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bigger fatter hotter faster cheaper cooler

more intelligent more beautiful more handsome more difficult more famous more talented Russia My house Lady Gaga Brad Pitt Justin Bieber Katy Perry My best friend English Sahara Desert Albert Einstein Sharks Physics - Harry Potter Batman Antarctica Emo people - Amy Winehouse A baby crying A dog barking - The rainbow The Amazon Glee - Supernatural the Universe Our planet Political advertising Hilton Hotel Goinias weather President Obama A Ferrari Fernando Alonso When you want to compare one thing/person with other thing/person, we can use Comparative. goodbetter - badworse - farfarther

safer larger stranger easier friendlier drier uglier tackier

more incredible
more interesting more boring more dangerous more irritating more exciting more luxurious more expensive

1. Make up sentences using the prompts above. Theres an example below.

a) Russia is larger than Brazil. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m)

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