B.Karthikeyan.B.Sc (CT) I Mca Sixth Sense Technology

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What is Sixth Sense Technology, How is working SixthSense technology,

Advantages for the SixthSense Technology? How much cost of the sixth sense technology,

conclusion of the sixth sense technology,


SixthSense include the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind and we humans are total depend on it. The Technology of which i am here to discuss is kind of the functions related to the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind. Till now we were using computers by just sitting in front of our computer and in the use of few senses. But now after the introduction of the "Sixth Sense Technology", a computer can sense any sorts of feelings it gets in its surroundings.

Steve Mann is the father of Sixth Sense who made a

wearable computer in 1990. The Sixth Sense technology was first implemented as the neck worn projector+ camera system. He was a media lab student at that time. There after it was used and implemented by an Indian who is the man has become very famous in the recent Pranav Mistry. There will be a long future rather than the short period of history for the Sixth Sense technology.


The networking is based on a mobile computing device, Allows surfaces, walls, and objects to become the interface, Supports multi-touch based systems - Integrated micro

projector system, Recognition software and RFID, Transparent user interface, Portable augmented reality display system (Similar to Microsofts Surface interactive display tech), Voice and data recognition capabilities,


The Sixth Sense prototype comprises a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera contained in a pendant-like, wearable device. Both the projector and the camera are connected to a mobile computing device in the users pocket. The projector projects visual information enabling surfaces, walls and physical

objects around us to be used as interfaces; while the camera recognizes and tracks users' hand gestures and physical objects using computer-vision based techniques. The software program processes the video stream data captured by the camera and tracks the locations of the colored markers (visual tracking fiducials) at the tips of the users fingers. The movements and arrangements of these fiducials are interpreted into gestures that act as interaction instructions for the projected application interfaces. Sixth Sense supports multi-touch and multi-user interaction. How Sixth Sense Works The technology in itself is nothing more than the combination of some stunning technologies, but the idea of combining those technologies is really great. The technology is mainly based on hand gesture recognition, image capturing, processing, and manipulation, etc. The camera is used to recognize and track users hand gestures and physical objects using computer-vision based techniques, while the projector is used to project visual information on walls or on any physical thing around us. Other hardware includes mirror and colored caps to be used for fingers.

Pranav Mistry says the Sixth Sense software will be open

source. As far as this seems to be a little set of items, there will not be user interfaces or much advanced programs for the users. There will be much harder and secured coding inside the device to make sure the security of the software. It will be interesting to know the new language for coding for a sixth sense device.

In order to control the Sixth Sense, it requires some

advance hardware as it appears to be. In some of the public presentations, the presenter was wearing some controlling devices including color markers, Camera and projector. When the product come to the real market there has to be lot of improvement for these hardware. They have to be compact and easily controllable. How ever the hardware integration of Sixth Sense technology is quite innovative since they have managed to develop camera and pen like day to day objects.




The innovative camera is something that got applauds of the

crowd in the demonstration. Four rubber rings in the four fingers two in each can be used do draw a rectangular. It will be the area covered by the photograph. Then the photos can be taken to any interface for editing, managing the galleries and sharing. This is much controversial. There is an inbuilt storage device where the data can be stored. When using a surface, the whole data is taken into that surface and stored in the device after the editing. The data can be hacked during the editing period. That is a serious issue in this camera application. And also the capturing device being so small like 4 rubber rings can be used to capture the photos of any location.

A pencil that enables users to draw in 3D is good

innovation. It will be a good tool for the beginners to the 3D modeling world. Also it will help a lot for the engineers as well. Another implementation is the physical Google map. It provides the all data that is provided by the Google. The map available on a surface and when you keep something in it, it detects the place where the options available. Dragging and dropping hardcopies to the computer will be a good and efficient replacement for the scanner. This is much more advanced because this can take 3D objects as it appears.


The Sixth Sense device can project information on

any surfacebe it a wall, table, or other object. It then uses hand and arm movements to interact with the project of information. The Sixth Sense device brings us closer to reality. In other words it assists us in making decisions through providing necessary and relevant information to an object. In a certain sense, this makes the entire world a computer. The Sixth Sense device Is currently only a prototype, consisting of a pocket computer, projector, color markers, and a camera.


One of the coolest applications

focuses on the camera, allowing the user to take pictures by simply holding up their hands to a scene and making a picture box with their Index and thump fingers. The user can then use the pictures hes taken and arrange them however hed like on any surface. And thats not it. Some of the more practical applications focus on viewing a newspaper. Imagine reading a newspaper and viewing videos instead of photos. Also, while reading the sports section, updates would stream directly on to the piece of paper.

Pretty neat, huh? The Sixth Sense device serves the purpose

of a computer and thus saves time spent on searching information. Currently the prototype of the device costs $350 to build. Anyone can build it themselves if they have the smarts. Mistry hopes that his device will be taken by the public and modified by a number of different individuals. Every day more and more work is being done on the device in order to progress it toward widespread public use. When fully developed the Sixth Sense Device will more than likely come to revolutionize our perception of the world and how we live in it.



SixthSense prototypes cost approximately $350 to

build (not including the computer), the main cost being the micro-projector. Mistry had announced in Nov 2009 that the source code will be released under Open Source. The open source code for the project can be found at SixthSense Google Code and SixthSense Github Repo

It seems to be that there can be a good future for Sixth Sense technology applications.

First thing is to provide the security for the Sixth Sense applications and devices.
Microsoft is developing a

controlling environment whore the user doesnt even have to touch the controller device named Project Natal. This will be a significant market competitor to the Sixth Sense technology since it still required some hardware involvement with the user.

This Technology is seamless applications. This can be used as a replacement of the 5th senses for

handicapped peoples. This can provide easy control over machineries in industries. The device recognizes wide varieties of gestures. It can easily interact with different everyday object. It can also connect the real world with the internet, which is certainly a novel application, and can thus, be a great source of information for the world itself. Therefore, it can always be claimed that this device has a long way to go in the near future.


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