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Scott Graham(V-pauxaffairesacadmiques/VPAcademic)

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-------------------Cherchez vous leManifesteenfranais? -------------------Introduction

Quest-ce qui est important dans une librairiegrepar lestudiants?/ What is important in a student-owned bookstore? Quels articles de services voulezvoustrouver lAgora? Quel est larticle le plus important que vous voulez quon prvoie? What service items do you want to see in the Agora? What is the single most important item that you want addressed? Year after year, waves of students at the University of Ottawa become increasingly complacent about their institution and their representative bodies. This feeling is dubbed, by outside disinterests, as apathy. The SFUO (Student Federation of the University of Ottawa) contends that the problem is not exclusively endemic but rather one of public miseducation and a lack of standardized information channelled to students by their representatives. Translation: students don't care about campus life and we need to do something about it. The University of Ottawa, a worthy institution, recognizes the need to foster the development of its populace on all fronts, but primarily academic, social and political, to name a few. As a post-secondary body, the University of Ottawa has a vested interest in making you feel welcome in order for you to wholly benefit from your experience and eventually graduate from the establishment in which you began. To do this, both the University and the SFUO as overarching, representative bodies must labour to foster a sense of pride and belonging. These feelings are what will increase your participation, ensure your loyalty and retention and once alumnus establish you as willing participants and (hopefully) generous donors. I am therefore of the opinion that it is the responsibility of the SFUO to address this problem at a level on which you can relate. Clearly, University issues (tuition, corporate sponsorship, etc.) have been unproductively harped upon for far too long. Having said this, allow me to illustrate the effects of problems locally, with a subject matter and medium that is reasonable and digestible to you. This begins with a vision. Awareness The message to the students of the University of Ottawa is one of awareness about campus issues, the SFUO and our collective goals. Although the gamut of issues is large, you should nevertheless be told about both the good and bad ones. For example, problems such as increases in tuition and poor cafeteria services are (theoretically) balanced by the funds that the central Administration consecrates to space allocation, library services and ongoing expansion (new constructions). Examples of SFUO issues are the following: a) Low voter turnout, b) The failure of student businesses (i.e., the Nox), c) The success of student businesses (i.e., the Agora Bookstore), d) Volunteerism, and e) Maximizing student representation. From the point of view of the SFUO, you need to be made aware of more than the standard range of concerns. You need to know which businesses belong to you; how your student levy is divided; what the Executive does; how you can become involved; and how the SFUO can, and really does, work for you. Essentially, the student population of the University of Ottawa needs to be aware of the resources that exist to their benefit. Your Education Extends Way Beyond Your Classroom Walls Here's the way it is: Pragmatically, the SFUO wants to instill in you, the average non-involved student a greater degree of participation and involvement on campus during elections, social programming and sport spectatorship, to name a few. At very least, the goal is one of heightened student consciousness and increased sense of belonging at the University of Ottawa. If that was enough to move you, you're a fantastic tribute to the fundamentals of higher education; and for that, I applaud you. If not, please consider the following minor points. Some Ideas

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Executive About SFUO Calendar Jobs Services Businesses Clubs Associations Commissioners Campus Media Forums Maps

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Listed below are a series of issues that are present in, or which have affect upon, your student life. These are listed in no particular order: 1) Tuition You should know the statistics of ever-increasing tuition and especially the Universitys "five-year plan." You should be able to intelligently articulate the difference between tuition and student levy and have a sufficient idea of "where tuition goes" and this not only for your benefit but for the benefit of all students when elections and referenda time roll around. Basically, it works like this: levy is money that you pay to the SFUO to improve your businesses, your services and your operations. If the levy never increases, then those same businesses, services and operations become qualitatively and quantitatively poor. When you agree to increases in student levy, the Federation can harness new funds to better service students: by expanding and creating new jobs, hosting more events, and competing with University or outside businesses who only want to make money off your back. Hey, we're here for you. 2) Housing a) Off-campus If you're suffering from high rent, you should make your municipal councillor aware of the lack of affordable housing and how the resulting high cost of living is encroaching on your existing debt-load. In fact, why don't you go to the City of Ottawa's City Ward Councillor Web page and tell them what you think. b) Rez life Included in "Housing" is "Rez" life and the fun times associated with living in a university residence. Offcampus students dont necessarily know this or respect it. If you live in rez, make friends with your offcampus counterparts and vice versa. You should also know that our newest residence has no name and what the lack of outside philanthropic contributions has to do with that fact. Does anyone have 2 million dollars they want to donate to the University? C'mon!? You'll get your name on a building ... all nice and shiny ... 3) The Agora Bookstore V.S. U Bookstore This is a big one, so buckle up. As tastefully and logically as possibly, let me repeat a few facts: a) The U Bookstore is 49% owned by Follett, an American corporation (the other 51% being held by the U) THEY HAVE NO VESTED INTERESTED (WHATSOEVER) IN SAVING YOU MONEY AND THEREFORE TEXTBOOKS ARE VERY EXPENSIVE AT THE U BOOKSTORE; b) The AGORA Bookstore is 100% owned by the SFUO and its members: you the students, and thus the next point; c) Your textbooks are CHEAPER at the Agora Bookstore, d)TheAgoraBookstoreislocatedat135BessererSt(only700ftfromcampus). They can order any textbook you need, all you have to do is get your professors to call 56-AGORA (562.4672); e) Follett has been granted sole textbook distribution rights in the UCU (University Centre) by means of the University of Ottawas Policy 50. Take a guess which policy is NOT on the Policies page of the U of O Web site...?; f) A large percentage of professors continue to order your textbooks there thanks to a miseducation campaign administered by Follett and the University of Ottawa; g) The University is concerned that the Agora will threaten the revenue and research funding that the U Bookstore provides to the University thanks to its 9 million dollars in yearly sales; h) Unfortunately for the students, these revenues could be as easily obtained and distributed in the form of research funding and operations funding by the SFUO through the Agora Bookstore if it were in the place of Follett. Either way, it's your business, your money spent or your money saved. These are the facts; now you decide where you want to buy your textbooks. 4) Sports and the Lack of Spectatorship/Participation Our Gee Gees suffer from a massive lack of spectatorship and support. Comparatively, most other universities put us to shame in this department. The question is what are you going to do about it? If youre willing to let your teams lose varsity status and have their funding cut, then, by all means, do not attend any games or buy any Gee Gees gear at all. On the other hand, if youre willing to spend practically no money at all, cheer for your peers and earn your school colours while youre at it, then pick up a game calendar from Sports Services (either of the gyms) or the SFUO and come out and show some luuuuuuv. And not only that: if you like sports, then join a team, have some fun and be a proud Gee Gee! 5) SFUO Elections Elections are a gruelling process. Every executive member has to do it. Campaigning runs the course of three weeks: in which are debates, postering runs, banner making, classroom presentations and you, getting approached by the candidates. This is your opportunity to meet the candidates these are the people getting paid $24,000 of your money to run the SFUO. Elections are an expression of university

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excitement, efforts and energies that you cant afford to miss. If you're happy about how things are, then get involved and help out with a good thing. If you think you can do a better job why dont you run? Its great ... you get to speak in front of hundreds of people, not only telling them WHY they should vote, but why they should vote for YOU. You also get to approach students in the cafeterias, the hallways, the library and the lounges to ask for their vote to which many respond: "Ive already voted," (when elections have not even started yet) or a very uncomfortable "Um, no thanks" like youre trying to sell them vacuums or encyclopedae. Whats more, during classroom presentations, you get to be interrupted by front-row students who yell intelligent things like "who the hell are you?" or "who cares? or both!" This is your chance to get out there and tell everyone who the hell you are and that you, unlike many others, do in fact care. So there. 6) Voter Turnout The SFUO currently suffers from an endemic deficiency in voter turnout. One of the highest turnouts was near 17%; regularly its somewhere around 13%. If you think thats pretty sad (which it is), then get involved in elections and get politicized if only one small bit. Pick up a paper, read about the candidates, and find out what the referenda are about. Historically, having seen some of the people that have been voted in ... let me tell you ... you cant afford NOT to be informed. 7) Candidate Turnout In the SFUO elections for the executive of 2002-2003, five (5) positions were available and only nine (9) candidates presented themselves; two of which won by vote of confidence. This is a good start, but ideally, individuals who want to make a differenceshould be in much larger number and demand - this is potentially due to the fact that you, the student populace, is unaware of the opportunity that is being a part of the SFUO: the one-year working timeline/putting your degree on hold, the salary, the "no need of prior experience or involvement." The reasons why you should get involved are inumerable. 8) Voter Miseducation Clearly, having spoken with a great number of students at large about elections and the voting process, and having watched elections unfold, it is blatantly obvious that a great many of students lack even the mildest clue as to "what's going on" on campus. Its not hard: pick up your student newspapers when they come out, stop into the SFUO once in a while, frequent the Federation businesses and use the Services. It's your business to know, um, what the hell is going on. Sounds easy? Most definitely. 9) Candidates My fellow students, if you decide that, in fact, you want to listen to a candidate, please dont believe everything they say. This is where campus media comes into play: find out what the issuesare and then cross-reference what the candidates are saying with what you know to be observable and factually true. If someone starts talking about the 9 Federation businesses, call bullshit on them, and tell them where to stick it! 10) Referenda In the event of a referendum, you are asked to vote on something that will directly affect you. Fundamentally, on that point alone, you should become immediately interested. It could be an increase or a re-distribution of your levy, or both. Often, students do not take the time to inform themselves on the potential gamut of benefits they may receive (or lose) by voting for or against a given something. Most often, referenda are lost on questions of voter ignorance. Please don't let this happen anymore. 11) The SFUO: Your Resource As elected representatives, it is important that you know who your executive members are and the responsibilities they have. Most importantly, it is crucial that you understand that the Federation is your tool and that SFUO resources are your resources. Maybe a quick peek at the Executive Web page and clicking a few links would help ... hmmm, yes? And don't forget to check out our ever-s o-cute Photo Galleries. 12) Campus Print Media Pring media representation on our campus is vast. Without fault, La Rotonde and The Fulcrum are published on time on weekly schedules (Mondays and Wednesdays, respectively), in which articles of consistent quality are composed for the sole benefit of informing and entertaining students. Barely enough editorials/reader replies are submitted and feedback is less than loud. The campus media is absolutely free and is written by students, for students, so pick up a paper, give it a read and dont be afraid to tell them what you think good or bad. 13) Student Businesses, And Why Its In Your Best Interest To Use Them Simply put, you should be extremely familiar with student businesses: what they are, where they are and what they can do for you. Have you compared SFUO business prices (books, coffee, everyday products) with those of on-campus competitors? I suggest you do in order to see the raw and cyclical, benefits of using SFUO businesses, your business.Incaseyouforgot,heretheyare:thePivik(Groceteria),CafPresto,Fd Express,RezCaf,theAgoraBookstoreandInternetCaf,andtheArcaveGamesRoom. 14) Federation Services: What They Do (And Where They Are) You should be extremely familiar with SFUO services. Ideally, you should follow up this knowledge with a good idea of their roles and functions. Not only should you know where they are and what they do, but know the coordinators, volunteer for them, know the events (i.e., International Week, Pride Week, etc.). Use

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the four (4) Services to your advantage, thats what theyre there for. As well, in case you forgot, here are your Federation Services: Foot Patrol, Pride Centre, Peer Help Centre and International House. 15) Volunteerism A large part of student involvement on campus in volunteerism. Of note, is the Volunteer Gala, held in March and the recent inauguration (2001) of the Volunteer Wall (in the Unicentre) where names of outstanding volunteers are etched for everyone to see. There are multiple forms of volunteerism: you can help out with Frosh Week, the Services, join or start a club, join or help out your student association, et cetera. Largely, you should understand that involvement, of any kind, enhances your University experience. As if I had to repeat that. 16) Clubs There are approximately 85 clubs on campus; these are funded by your student levy. The major divisions of clubs are: religious, political, athletic and hobby. Clubs give you an avenue for expression and the benefit of similarity of interests with your peers. If you're interested in seeing what's out there, check out the Clubs Page. 17) Lack of Student Jobs on Campus An important issue that has remained, apparently, overlooked at the University of Ottawa is the lack of student employment in several institutions and non-SFUO businesses. As it stands, the SFUO currently employs nearly 250 students.Withoutmajorlogisticaldifficulties,theCafPresto,forexample,employs almost 30 students and manages to accommodate their employees different schedules. Why is it that some organizations do not employ nearly as many students as possible? Wondering which ones these are? Let us help: a) Follett, the University Bookstore; b) Aramark, the main cafeteria and food service provider on campus; c) Tim Hortons; and d) The WizardsTower. This has only been a brief overview of what we feel might give you food for thought. Bottom line: get involved. And if you dont like what you see re-arrange it. Closing Remarks At the outset, you, the student of the University of Ottawa should be made well aware of the resources at your disposal in addition to having a wide view as to where your money goesand, consequently, how to access those resources. The University of Ottawa is largely concerned with your retention on campus (making sure you finish your degree here). This objective is slowly being reached with more and more practical investments in the fields that are both appreciated by, and can be directly benefited from, students. Together, with the central administrations hard work, the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa is seeking to meet you, the student population at the ground level,speaking to you in a language, format and topic you know, you understand and that maybe, just maybe, might infuriate you just enough to do something about it. The time for you to take part in the politics and processes that affect you is long overdue After all ... you shouldnt let school get in the way of your education. -------------------Return to the V-pauxaffairesacadmiques/VPAcademic section. -------------------Return to the home page. --------------------

October 9, 2002 - 3:24 pm

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