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Aj Technology Resources Embedded academic projects cover almost all the topics/subjects that are part of B.

Tech Final year & M.Tech course.

Preparatory Course towards Academic Projects (A) Introduction to Microcontrollers 1. Introduction to Microcontrollers 2. Microcontrollers Vs Microprocessors 3. Controller Architecture o Memory Organization o Basic Registers o Special Function Registers 4. Controller Programming in Embedded-C o Introduction to Cross Compilers 5. Timers 6. Counters 7. Interrupts 8. Serial Communication

(B) Understanding Basic Devices 1. Light Emitting Diodes 2. Switches 3 Seven Segment Displays 4 Liquid Crystal Displays 5 Matrix Keyboard 6 Relays 7 Buzzers 8 DC Motor 9 Introduction to protocols o SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) o I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) o CAN (Controller Area Network) - Optional

Lab Work 1. Explanation about how to use the Compiler

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How to Create project How to Create source file How to generate hex file debugging

2. Explanation about microcontroller development board 3. Interfacing a Light Emitting Diode 4. Interfacing Switches 5. Interfacing Seven Segment Display 6. Interrupts 7. Timers & Counters 8. Interfacing a LCD display o 8-bit Mode o 4-bit Mode 9. Interfacing a 4x4 Matrix Keypad 10. Serial Communication o Transmitting character and string o Receiving character and string 11. Interfacing a DC Motor 12. Interfacing Relay & Buzzer

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