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Discipleship Plan & Strategy


Informal prayers Develop regular prayer time Pray with small group Sunday school Short term Bible study Familiar with elements of worship and Sacraments

Conversational prayer Learn different types of prayer

Contemplative & Transformative prayer Fasting Examen prayer Guided by Spiritual mentor Discipleship Accountability group Power in worship Generous & Sacrificial giving beyond a tithe Striving for simplicity Find opportunities to share your witness/story/vision

Prayer becomes second nature, part of every aspect of daily living Hospitality of God and others becomes fully intertwined with daily routine Living a life of generosity, kindness & giving above and beyond what is expected Help others discover/share their witness

A Commitment to a Life of Spiritual Formation

Formal prayer Grace before meals The Lords Prayer

A Commitment to the Incarnational Presence of Jesus

Occasional participation Low commitment Exploring faith

Accountability group Long-term Bible study Transformative participation in worship

A Commitment to Develop and Use All the Gifts that God Gives to Us

No giving or occasional giving

Regular giving Occasional generosity towards others Get to know the salvation plan and your own story


A Commitment to Serve as Jesus Served

Exploring questions about Jesus Christ

Discover how your story fits with the story of God Understand Gods vision

A Commitment to Live a Life that Is Worthy of the Gospel

Serve when asked or needed

Discover spiritual gifts and serve out of giftedness

Discern Gods call Find your role in Gods plan

In tune with God Needs of others become greater than own needs Needs of the world come to the forefront of your life

Living Gods call and equipping others to serve

PRAYERS: A Commitment to a Life of Spiritual Formation We will pray daily through the use of a variety of forms of prayer such as the reflective reading of Scripture and other spiritual texts, confession, the prayer of examen, intercession, journaling, and contemplation. We will fast from food once a week (either a full or partial fast).

PRESENCE A Commitment to the Incarnational Presence of Jesus We will be present to God, the world, and ourselves. We will be hospitable to our neighbors in our families, neighborhoods and workplaces. We will be hospitable to our faith community through participation in corporate worship, small groups and mission.






GIFTS: A Commitment to Develop and Use All the Gifts that God Gives to Us We will honor and care for the gift of all resources and practice responsible living, striving for simplicity rather than excessive consumption. We will practice generosity in sharing our material resources, including money, within and beyond this community. If we are not giving at least a tithe of our income, we will work toward it. We will use our spiritual gifts, talents and abilities to serve God within and beyond this community to show Gods love.

WITNESS: A Commitment to Serve as Jesus Served We will serve God and neighbor out of gratitude for the love of God. We will practice mutual accountability with a covenant group within the community, for how we serve God and neighbor. We will practice regular Sabbath as a means of renewal so that we can lovingly serve God and neighbor.

SERVICE: A Commitment to Live a Life that Is Worthy of the Gospel We will practice racial and gender reconciliation. We will resist evil and injustice and we will pursue peace with justice. We will share the redeeming, healing, creative love of God in word, deed and presence as an invitation to others to experience the transforming love of God. We will intentionally cultivate relationships with someone outside the Church.

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