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Your group will be assigned one of the organ systems in the human body.

You will need to research your system and create a presentation for the class that includes the following information: CELLS:

What type of cells make up your system? How are these cells different or unique from other cell types? Include 2 images or drawings of your cells and make sure to label all of the different parts of the cell.


What type of tissue is present in your system? Explain AND diagram the structure of your tissue. How is it put together?

What is the function of your tissue within the system?


Include a picture or diagram of each organ in your system. Be sure to LABEL all the different parts.

Explain the function of each organ. What role does each organ play in the system?


Explain the path of your organ system, what order does everything work in? Include a drawing or picture.

Discuss three different diseases that could affect your organ system. Include at least 2 paragraphs that discuss the disease, how common it is, how people get it and how it can be treated or prevented.

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