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My summer


Hawaii and Falls

I went to Hawaii and Falls with my friend, there were a lot of water places. There was this huge thing I was scared of, and i dont know what ir was but , but my other friend went with me and she told me that i has to do it. So i did it but i was scared of it, now im not scare anymore.

The Lake
It was like a family trip, my mom, my brother, mi sister, my nephews and my niece. We all went , i did like it. We swam but the lake was dirty like all the lakes. Now i dont like lakes. My nephew, my niece and me buried my brother with the sand that was in there.

Saturday at noon
We went shopping, my sister, my mom , my niece and me. We bought shoes, pearses, clothes and more stuff. We waist all our money this day.

Saturday afternoon
I went down stairs to be with some friends. We were swiming because the apartments have a pool. We played, we talked, we just had fun.

My niece and I
When my other sister went to the apartments, she went with her daughters and her husband, she brought a piece of cake, we ate it all. Then after eating, my niece and I went to walk the dog. We dont really wanted to walk the dog. We wanted to talk and i showed her my best friend, that lives in the apartments, too.

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