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Picture MLO for this lesson. What will pupils Understand: Concepts: Binary, bit, byte, denary and ASCII code. Be able to: Convert binary number to denary and vice-versa. All pupils will: understand the reason as to why computer stores and process data in binary. Most pupils will: Convert binary number to denary and vice-versa. Some pupils will: Proceed with ASCII Conversion. Starter 1. Teacher and pupils introduction using post-it-notes. 2. Inform pupils on lesson objectives 3. Ask pupils to discuss with their friends and complete the fill in the blanks exercise Task 1: Binary number system. This will help them to 2 mins 1 min 5 mins the pupils know/understand by the end of the lesson (teacher) MLO for this lesson. What will pupils have achieved by the end of the lesson (pupil) Teacher input/Activities. What should with timings. undertake approximate Know: Why computer stores and process data in binary. of the In this unit pupils supplement their knowledge with binary number system. The skills that they learn during this lesson are part of the KS4 Computing curriculum. 15/05/2012 Year 10 Binary Number System and Representation Mrs Vallimayil Krishnappan 17

Learn new concepts Collaborate with peers.

Learn problem solving skills 4. Discuss on the answers. Convert binary number to denary and vice-versa 2 mins

1. Show pupils binary.avi video clip 2. Ask 2 pupils to demo to their friends - how to convert 10001001 to denary and 65
to binary number.

5 mins 5 mins 5 mins 5 mins

3. Ask pupils to do 2nd exercise: Conversion Exercise 4. Discuss on the answers


1. Tell me three things that you have learnt today 2. Binary Keywords Game.

1 min 2 min

3. Homework: ASCII Code Explain that ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is used to represent letters, numbers, symbols etc

2 min

2. Ask pupils to do 3rd exercise: Use the ASCII code table available at to decode the Denary/decimal values into English characters Keywords Reference to crosscurriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM) Extension work Binary, denary, ASCII, bit, byte, 0, 1, data. Literacy: Pupils will be asked to fill up the blanks for binary number systems from a set of given choices. Numeracy: Pupils will convert binary to denary and vice-versa PSHE: Use different strategies to keep pupils engaged and stay on task throughout the lesson. 1. Explain that ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is used to represent letters, numbers, symbols etc 2. Ask pupils to do 3rd exercise: Use the ASCII code table available at to decode the following Denary/decimal values into English characters SEN personalised work Fill in the blanks exercise Video Clip Work in pair if necessary Homework Task 3: ASCII Code exercise.

Use the ASCII code table available at to

decode the Denary/decimal values into English characters Materials required Evaluation of the lesson Binary.ppt, binary.avi, pupil exercise_binary.doc, binary.htm

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