environment Day b) Population Day c) Press Freedom Day d) None of these 18) 2016 Summer Olympics will be held at: a) Sydney b) Madrid c) Chicago d) Rio de Janerio 19) Kyat is the currency of: a) Nepal b) Myanmar c) Bhutan d) None 20 Environment Treaty Kyoto Protocol will be expired in: a) 2012 b) 2014 c) 2015 d) None of these.

Important MCQ's for CSS 2012 IMPORTANT MCQs FOR CURRENT AFFAIRS 1. The name of Pakistans ambassador to the US is Sherry Rehman 2. Pakistan is a non permanent member of UN Security Council 3. The US Envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan is Marc Grossman 4. OIC has been recently renamed as Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Previously it was Organisation of Islamic Conference. 5. The US ambassador to Pakistan is Cameron Munter 6. The current Chairman senate is Farooq H. Naek 7. Pakistan leased out Shamsi airbase to UAE

8. Abbotabad Operation was carried out on May 2 2011 9. Abbotabad Commission is headed by Justice Javed Iqbal 10. The President enjoys immunity from criminal proceedings Under Article 248 of the Constitution 11. Leon Panetta is the US Defence Secretary 12. A K Anthony is the current defence Minister of India 13. S M Karishna is the minister of external affairs of India 14. P Chidambram is the Home affairs Minister of India 15. Pranab Mukharjee is the Finance Minister of India 16. Hina Rabbani is Minister for foreign affairs 17. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh is the Finance Minister of Pakistan 18. Khursheed Shah is minister for the religious affairs 19. Makhdoom Amin Fahim is the minister for trade 20. Maula Bux Chandio is the law Minister 21. Hillary Rodham Clinton is the current Secretary of the US 22. Joe Biden is the US vice President 23. Ekmelu din Ihsanoglu is the Secretary General of OIC 24. Reko Diq contains copper and gold and is situated in District Chagai ( Balochistan) 25. 2012 Olympics are going to be held in London 26. Headquarters of Asian Development are situated (ADB) at Manilla ( Phillipines) 27. Headquarters of OIC are situated at Jedda 28. Headquarters of SCO are situated at Shanghai 29. Headquarters of ECO are situated at Tehran 30. The current secretary General of UN is Ban Ki Moon ( South Korea) 31. Steve Jobs is the founder of apple I phone 32. Pratibha Patil is the President of India 33. Yingluck Shinawatra is the Prime Minister of Thailand 34. Muhammad Hamid Ansari is the Vice President of India 35. Yaseen Anwar is the current Governor of State Bank of Pakistan 36. Transparency International is headquartered at Berlin (Germany) 37. Lufthansa is the Airline of Germany 38. Nabil-el Araby is the current secretary General of the Arab League. ( He is from Egypt) 39. National Flower of Pakistan is Jasmine 40. National Sport of Pakistan is Hockey. 41. Leader of the Opposition in the Senate is Abdul Ghafoor Haideri. 42. Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan. 43. Arfa Karim, the youngest software engineer, belongs to Pakistan. 44. RAW stands for research and analysis wing (intelligence agency of India). 45. Mossad is the intelligence agency of Israel.

46. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the head of state of Liberia. She is one of the three Noble Peace Prize winners for the year 2011. 47. Chinese Premier is Wen Jiabao 48. Hu Jintao is the President of China 49. Abdullah Hussain Haroon is Pakistans permanent representative in the UN. 50. World Trade Organisation (WTO) came into being in 1995 51. David Cameroon is the Prime Minister of UK. 52. Angelina Merkel is the German Chancellor. 53. Christine Lagarde is the new head of IMF. 54. Robert B. Zoellick is the head of World Bank. 55. Headquarters of ECO are situated at Tehran. 56. RCD was established in 1964. 57. Ali Akbar Salehi is the Foreign Minister of Iran. 58. Zalmai Rassoul is the foreign minister of Afghanistan. 59. Last Presidential elections in Afghanistan were held in 2009. 60. After Pashton , Tajik are the second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan. Hazara are the third largest group in Afghanistan. 61. Headquarters of South Waziristan are at Wana during summer and Tank during Winter. 62. Headquarters of North Waziristan are at Miramshah 63. Headquarters of Khyber Agency are at Landi Kotal 64. South Waziristan is the largest agency in size in FATA. 65. FATA comprises of seven agencies. 66. APP is the news agency of Pakistan whereas AP ( Associated Press) is the news agency of the US 67. AFP is the news agency of France. 68. Interfax is the news agency of Russia. It is the news agency of Ukraine also. 69. Reuters is the news agency of UK. 70. PTI is the news agency of India. 71. Xinhua is the news agency of China 72. Yonhap is the news agency of south Korea 73. SPA is the news agency of Saudi Arabia. 74. MFN stands for most favoured nation. 75. SCO was established in 2001. 76. G8, association of the richest and most developed countries of the world comprises of US, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Russia, Japan. It has no formal structure. 77. Scandinavian states are Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway. 78. TAPI stands for Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. 79. Bonn Conference was held in November 2011 to discuss post with drawl scenario in Afghanistan.

80. Pakistan boycotted Bonn Conference because of NATO attack on Salala check post. 81. Next Conference will be held in Chicago in May 2012. 82. Mansoor Ijaz is an American national ( not Pakistani) who has ignited memogate controversy. 83. Hussain Haqqani, Pakistans former ambassador to the US, had to resign as a result of memogate scandal. 84. Rao Qamar Suleman is the current Air Chief Marshal of Pakistan 85. Asif Sandila is the current Naval Chief of Pakistan 86. Chairman NAB is Admiral Fasih Bukhari. 87. PNS Mehran was attacked on 22 May 2011. 88. South Sudan Became a Nation on July 9, 2011. South Sudan's capital is Juba. Salva Kiir, South Sudan's president, signs the interim Constitution 89. Kvitova and Djokovic won Wimbledon Titles in 2011. 90. Yoshiko Noda is the Prime Minister of Japan. 91. Saudi Arabia has recently granted right to vote to women. 92. Palestine became member of UNESCO on 31 October 2011. 93. Mario Monti is the Prime minister of Italy. He has replaced Berlusconi.n 94. Tahrir square is in Egypt. 95. First ever elections were held in Tunis on 24 Oct 2011. 96. On Oct 11, 2011, U.S. Attorney general Eric H. Holder announcedm from Washington that the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps paid assassins from a Mexican drug cartel $1.5 million to kill Adel alJubeir, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States. 97. South Sudan is the 193rd member of the UN. 98. George J Mitchell is President Obamas special envoy to the Middle East. United Nations 1. The United Nations was established on 24 Oct 1945. 2. Official languages of UN are English, Russian, French,Chinese, Arabic,Spanish 3. There are currently 193 member states. 4. The first meetings of the General Assembly, with 51 nations represented, and the Security Council, took place in Westminster Central Hall in London in January 1946. 5. Headquarters of UN are situated at international territory New York 6. Headquarters of World Bank and IMF are situated at Washington 7. Headquarters of FAO are situated at Rome 8. Headquarters of UNESCO are situated at Paris 9. Headquarters of UNICEF are situated at New York

10. Headquarters of International Court of Justice are situated at The Hague (The Netherlands) 11. Security Council consists of 15 members ( Five Permanent and Ten Non Permanent) 12. The Secretary-General is appointed by the General Assembly, after being recommended by the Security Council. 13. Veto Power is enjoyed by the Permanent members only 14. Headquarters of IAEA are at Vienna 15. Headquarters of ILO are at Geneva 16. Headquarters of Universal Postal Union are at Bern (Switzerland) 17. Headquarters of World Health Organisation are at Geneva 18. Headquarters of UNHCR are at Geneva 19. Ban Ki Moon is the Secretary General of UN . He is from South Korea. 20. International Court of Justice comprises of 15 judges. 21. Session of UN is held in September every year Read more: s=7798f69b1e92bbf5bb37d89b7381f678#ixzz1qhjDpb2y Provinces/Territories Punjab Governor: Latif Khosa Chief Ministers: Mian Shahbaz Shareef Read more: Sindh Governor: Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan Chief Ministers: Qaim Ali Shah PA Speaker : Nisar Ahmed Khuhro Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Governor: Syed Masood Kausar Chief Ministers: Ameer Haider Khan Hoti Balochistan Governor: Zulfikar Ali Magsi

Chief Ministers: Aslam Raisani Gilgit-Baltistan Governor: Pir Karam Ali Shah Chief Ministers: Syed Mehdi Shah Kashmir Governor: Raja Zulqarnain Khan Chief Ministers: Sardar Attique Important Personalities Bangladesh President: Zillur Rahman Prime Minister: Sheikh Hasina Afghanistan President: Hamid Karzai Vice President : Mohammed Fahim and Karim Khalili Russia President: Dmitry Medvedev Prime Minister: Vladimir Putin Iran Leader of Iran: Ali Khamenei President: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad First Vice President: Mohammad-Reza Rahimi: Iraq President: Jalal Talabani Prime Minister: Nouri al-Maliki Israel President : Shimon Peres Prime Minister: Benjamin Netanyahu United Kingdom Monarch: Elizabeth II France President: Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP) Prime Minister: Franois Fillon (UMP)

Germany President : Christian Wulff (CDU Chancellor: Anglina Merkal Canada Monarch: Elizabeth II Governor General: David Johnston Prime Minister: Stephen Harper Organisations SAARC Secretariat: Kathmandu, Nepal Official languages: English Establishment: December 8, 1985 SAARC Secretariat was established in Kathmandu on 16 January 1987 Members: (8) Afghanistan , Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka ASEAN Secretariat: Jakarta, Indonesia Official languages: English Secretary-General: Surin Pitsuwan Establishment Bangkok Declaration: 8 August 1967 Charter signed on: 16 December 2008 Members: (10) Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore , Thailand, Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. OIC Secretariat: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Official languages: Arabic, English, French Establishment: September 25, 1969 Secretary-General : Ekmeleddin hsanolu (Turkish) Members: 57 member states It changed its name from the Organisation of the Islamic Conference on 28 June 2011 and renamed as Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ECO Secretariat: Tehran, Iran Official languages: English

Establishment: 1985 successor organisation of Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD), founded in 1964, which ended activities in 1979. Secretary-General: Yahya Maroofi (Afghani) Members: 10 member states Iran, Pakistan, Turkey Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. SCO Secretariat: Beijing, China Official languages: Chinese and Russian Establishment: 2001 Secretary-General: Muratbek Sansyzbayevich Imanaliyev Members: (6 Members) China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan successor organization Shanghai Five, founded in 1996; after the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, the members renamed the organisation. Observers: (4 )Pakistan, India, Iran and Mongolia Dialogue Partner: Belarus, Sri Lanka and Turkey Guests: ASEAN, CIS and Turkmenistan NOBEL PRIZES FOR 2011 Nobel peace prize 2011 Winners are Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Leymah Gbowee of Liberia and Tawakul Karman of Yemen for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for womens rights to full participation in peace-building work. Nobel Literature prize 2011 Tomas Transtrmer for condensed translucent images which give us fresh access to reality. Nobel Economics prize 2011 Thomas J. Sargent and Christopher A. Sims for their empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy. Nobel Physiology or Medicine prize 2011

Bruce Beutler, Jules A. Hoffmann and Ralph M. Steinman for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity. Nobel Chemistry prize 2011 Dan Shechtman for the discovery of quasicrystals. Nobel Physics prize 2011 Saul Perlmutter, Adam G. Riess & Brian P. Schmidt for his contributions to the discovery of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. Read more: s=7798f69b1e92bbf5bb37d89b7381f678#ixzz1qhjNT7Xo

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