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An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. School Motto Our school motto underpins our ethos of partnership in the pursuit of high achievement:

Together We Achieve
Mission Statement Our mission statement encapsulates our strategic aims: At FHS each individual will realise and achieve their full potential academically, personally and socially through a rich and varied curriculum, state of the art technology and outstanding teaching and learning. We will inspire all members of our community to become global ambassadors in our increasingly interconnected world. Strategic Cornerstones There are 4 key strategic areas we describe as our strategic cornerstones and we believe are key to our ongoing success. We will focus on these each year in the SDP to ensure we continue to work towards our mission statement. Our strategic mission will be underpinned by our advanced and innovative use of New Technology. 1. 2. 3. 4. Relentless focus on Teaching and Learning A rich and varied curriculum Strong code of behaviour Rigorous tracking systems and associated intervention

Top development priorities identified for the next 3 years include: Continuing and building upon our focus on Teaching and Learning to ensure more active student centred challenge, greater independence in our learners and more subject specialist lesson observation and feedback Reviewing systems for target setting, data collection and reporting in order to raise the bar and maximise student achievement Responding to central government imposed curriculum and assessment change including changes to BTEC equivalence and the move away from modular style examinations Remodelling and rewriting our curriculum in light of our move to a 2 year KS3 and 3 year Key Stage 4 and enhancing exposure to literacy across the curriculum


An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Reviewing our appropriateness of our curriculum for Entry Level and Foundation Tier students through curriculum change and IAG Enhancing our understanding of the new Ofsted framework including the importance of SMSC across our provision Reducing routine administrative demands on departments and ensuring we are maximising the effectiveness of all support staff Improving communication with our parents Developing the whole school campus particular emphasis on use of external space 1. Teaching and Learning Reviewing, developing and embedding the 4 part Accelerated Learning Cycle but encouraging flexibility and innovative approaches within this Developing more active student centred lessons with deep questioning, innovative use of e learning, high challenge and regular review to ensure progress through mini plenary Increasing subject specialist lesson observation and more regularly reviewing lesson observation data against progress data We want to develop our strategies for coaching with a particular focus on moving teachers from satisfactory to good and good to outstanding progress of teachers on programmes will be regularly reviewed. We will eliminate all unsatisfactory teaching through a personalised coaching model. Ensuring new Performance Management standards become embedded and link with lesson observation data and internal audit data through the PDR process Developing and embedding Departmental and SLT marking audits Developing Student Voice opportunities in lessons including choice of activity, routine evaluation of schemes of work and a borough wide learning conference. Continued focus on literacy strategies across the curriculum, introduction of numeracy across the curriculum Publish our expected lesson observation schedule for SLT and TLRs and ensure this is reviewed half termly with progress data. We will develop use of consultancy and specialist lesson observation to ensure at least 90% lessons graded as good or better with significant proportion as outstanding Develop Blue Sky software module to streamline self evaluation data Greater use of inspirational external speakers to stimulate Teaching and Learning E learning will become integrated into our T&L team. We will continue to work towards our ambition to become a Teaching School. AfL AfL opportunities must be integrated into lesson planning and embedded in practice Frequent, high quality formative assessment coupled with rigorous marking audits and linked to the new Professional Standards and Performance Management procedures.


An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. New Technology To become integrated into working of all strategic teams High quality and monitored On-line Learning Days to provide the flexibility needed to facilitate e.g. Target Setting Days, Induction Day Monitor and encourage use of SLG by all especially hard to reach families Staff to have a range of cutting edge ICT equipment and software available in the classroom including iPads and iPods to support student learning. 2. Curriculum. Schemes of work will ensure greater exposure to literacy across the curriculum Develop personalised provision through guided pathways at KS4, real choice at KS5 and appropriate progression routes for all Implement changes following National Curriculum Review due to be implemented in autumn 2014. We will be developing and reviewing our schemes of work to reflect our reduced KS3 offer and 3 year KS4 Ensure KS3 across all subjects promotes real subject rigour. Following KS4 review, departments will need to select new GCSE courses carefully with a full understanding of the assessment regime to ensure the needs of our learners are best supported. Alternative Curriculum provision will ensure all students have the opportunity to taste success and to develop knowledge and skills which enable them to progress on to the most appropriate pathway The introduction of a number of our new guided E Bacc/non E Bacc pathways will need to be implemented and evaluated. Develop greater independence in our learners through continued focus on FHS Skills We must develop a rigorous approach to internal assessment and examination to fully prepare our learners for the linear assessment model at KS4. Our programme for Gifted and Talented students will continue to develop. We will improve systems for early identification, support and confidence building for our potential Russell Group students. Our marking and assessment policy will be reviewed to guide staff on expectations about written and verbal feedback. We will ensure departmental and SLT marking audits develop, have an impact and link to PDRs We will also need to evaluate and embed our post 16 offer in and ensure continued value for money in light of new post 16 funding arrangements.


An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013.

Extra Curricular Curriculum Enrichment Weeks will continue in the summer term but will be modified in the Autumn term to a collapsed days model. Develop a simple system to monitor attendance, evaluate our wide range of enrichment opportunities at lunchtime and after school both indoors and outdoors in order to ensure high quality well attended provision which meets the needs of all students. 3. Progress and tracking and monitoring systems We must continue to look at strategies for raising achievement and narrowing the gender attainment gap Our systems for data collection and reporting will be reviewed to ensure they best meet the needs of all stakeholders. We will develop the use of 4 Matrix software to simplify data analysis We will challenge ourselves through challenging but achievable targets based on 4 levels of progress and FFTD+1 at KS4 and ALPS+ at KS5. We will ensure we identify any underachievers at the individual level and put in place appropriate intervention for redstudents We will put in place earlier intervention strategies to eliminate in school subject variation and to bring progress back towards the expected levels. We will establish ourselves as Pixl school, revisit our FHS interventions document, continue to look at strategies for raising achievement and narrow the attainment gap. We must consider the implications of new league table measures and adapt interventions/boosters accordingly We must develop a spreadsheet to show how Pupil Premium is being used to raise standards. We must consider the implications of new league table measures and evaluate and adapt interventions accordingly Ensure SMSC is tracked through assemblies and tutor periods Develop and implement SLT Tutor Group audits and ensure consistent use of the school diary as a means of communication to parents 4. A strong code of behaviour Maintain high expectations of student behaviour at all times and ensure a consistent approach to behaviour management across the school We will continue to promote outstanding attendance and punctuality to maximise achievement levels We will review and build upon our Rewards and Incentives systems. The role of Learning Mentors will be developed to support behaviour management processes within TLR teams and across the school The structure of our two LBSCs will also be reviewed to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Evaluate and develop our use of the Learning Gateway to communicate with parents especially with challenging students/families.


An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013.

5. Leadership and Management Our internal monitoring and self evaluation cycle must become more rigorous including marking audits, mini reviews, SLT lesson observations. Developing the 3 Deputy Headteacher structure to support coordination and effectiveness within and across our 3 key operational teams Provide opportunities for experienced Middle Leaders to gain senior leader experience through secondments onto the Senior Leadership Team as Associate AHTs. Review our TLR structure against curriculum demand to ensure posts allocated within departments broadly reflect curriculum input. Review our annual system of Internal Promotions Develop our PDR process to link with new Teacher Standards and to draw on internal and external data sets. There will be an increased emphasis on reviewing lesson observation data in line with progress data which will be linked to the implementation of the new Performance Management Standards. We want to ensure that we remain at the forefront of New Technology and innovation and must measure the impact of current strategies and continue to develop the DLG into a high profile team We must ensure that as Lead School our Middle Leadership Development programme remains a high quality programme We must source funds to facilitate our site development plans Review all JDs and Person Specs to develop our House Style Workforce Reform Evaluate and modify where appropriate the structure and effectiveness of our current support staff provision including TAs and Learning Mentors to ensure we are maximising impact. Provide greater administrative support through Administrative Assistants attached to departments and Year Teams through the 3 key operational teams. Governance Continue to strengthen Governance through engagement with the range of school provision Develop school Governors Fronter site (or replacement site) Standing agenda items for each sub-committee will be developed. Our Academy responsibilities must be embedded. Requirements of Academy Governance need to become embedded. Minutes will reflect that we have met key success criteria of critical friendship through appropriate challenge and recognition of school successes.


An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013.

6. School Organisation and Design Strengthen departmental structures and improve communication including developing staff working areas. Maintain current TLR structure but consideration must continue to be given to the increased demand on Subject Leaders of this additional pastoral role. We will adapt L&M structures and policies to facilitate subject development and rigour e.g. through use of TLR1s for subject specialist lesson observation. Pupil Progress TLR will continue to have the primary leadership role tracking the progress and behaviour of all pupils in the Year Group and ensuring intervention strategies are implemented. Large flexible spaces will be constructed to allow approximately 250 students to gather for Year/House based assemblies and for indoor social interaction during unstructured time We will continue to develop the House System through e.g. Peer mentoring and support, broadening of competition between houses Ensure departments take advantage of opportunities for more flexible setting to recognise student strengths in individual subject areas. External Space and Design Continue to source funds to develop outdoor space that allows active and safe play areas as well as covered access between buildings and areas allowing shelter 7. Community /Transition At a time of fierce competition for students, we must celebrate widely within the community what makes us special dedication of staff, the outstanding progress/achievement by all groups of pupils, excellent university progression rates, excellent sporting opportunities, our science specialism, a rounded education with a wealth of enrichment opportunities Continue to support international understanding and links with other school, support students to become Global Citizens and develop the confidence to travel internationally and achieve the International School Award. Gerry Wadwa Headteacher June 2012


An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013.

Priority 1. Teaching and Learning 1.1. Quality of Teaching and Learning (AL/AB/NM) TIME (Term + Year) BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

Autumn 2012 Increase and Embed the ALC in 4 part format. standardise the delivery of good and outstanding Agree and develop of a set of standards/non-negotiable for lessons every lesson/teacher. (FHS10)

AL, AB & SD Whole staff training. team AL, AB, SD team External provider Twilight T&L bulletin

Equality of experience in the classroom.

Lead teachers ensure department access to examiner

AL - LTs

Exam board training

Improved delivery of exam content

Develop more active, student centred lessons,

Further develop coaching provision in school to targeted groups of teachers. Use of IRIS as a coaching tool trial departmental usage. Audit, research and share best practice through LPPs, dept TADM & T&L bulletin.


Identify and train more coaches. Whole school (twilight)and departmental T&L training time. Time to visit other

Improved outcomes Experience higher percentage of good and outstanding lessons Enjoy more active lessons and develop as more independent learners.


Visit other schools to inform and improve our practice. Whole school and departmental T&L training time to share.



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Use of Weebly page including lesson clip resources. schools.

Priority 1. Teaching and Learning 1.1.Quality of Teaching and Learning (AL/AB/NM) (Continued) TIME (Term + Year) Improve and increase the range of AFL strategies in use across the curriculum. Improve monitoring of quality of T&L to enhance development of subject specialism . BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) Audit, research and share best practice through LPPs, dept TADM & T&L bulletin. LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

SD and LPP team.

Visit other schools to inform and improve our practice. Increase staff awareness of range of AFL strategies. Review and adapt observation system and protocol. Use Blue sky effectively to support system. Ensure observations for Appraisals take place across the school. LTs observe all team to develop clear picture of standards of T&L and reduce variation. SLT 20 minute observations for grading and standardisation



Training, external and twilight, lesson observations, T&L bulletin. Use of Weebly page including lesson clip resources. Leadership TADM. Blue sky training provision Inset day 2

Raised awareness of point and direction of learning . Improved outcomes.

Exposure to improved subject delivery. Improved outcomes.

SLT overview HMI consultant visit Training for coordinators Improved levels of literacy and Twilight numeracy, supporting wider skills

Literacy and Action Plan developed by Coordinators and implemented. numeracy across Best practice strategies shared

NB/AP with Co-


An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. the curriculum. ordinators T&L Bulletin development

Priority 1: Teaching and Learning. 1.1. Quality of Teaching and Learning (AL/AB/NM) (Continued) TIME (Term + Year) Spring 2013 BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

Increase and Embed FHS10 across the curriculum standardise the Monitor and share through learning visits. delivery of good Review coached cohort and training and outstanding lessons.

AL SD team TD and year Meeting time Equality of experience in the and departmental T&L classroom. meeting time

Develop more Plan and carry out action research including student voice - AM SD & active, student (agree depts. With CD team) on eg level of challenge. CD teams centred lessons Learning visit focus and development in Dept team meeting T&L discussion. Improve and increase the range of AFL strategies in use across the curriculum Plan and carry out action research (agree depts. With CD team) including student voice on e.g. questioning. Learning visit focus and development in Dept team meeting T&L discussion AM SD & CD teams

Input on methods of enquiry led research.

Exposed to more closely tailored provision.

Input on methods of enquiry led research.


An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013.

Priority 1: Teaching and Learning. 1.1.Quality of Teaching and Learning (AL/AB/NM) (Continued) TIME (Term + Year) Improve monitoring of quality of T&L to enhance development of subject specialism Summer 2013 BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LTs co-ordinate with TDs to maximise use of directed Peer Observation programme. Mid- year review of outcomes of Ts on coaching programme. SLT drop-in graded observations. AL LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

Directed time Blue sky observation data analysis

Enjoy high quality lessons.

Increase and Focus coaching programme and LT observations on areas of standardise the need. delivery of good and outstanding lessons


Training and development time. Bulletins

Exposure to improved subject delivery. 90% lessons graded as good/outstanding. Improved outcomes



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013.

Priority 1: Teaching and Learning. 1.1. Quality of Teaching and Learning (AL/AB/NM) (Continued). TIME (Term + Year) BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

Develop more Produce/publish a document and video resources to establish SD LPPS active, student and embed FHS 10 centred lessons Collate, produce/publish shared resources Improve and increase the range of AFL strategies in use across the curriculum Improve monitoring of quality of T&L to enhance development of subject Collate, produce/publish shared resources SD & LPPs


Improved and more consistent provision

Graded observations by all TLRS in subject areas. SLT graded Obs. Review of system. Review impact of coaching programme.

AL with SLT

Blue sky observation data analysis



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. specialism Literacy and numeracy across the curriculum Coordinators Twilight T & L Bulletin Improved levels of literacy and numeracy, supporting wider skills development.

Priority 2. Curriculum Development 2.1. Curriculum Development KS3 (Lead KJ) TIME BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) 1. Auditing SoW and curriculum overviews (including reviewing cross curricular themes). 2. Ensuring subject specific rigour is developed through training and observation and planning. 3. Ensuring differentiation between bands and within bands for ability and learning style is planned including kinaesthetic and creative activities. 4. SLT to review and evaluate 2 year model LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

(Term + Year) Autumn Review current 2 year model Autumn Summer

CD team / Lead TADM time Teachers

Pupils should be making three levels of progress over the entire key stage All pupils seen engaged during lesson observations and lesson walks

Autumn Summer Summer Spring Review Autumn assessment Summer procedure


1. Planning for end of year examinations 2. Conducting exercise book marking audits 3. Revising marking procedures to include: i. Next steps to continue to progress

PP & CD CD & lead teachers

Invigilation time & marking time

Pupils should be making three levels of progress over the entire key stage



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Spring Learning visits ii. iii. iv. Opportunity for students to respond to feedback Whole school training Re-write whole school and department marking policies Department and cluster meeting time

Priority 2. Curriculum Development 2.1. Curriculum Development KS3 (Continued).



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. TIME (Term + Year) Autumn Autumn BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

Review curriculum planning



1. Ensuring SoW that are fit for purpose for subject CD & Lead needs and audiences teachers 2. Creating systems to evidence lesson planning clearly shows planning for pupils to make progress from prior learning, skills and knowledge 3. Formalising opportunities for the development of Reading, Writing, Communication and Mathematical skills where relevant 4. Planning for demonstrating understanding activities that are chunked for 20 minutes. 5. Ensure marking and assessment is thoroughly and appropriately embedded in planning.

Department and cluster meeting time

Pupils should be making three levels of progress over the entire key stage

Priority 2. Curriculum Development 2.2. Curriculum Development KS4 (Lead KT)



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. TIME BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) 1. Using pupil progress data to inform pupils guided pathways 2. Designing curriculum pathways that cater for pupils specifically in the F,H and S bands 3. Expanding the number of pupils on the English Baccalaureate route to include pupils in the H band 4. Ensuring all the pupils in the S band and most of those in the H band have access to 2 BTEC level 1or 2 award qualifications 5. Ensuring every pupil receives impartial advise on subject choice; and appropriate IAG / CEG to inform their transition 6. Establishing a KS4 curriculum forum for middle leaders to participate in the evolution of the 3 year KS4 curriculum 1. Introducing end of year synoptic examinations that are not restricted to assessing bite size chunks of learning 2. Exploring and developing new courses that reduce the terminal exam pressures of the final assessment 3. Building opportunities for deeper learning and subject specific skills development throughout the course to ensure rigour. PP Curriculum Planning Currriculum Planning LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

(Term + Year) Autumn Designing a Summer timetable to facilitate achievement: Refine guided pathways to be determined by the banding system ensuring the personalisation of learning for each pupil Spring Plan for new linear examinations Autumn system Summer Autumn Summer

TADM time including department meeting time

To narrow the gaps in the attainment and achievement of different groups of pupils including SEND and EAL

Time for interviewing pupils Number of pupils attaining the English baccalaureate to increase to 60% + Increased pupil and parent satisfaction with choice of subjects as reported by the Kirkland Rowell Survey TADM time including department meeting time All pupils meet or exceed their attainment targets

PP TH Lead Teachers

CD Training from representatives of AQA, Edexcel and OCR

Priority 2. Curriculum Development

2.2. Curriculum Development KS4 (Continued).



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. TIME BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

(Term + Year) Autumn Plan for new Summer linear examinations system Autumn (Continued) Summer

4. Rewriting marking policies (whole school and department) TH to revise and improve marking procedures 5. Conducting regular marking audits for AfL 6. Ensuring all internal assessments for GCSE and BTEC courses are moderated and standardised BTEC lead 7. Organising a central calendar for controlled assessments teachers 8. Exploring the new Cambridge TECs

Autumn Develop 1. Planning specific catch up and supported pathways to SLT Summer Alternative narrow the learning gap between groups of learners: All TLRs curricula to I. EAL (English plus provision) secure access and II. SEN inclusion for all III. GTS groups of learners 2. Using the extended day for intervention and boosters 3. Using directed time for enrichment to deliver GTS master classes 4. Exploring IGCSEs where appropriate (pupils beginning courses during mid-term or those experiencing difficulty with the completion of coursework) 5. Exploring the introduction of a sport GCSE engagement pathway (boys make up 53% of the cohort) Priority 2. Curriculum Development
2.2. Curriculum Development KS4 (Continued).

TADM time including department meeting time

The majority of the EAL and SEN cohorts meet or exceed the benchmark floor target for 5A* C including English and maths (50% by 2015) GTS pupils attain A* grades in their GTS subject



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. TIME BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

(Term + Year) Autumn Review curriculum planning

1. Ensuring SoW that are fit for purpose for subject needs CD and audiences Lead Teachers 2. Creating systems to evidence lesson planning clearly shows planning for pupils to make progress from their prior learning; and acquisition of skills and knowledge 3. Formalising opportunities for the development of Reading, Writing, Communication and Mathematical skills where relevant 4. Planning for demonstrating understanding activities that are chunked for 20 minutes. 5. Reviewing pedagogy, pace and challenge for maximum curriculum efficiency; and reduce content overload where appropriate. 6. Ensure marking and assessment is thoroughly and appropriately embedded in planning.

Department and cluster meeting time

All pupils meet or exceed their attainment targets

Priority 2. Curriculum Development

2.3 Curriculum Development KS5 (Lead KT with NM)



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. TIME BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

(Term + Year) AutumnTo review the KS5 Exploring: Summer curriculum & 1. APS for BTEC courses coursing criteria 2. APS criteria for students following equivalent of 4 A levels 3. APS criteria for students following equivalent of 3 Exploring extended diploma routes for specialist subjects for Art

Meeting time PP, CD

100% of pupils to achieve or exceed ALPS targets


Priority 2. Curriculum Development

2.4 Curriculum Enrichment (Lead KJ).



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. TIME BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) 1. Expanding the home learning choices available for pupils including exam support on Weebly. 2. Developing independent learning skills through homelearning. 3. Broadening the work of the pupil voice including department committees and the student learning conference. 4. Monitoring adherence to the home learning timetable and policy. 5. Embedding the development of FHS skills in and out of lessons as appropriate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Auditing of collective worship and reflection Establishing a rota for the delivery of assemblies. Planning all assemblies using agreed common proformas Commemorating events Auditing SoW Auditing enrichment opportunities Auditing House based activities Monitoring and improving practise through observation and training 9. Re-writing SMSC policy and review LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

(Term + Year) Autumn Embed further pupil centred Spring learning Spring

CD/ Lead teachers


100% of pupils to achieve or exceed attainment targets

Spring Spring Summer Autumn The promotion of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of pupils across the curriculum

PSHE Coordinator CD / SLT CD & Lead Teachers All TLRs & teams

3000 for student learning conference

Time Training

Increased pupil satisfaction

Reduced behavioural incidents


Increased pupil awareness as evidenced by survey

Priority 2. Curriculum Development



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013.
2.4. Curriculum Enrichment (Lead KJ).



(Term + Year) Autumn Enrichment Summer activities Autumn Autumn Summer

ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) 1. Developing qualitative experiences as evidenced by pupil voice. 2. Encouraging and monitoring attendance 3. Developing House based enrichment activities further 4. Timetabling boosters and interventions to maximise KS4 attainment 5. Reviewing the programme 6. Improving financial accountability for enrichment activities including the curriculum weeks. 7. Planning curriculum days and weeks using new model 8. Building curriculum and enrichment opportunities with a global theme including visits abroad. 1. Further improving the quality of display to include: i. Exemplar coursework ii. Exam techniques and model answers iii. Reflective quotes iv. Literacy starters v. Promoting enrichment opportunities 2. Strategically using admin support and pupil volunteers to put up displays




TLR1 for enrichment HoH

Time Departments bid for funds

CD Lead Teachers Global Links Co., CW budget JH Lead teachers Time & materials

Summer Summer Autumn / Summer Autumn School Learning Summer Environment

SLT PSHE Coordinator 5000

Priority 3. Pupil Progress and Intervention (Lead: NB/JN/AP)



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. 3.1. Pupil Progress Standards (NB with AP). BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) Full data review of successes in Examination and how departments account for them establishing a blueprint for success to be shared amongst all Department targets modified up as appropriate following exam results to ensure sufficient challenge Individual student Targets to be moderated up where students are comfortably outperforming the original targets Data collection every half-term for all years. Pupil progress team to monitor whether the children have been moved up or down sets accordingly by the Lead Teachers or the TLRs responsible for their key stage. Booster programmes redesigned to ensure that all pupils reach level 4 by the end of key stage 3 in core subjects. LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES


(Term + Year) Autumn Raising achievement To ensure the school outperforms its FFTD+ Target for 5A*- C inc E&M and 5A*-G Sixth form ALPS Grade 2 for student performance.


Middle Management Training Sessions

FFTD Target are met for KS3 61% 5A*-C Inc English and Maths

Whole School ALPS Grade of 2+


Department meeting time.


Priority 3. Pupil Progress and Intervention (Lead: NB/JN/AP)



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Pupil Progress Standards (NB with AP). (Continued) BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) Departments will be expected to provide a range of revision materials on their Weebly sites. This is to include at least 10 past papers and at least two papers with model solutions. Exemplar coursework to be available on the site Further develop the use of Video solutions to support student revision across departments Departments to provide additional revision lessons in extra-curricular time which may include online support Booster and intervention policy to be reviewed in light of impact study following GCSE results this summer. Action to be taken where data highlights wide subject variation in pupil outcomes including closer Line management increased no of lesson observations, action plans for improvement & internal & external support Provide a variety of flexible solutions to assist students with home study including support within school and outside the normal curriculum hours. LT Department meeting time Department meeting time Department meeting time. LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES



(Term + Year) Autumn Raising achievement To ensure the school outperforms its FFTD Target for 5A*- C inc E&M and 5A*-G Sixth form ALPS Grade 2 for student performance.


LT LT/NB SLT/LT Line Management meeting time FFTD Targets are met for KS3 61% 5A*-C inc. English and Maths.


Priority 3. Pupil Progress and Intervention (Lead: NB/JN/AP)



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. 3.1. Pupil Progress Standards (NB with AP). (Continued) BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES


(Term + Year) Autumn Raising achievement To ensure the school outperforms its FFTD Target for 5A*- C inc E&M and 5A*-G Sixth form ALPS Grade 2 for student performance.

Successful departments share their strategies via INSET NB/LT and infofhs Line Management to report on dept. Strategies used to raise achievement.

Line Management meeting time

Priority 3. Pupil Progress and Intervention (Lead: NB/JN/AP)



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. 3.2. Pupil Progress Interventions (NB/AP) BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

TIME (Term + Year) Autumn

Closing the gap Ensure groups including: Ethnicity Gender LAC SEN ( Learning and behaviour) FSM EAL G and T all make at least good progress

1. Pupil progress and intervention meetings at Year NB/JN/ AP Team, Department and SMT Level Discussing red pupils Those who are underperforming after each assessment point. To be calendared. Wave 1 to be class teacher, Wave 2 to be at Department level e.g. in English and Maths booster lessons to be funded by pupil premium. 2. Alternative curriculum group implemented to support JN/AP/KT those at risk of underachievement at KS4 due to learning or/and behaviour needs. 3. UA KS3 boys will receive extra literacy withdrawal to get them back on track Implementing within the existing structure of how Teaching Assistants are attached. JN/AP/AB/LS

Senior Administrator for Pupil Progress to put together data on groups, behaviour and attendance. Grade 7/8 including on costs term time. Pupil premium money Meeting time PPA AHT Time PPA Meeting time Literacy teacher time

FFTD Target are met for KS3 61% 5A*-C Inc English and Maths

Whole School ALPS Grade of 2+ Accuracy of data will result in accurate settings and pupils making better progress


Priority 3. Pupil Progress and Intervention (Lead: NB/JN/AP)



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. 3.2. Pupil Progress - Interventions (NB with AP). (Continued) TIME (Term + Year) Autumn BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

Autumn, Spring & Summer

Closing the gap Ensure groups including: Ethnicity Gender LAC SEN ( Learning and behaviour) FSM EAL G and T all make at least good progress Early identification

Specialist Teaching Assistants will be attached to both AP/LT/DM core departments and year teams. English, Maths and Science will identify within their departments a mentor for the teaching assistant attached to their department. Subject mentors will train Teaching Assistants to become specialists so that they can effectively support the needs of both SEN & EAL students.

AP/LS All year groups in KS3 are tested at the start of the academic year for accurate reading ages (GL assessment), using the online Suffolk reading test. On line reading age data will be used to identify groups of students with a level of literacy that need to be placed on the accelerated reader programme. Reading ages recorded on Sims for staff access and to inform planning and subject interventions.

On line tests 4000. Testing time

Improved understanding and standards of literacy An increased amount of students will make the expected levels of progress. Greater awareness of own skills set. Reading ages for low ability students increased, leading to greater motivation to read and improved esteem.

Priority 3. Pupil Progress and Intervention (Lead: NB/JN/AP)



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. 3.2. Pupil Progress - Interventions (NB with AP). (Continued) TIME (Term + Year)
Autumn, Spring & Summer Early identification


ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence)




AP/LS/TN KS 4 and KS 5 SEN and EAL students tested at the start of the academic year for accurate reading ages (GL assessment), using the online Suffolk reading test. Reading ages recorded on Sims for staff access and to inform AP/AB planning and subject interventions. Reading ages data will be used by the exams officer to plan for access arrangements during internal and external exam period. MW

On line tests 4000. Testing time NCP time.

Improved understanding and standards of literacy An increased amount of students will make the expected levels of progress. Greater awareness of own skills set. Reading ages for low ability students Senior Pupil Progress increased, leading to greater Administration will liaise motivation to read and improved with exams officer esteem.

Autumn, Spring & Summer

Revise the FHS intervention document.

Ensure our systems accurately identify student /subject needs NB and that support is targeted where it is needed Staff to be provided with new academic profiles highlighting literacy and numeracy starting points and progress within specific subjects Start to enter English and maths baseline data into the iPads. Admin support to be provided for teachers with large number of classes. The school will establish itself as a PiXL school, exploring strategies for raising achievement and narrow the attainment NB/RS gap. DHT for PP and AAHT PP will become the PiXL experts and lead strategies.

Improved pupil outcomes



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 3. Pupil Progress and Intervention (Lead: NB/JN/AP) 3.2. Pupil Progress - Interventions (NB with AP). (Continued). TIME (Term + Year) Autumn, Spring & Summer BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) Start to enter English and maths baseline data into the iPads. Admin support to be provided for teachers with large number of classes. Booster support to be provided to all baccalaureate subjects. The best data tools available are employed to analyse the data on a termly basis which in turn will inform the constitution of our booster and intervention groups Careful attention to be paid to the constitution of the additional group in Maths and English H band. LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

Revise the FHS intervention document.


Improved pupil outcomes


Autumn, Spring & Summer

Pupil Premium

AP/NB/JN A spreadsheet will be created using the Blue hill provision mapping software to show how the Pupil Premium is being used to raise standards. The impact of the intervention programme will be monitored regularly using the provision mapping and we will adapt interventions/boosters accordingly.

Pupil Premium budget FFTD Target are met for Ks3 AHT & DHT time 61% 5A*-C Inc English and Maths Accuracy of data will result in accurate settings and pupils making better progress



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 3. Pupil Progress and Intervention (Lead: NB/JN/AP) 3.2. Pupil Progress - Interventions (NB with AP). (Continued). TIME (Term + Year) Autumn, Spring & Summer BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

Embedding the new Target setting, pupil induction days and curriculum evenings to maximise pupil and parent engagement

Target setting days will move towards 2 day structure. AP/JN Parents and students will be met over a period of 1 day both in September and end of March to review progress and achievement.. Subject based parents evenings will piloted in Years 10 NB/AB/NM and 13. Subject based parents evenings will piloted in Years 10 and 13.

Cover Meeting time (SMT, MM and Year team) Admin time PP Budget 8K

Improved progress and support from parents with their childs learning

Autumn, Spring & Summer

To develop and improve parental engagement

Online subject booklets to support parents parental engagement to improve Childs achievement To ensure parents are regularly making use of SLG to monitor attendance, achievement and behaviour. Parental Engagement co-ordinator employed from existing support staff to support the school in raising the achievement of Somali boys through enhancing engagement with parents.




An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 3. Pupil Progress and Intervention (Lead: NB/JN/AP) 3.2. Pupil Progress - (NB with AP). (Continued). TIME (Term + Year) Autumn, Spring & Summer BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) My big campus used to improve homework communication and resourcing. To improve the use of the diary to communicate with parents and students to record home learning. Diary to be placed on the table in every lesson SLT to sample dairies on a fortnightly basis during registration. TLRs to sample on Wednesday during registration period. Registration time will be reviewed to ensure it is used effectively promote SMSC, as well as used constructively for literacy and numeracy activities (English support). LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

Monitoring the use of the diary to communicate between school and parents ensuring students are completing home learning


Meeting time

Students complete home learning tasks and make at least good progress.


SLT to visit registrations during AHT time




An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 3. Pupil Progress and tracking and monitoring systems. 3.3. Student Well Being. (JN & AP & AB). TIME (Term + Year) To promote social cohesion and wider participation in a range of activities across the schools provision via the House System BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) There will be a total of four House Assemblies paired with vertically grouped PSHE lessons in the year. These will be themed with SMSC mapped. House Teams will track students to ensure all groups are engaging with activities on offer Leadership opportunities will be developed within student sub-committees. Activities related to subject/departmental areas will be developed and co-organised by the department concerned to ensure specialist knowledge is tapped into when activities and competitions are organised. The House System will lead on charities work and make decisions about which Charities we support and what activities will be run to support the chosen charities. LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

JN & HoH

5k AHT time TLR time LT time

A 5% reduction in reported racist incidents. A 5% reduction in reported bullying incidents. A 5% reduction in recorded incidents of poor behaviour.



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 3. Pupil Progress and tracking and monitoring systems. 3.3. Student Well Being. (JN & AP & AB). (Continued). TIME (Term + Year) To ensure that students stay safe. BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) Students will receive assemblies / PSHE lessons and workshops on issues related to cyber-bullying, abuse, homophobia, domestic violence, robbery, alcohol, drugs misuse, human rights, disabilities and other related safeguarding issues. Leaflets and posters around the school will promote the need for students to keep themselves and others safe when in and out of school. Safer Schools Police officer will ensure that the area around the school is free from crime and that persistent truants are supported to stay in school. Safeguarding procedures will be reviewed to ensure that there are clear routes of referral and that the site is secure at all times. LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

JN / EC / LM

AHT time LLM time 500

A 5% reduction in recorded incidents of poor behaviour. A 5% reduction in reported racist incidents



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 4. Pupil Progress strong code of behaviour 4.1. Attendance and Behaviour. (JN) TIME (Term + Year)
To ensure a consistent approach to behaviour for learning across the school


ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence)

The rewards and incentives systems will be reviewed and built upon the so that students are motivated to exceed expectations. Learning mentors will proactively promote behaviour for learning approaches to prevent behaviours disrupting the learning of others. Seclusions extended to periods 1-9 The two LBSCs will have clear entry and exit criterion with referral routes to other agencies for those not making expected progress. To improve punctuality to school and lessons To promote anti-bullying across the curriculum To provide bespoke staff INSET on behaviour for learning approaches. The impact of the department behaviour for learning policies will review to ensure that there is consistency in approach. Bullying behaviours will be targeted. Interventions will be swift and effective.





AHT time TLRPP time SID time

A 10% reduction in referrals to seclusion especially in overrepresented ethnic groups. Including a reduction in repeat referrals. A 5% reduction in FTE especially in overrepresented ethnic groups. A 5% reduction in recorded incidents of poor behaviour.


LT time




An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 4. Pupil Progress strong code of behaviour 4.1. Attendance and Behaviour. (JN) (Continued) TIME (Term + Year) BROAD OBJECTIVE ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence) LEAD RESOURCES AND TRAINING NEEDS PUPIL OUTCOMES

To improve levels Attendance of attendance to Targeted support of PAs especially those in examination school and years. punctuality to Parenting contracts issued to those under 90% school and lessons Reducing absences due to term time holidays by regularly informing parents of the impact on attainment. Ensuring that registers are taken and that they are accurate. To rewards all students with 100% attendance Punctuality Students with zero lates for the academic year to be rewarded. Early parental engagement for those who are regularly late to school or lessons. Half termly analysis of patterns of poor/good punctuality. This will be promoted via tutorials and assemblies.



Whole school attendance target of 94% achieved 10% reduction in lateness to school and lessons A 5% reduction in the number of PAs. A 0.5% reduction in unauthorised absences A 5% reduction in requests for authorised absences.




An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 5. Leadership and Management. 5.1 Leadership and Management Whole School Priorities (GW with SLT, HJ, SH, FB) TIME (Term + Year)
Autumn To develop and strengthen SLT and our 3 operational teams Pupil Progress, Teacher Developers, Curriculum Developers


ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence)

Clarify roles and responsibilities of the 3 Deputy Headteachers through JDs and meeting with HT Develop new role of Associate AHTs and ensure they are fully inducted into new roles SLT meetings have enhanced focus on lesson observation data half termly in line with SLT Pupil Progress data review GW




ALPS and FFTD+ targets met


Progress and attainment tracking data in line with targets Lesson o

DHTs ensure PP/TD/CD team agendas constructed collaboratively Minutes demonstrate SDP focused meetings NB,AL, KT Efficient and effective use of Admin Assistants as measured by TLR1 evaluation Effective communication between teams To develop and Construction of Department Offices enhances teamwork and strengthen Middle improves communication Leadership and Management LMM Minutes demonstrate focused approach to whole school issues from all departments Leadership of Ealing MLDP Cluster will facilitate ongoing Middle Leader training Support for Music department to deliver all elements of Department Action Plan JN with FB

Departmental targets met

Departmental targets met



AL with CH

Stated outcomes on Action Plan achieved



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 5. Leadership and Management. 5.1. Leadership and Management Whole School Priorities (GW with SLT, HJ, SH, FB) (Continued). TIME (Term + Year)
Autumn Term


ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence)




To strengthen SLT and Department approaches to marking audits to be reviewed approach to audit and strengthened. SLT marking audits to demonstrate improved and ensure pupil feedback and consistency within and across departments. consistent application of best practice.

KJ with SLT

More consistent marking and feedback Supports attainment of whole school targets. Consistent application of best practice improves outcomes. Blue Sky New procedures fully implemented and rigorously applied lead to improved lesson observation data and pupil outcomes.

To fully implement Policies approved by Governors, GW new Appraisal New PDR process developed linked to lesson observation AL regulations data/progress data/marking audit and to new Teacher Standards. All staff fully trained SLT and Middle Leaders all carry out Appraisal lesson observation in AL with SLT line with schedule To continue to strengthen Governance

Strengthened governance reported by GB review Provide opportunities for visits/workshop to allow Governors develop enhanced skills and confidence to act as critical friends Develop subcommittee standing agenda items GW/AL

HJ/GW with Chairs of Committees HJ with SS

Develop Governors webpage to replace Fronter site



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 5. Leadership and Management 5.2. School Finance (SH). TIME (Term + Year)
Autumn Term


ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence)




Year End Accounts. Produce accounts as required by EFA/Companies House and pass External Audit. Business Continuity Produce these documents and inform Finance Committee to meet Plan / Risk Register requirements of FMGE New Cashless System. Work with Facilities and IT to ensure a new user friendly system with wider biometric capabilities is in operation. Complete as required to meet deadlines i.e. Whole Government Accounts, Budget Forecast, VAT Returns.

Shahbaz Haider

MacIntyre Hudson CEFM



More efficient payment method

Other Financial Returns. All Year. School Trips.


MacIntyre Hudson CEFM

Improve procedures with regards to costing for trips and collection SH of monies to ensure school does not make a loss.

Hold a contingency fund of 250,000 surplus. Budget Monitoring. Continue to closely monitor budget areas which have caused ongoing concern and report findings. Produce and develop this list and follow purchasing protocol as per Preferred Suppliers finance manual to ensure compliance. List.




An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 5. Leadership and Management 5.3. Personnel (HJ) TIME (Term + Year)
Autumn /Spring CPD for support Summer Term. staff


ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence)




Implementing a training programme for all Support staff. Training HJ,AL, to cover the areas identified in the survey completed by all Support staff in the spring term - this to include twilight sessions Look at developing a Wellbeing focus group to look at key pressures for staff during particular times of the year Develop a House style for all Job Descriptions. Teaching and Support staff JD & PS to be reviewed and updated. HJ ,SLT

Using internal and external providers and NAPTA resources

HR Functions

Establish a regular review cycle for all Policies and Procedures. An HJ, AB updated record kept of all Policies reviewed. All Policies and Procedures to be available to all staff and Governors on the Schools new website. To have an oversight of the administration of the Governors Website to ensure that all policies, minutes etc. are kept up to date. HJ,SLT

School Website .

Autumn/Spring Term.

HR Functions.

Look at streamlining HR functions with the aim of cutting down on HJ, SLT. duplicate data entry and providing a more comprehensive service. Investigate a HR data base look at the areas covered and the advantages of such a system



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 5. Leadership and Management 5.4. Premises (FB). TIME (Term + Year)
Autumn Summer


ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence)




To ensure Testing the fire alarm once per week; and FB/Facilities team safeguarding conducting a formal evacuation drill once per term procedures for fire hazards are in place Keeping accurate records for tests and drills


100% of staff and pupils are aware of fire evacuation procedures; buildings are evacuated by agreed times.

Autumn Summer

To ensure safeguarding procedures for site security (including during closure periods) are in place To ensure all tenders for specialist services provide value for money and an efficient service

Ensuring access via the kitchen door and pupil gates is only permitted using swipe cards Creating a delivery bay in the area between the inner and outer pupil gates Preventing the entry of unauthorised vehicles onto the site Reviewing all contracts annually for VFM and efficiency

FB/Facilities team

Time/Line Management 100% of staff and pupils are safe from Mtg contact with unauthorised persons; and vehicles


FB/Facilities Team

Time/Line Management Mtg/Contract tendering


To plan the summer Developing the site further in conjunction with works programme SMT plans and ideas.


Time/Line Management 100% of students experience an Mtg Improved learning environment



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013. Priority 5. Leadership and Management 5.4. Premises (FB). (Continued). TIME (Term + Year)
Autumn Summer Planning, in conjunction with the canteen committee to develop further the service and menus


ACTION (S.M.A.R.T.) (describe method/ evidence)

Working with the canteen committee to develop ideas and menus for the coming year. Improve layouts and serving time. Investing in new equipment. i.e. a cold store and sneeze guards.




BT / FB/School canteen committee Time/Meetings

100% of students feel satisfied or better with respect to the service and menus provided by the canteen


Further Installing an extra large canopy with new pat ball development of the walls. Playground


Time/Line Management 100% of students feel satisfied or Mtg better with respect to playground facilities

Autumn Summer

Developing the facilities team

Planning a programme of training for the ream and for individuals Developing the team ethos.


Time/Line Management Mtg



An Academy specialising in the Sciences and Sport A Leading Edge School School Development Plan 2012 2013.


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