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The aim of Exercise BLUE DIAMOND is to carry out an in depth examination & analysis of a selected industry & all corporate within that industry using all strategic tools discussed during the Course. Scenario & Requirement. A well renowned global consultancy firm, Messrs McAllen & Co, has been hired by a large diversified Indian MNC, The AVG Group, for a fee of $1.5 m. The AVG Group has varied interests ranging from IT to shipping, construction, etc, and wishes to invest in a new sector and industry which McAllen may recommend. Your Group is to see itself as the specially selected think tank within McAllen and is being tasked by the senior partners to carry out this study. Your Report is to be directed at the Board of AVG outlining strategies and recommending current and future operational measures that AVG would need to adopt to make its proposed fresh investment. Division of the Project The Project would be done in three parts. Part 1: Industry Analysis Prepare an Industry Analysis providing an all encompassing insight into the industrys competitiveness and imperatives for success in a global scenario. Determine market evolution and industry growth, existing environment and technological changes, the emerging competition and challenges, probable government policy, etc. In other words, cover the key elements that govern the business environment, likely strategic direction the industry could take in the future, performance of the existing major corporate entities focused on contemporary developments underway and their effects on competitiveness. Try and select a sunrise industry and look for Blue Oceans within the selected industry. Part 2: Corporate Analysis Following the Industry Analysis, undertake a Corporate Analysis of the leading firm in the industry selected. Study its history, its financial performance, and identify its core competencies and strategic resources. Comment on its past strategies and on current strategies being followed and thus prepare a critique. Remember your are working for the AVG Group. So select aspects relevant for the Group to enter the industry selected. Part 3: Scenario & Recommendations Draw up a Scenario of the Industry for 2020. Identify issues that could confront the AVG Group in the next decade, consider the options that may be available to it and finally make your recommendations based on these options. It is once again emphasized that the Report is to meet the business requirements of senior decision makers at AVG formulating corporate strategy. They should be able to clearly identify industry trends, characteristics, critical factors for success, etc. Notes for Guidance on the Project The Report should be well written, concise, and focused; obviate repetition and irrelevant information.

Do not plagiarize; acknowledge sources quoted and their authors. The spelling, prose, and presentation are expected to be of a very high standard. The Report is to be in Arial font size 11 and both, soft and hard copies are to be submitted. The hard copies are to be printed on both sides and may be spiral or thermal bound. Submit assignments in accordance with the promulgated schedule. Please do not request for changes as these will not be permitted. Late submissions will not be accepted. Assessments would be based on the submitted Group work and the presentations made in the class.

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