Comparing Nitrogen Removal of Various Onsite Treatment Systems

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Septic System E uent

Effluent Plumes from 4 Different Onsite Systems Comparing Nitrogen Removal

ries nda bou erty prop

retrofit: $3,000 to 6,000

Septic with Urine Diversion


20% 100%
Dry Toilet with Septic for Washwater


Septic with Sand Filter & Wood Chip Filter




available at infographic by Molly Danielsson


Effluent Plumes from 4 Different Onsite Systems Citations

USEPA 2002: Onsite Treatment Systems Manual EPA/625/R-00/008 Pie Charts, sources of nutrients Figure 3-7 Infiltration based on 10-40% removal N, 85-95% removal of P, 90-98% removal BOD5, Figure 3-17 Septic Effluent, Figure 3-19 Septic Tank with Dry Composting Toilet 82.1% of total Nitrogen is from toilet: USEPA 2002. 17.9% x 24 to 90 = 4.3 to 16.11 mg/L N Septic Tank with Sand and Wood Chip Filter 10 mg/L of N: Oakley, Stewart, Arthur Gold, Autumn J Oczkowski. Nitrogen control through decentralized wastewater treatment: Process perfomance and alternative management strategies. Ecological Engineering. 36(11):1520-1531. November 2010. p 1 Septic Tank with Urine Diversion 80% of N and 50% of P from domestic wastewater at treatment plants is contained in urine. Larsen, T.A., Gujer, W., 1996. Separate management of anthropogenic nutrient solutions (human urine). Water Science and Technology 34 (34), 8794. Sand Filter and Wood Chip Filter based on Nitrex TM System. Lombardo, Pio. Phone Interview. May 2, 2012. Dry Toilet based off of VeraMiljoes Carousel dry toilet. Urine Diversion retrofit based off Swedish prices as of 2006 excluding 25% tax.

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