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Head NSO Workshop

2 CE Credits Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Topics t be Covered
Pre Bout Setup Staffing Pre-Game Checklist Half Time and Post-Bout Checklist Post-Post Bout

Pre Bout Setup

What is Covered? Items and documents that need t be acquired before bout day. It also includes a list of important bout day times that you will need to know.

Pre Pre-Bout Checklist

Equipment: 6 clipboards, minimum 2 whiteboard-backed clipboards (if n score whiteboard person) 3 small whiteboards (3'x2') 2 inside penalty whiteboards (marked for minors and penalty minutes)* pens (pref. Erasable), several (test t make sure they work) whiteboard markers, several (test t make sure they work) rags/erasers for whiteboards 6 armbands in each of the teams' colors (penalty, score, jam ref, outside pack refs) tape 2 copies of penalty abbreviations (outside WB) or whiteboard sheets 4 copies each, (See Head NSO): lineup sheets penalty tracking sheets score tracking sheets penalty box equipment 6 Stopwatches minimum* 6 chairs way to demarcate seat colors and jammer seat timer and whistle for jam timer * Your league may use a single inside penalty WB, or less stopwatches.

Pre Pre-Bout Checklist Continued

NSO meeting notes Know when meetings are going to be Extra forms Bout reporting form set up with team, ref, and NS info and printed MEETING TIMES: NS MEETING: ______________________________ REFEREE MEETING: _________________________ NS REPORT T CENTER: ____________________ INTRODUCTIONS: ___________________________ BOUT START: ________________________________ DURATION OF HALFTIME: ____________________

OPTIMAL (bout): 2 penalty trackers 1 penalty WB 3 penalty box 2 outside WB 2 scorekeepers 1 score WB 1 jam timer 2 lineup trackers TOTAL: 14 people

Order of Job Merging

1. Pull score WB, have scorekeepers use whiteboard-backed score clipboards 2. Merge lineup trackers 3. Pull penalty WB, have penalty trackers mark their own penalties 4. Pull one penalty box attendant 5. Pull one outside WB 6. Pull other lineup tracker (Lineup is a stats position. A bout can run without it.) 7. Pull second penalty box attendant 8. Pull one penalty trackers, use 2-up penalty sheets (last resort)


1 penalty tracker 2 scorekeepers 1 outside WB 1 jam timer/penalty wrangler 1 penalty box TOTAL: 6 people (NOT advised. Ever. Pull people out of the stands before you try this at a real bout.)

Scrimmage Bare Minimum

1 penalty/scorekeeper 1 jam timer/penalty wrangler 1 penalty box TOTAL: 3 people (Not ideal, but it works in a pinch.)

Staffers Qualities
Should be reliable Should be trained ahead of the bout, at a scrimmage optimally Should be able to quickly get out of the way of flying derby skaters and referees if necessary, and
Have no conditions that could endanger them if they are hit (e.g. pregnancy, broken arm, etc.) Less important for lineup trackers if they are well off the track, vital for all other positions. Should know that they are there to do a job, not watch the game

If borrowed from another league, should get money for gas and tolls. Coordinate this with the league treasurer.

NS Positions

Pre-Whistle Roll Call

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PT 1 PT 2 PW PB 1 PB 2 PB 3 OW 1 OW 2 SK 1 SK 2 SC WB JT LT 1 LT 2 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Bout Day Prep

Prep clipboards: Lineup, each team, new sheet for periods 1 and 2 plus spare for overflow Team name, lineup tracker name, period number at top, pens provided Scorekeeping sheet, each team, new sheet for periods 1 and 2 plus spare for overflow Team name, scorekeeper name, period number at top, pens provided Armband in appropriate team color Penalty tracking sheet, each team, new sheet for periods 1 and 2 Team name, penalty tracker name, period number on top, pens provided Armband in appropriate team color Confirm rosters with the team bench managers, note any changes Skater names and numbers, organized numerically on forms Organize by number, ignoring letters and words If the skater's number is a symbol, put her at the bottom of the list AND sort out what she will be called during the bout with the refs. Note that on the sheet and the board. Note duplicate numbers and homonyms and call attention to them during the pre-bout meeting, stressing that they need to cite color AND number Note confusing numbers/words/symbols and call attention to them during the pre-bout meeting, and sort out what they will be called by the refs

Bout Day Prep Continued

Prep whiteboards
Penalty Whiteboard
Write team names at top, on the side their bench is located (left or right) Write skaters' numbers in the order they appear on the penalty tracking sheets, neatly and clearly Have whiteboard markers and erasers at the ready

Outside Whiteboards
Tape lists of penalty abbreviations on back of boards Divide the board in half, writing the team names or colors at the top of the halves, so that there is a clear side for each team's penalties t be written Have extra whiteboard markers on hand for each board, as they won't have access t the equipment bin where they are Have erasers on hand for both whiteboards

Score Whiteboard
Set up the same as Outside Whiteboard, minus the list of abbreviations

Bout Day Prep Continued

Penalty box
In appropriate location 6 seating positions, appropriately marked (colors, jammer seats) Line of NO Return marked

Staff Preparation
Make sure everyone is present and accounted for at least a half-hour before the bout, more if they have not yet been trained. You don't want to have to rush or panic as to where your team is. Train staffers who need training Make sure they know where their station and equipment is

Staff Prep Continued

Outside whiteboards
at 2 and 4, or wherever the OPRs will end their laps find a good well-lit spot where they will not obstruct the suicide seats or referees will be able to jump back if skaters or refs come flying at them can see the penalty trackers' signals

Staff Prep Continued

Staff in the middle should be aware of the penalty whiteboard and know not to stand in front of it, as the coaches/captains/bench managers need to see it Score WB needs to know where the scoreboard keeper is and work out how to know they are set with the score (e.g. thumbs up, wait for board to change) Scorekeepers need to know who their jammer refs are, and who their score whiteboard person is (or, if no score wb, to signal their own score via the whiteboard clipboard. Work out signals as per Score WB.)

Staff Prep Continued

Penalty trackers need to know
where the outside whiteboards are (and can see them clearly) who to flag down in case of a skater getting 4 minors (IPR, jam ref only if its his jammer) how t communicate with the penalty box in case a skater gets multiple minutes in the box a signal to flash the outside whiteboards to let them know a penalty has been noted (thumbs-up) t grab an inside pack ref or the head ref in case of need for official time out

Staff Prep Continued

Jam timer
has a stopwatch and a whistle knows how t use the stopwatch and whistle knows to check with head ref before blowing jam on knows when t start and stop the watch and what to time (jams, between jams, team time-outs)

Staff Prep Continued

Penalty box
has all needed equipment and staff (bench/chairs, signage, timers) is versed on all applicable rules (jammer, multiple minutes, when/how t send skaters out, when/how to wave a skater off and how to communicate it to a ref, etc.) knows who to flag down in case of a problem/waved-off skater/etc.

Staff Prep Continued

Lineup trackers are in a good position to see skater numbers and the penalty box BEFORE YOU BEGIN
Make sure jam refs get their armbands Make sure there are beverages available for the staff during the bout Make sure staff know where to stow their stuff (usually the ref's locker room)

Half Time
Check sheets
Verify running total (or have them verify each other), make sure it gets transferred to the second period sheets

Make sure they know they'll be following the jam ref to the other team and trade armbands accordingly

Make sure minors and penalty minutes are shaded in on the second period's sheet If penalty trackers are also moving over with the jam ref, make sure they know

Talk to penalty box supervisor, make sure there are no special situations or problems Talk to head ref, make sure there are no problems Talk to all staff, make sure there are no problems Correct any problems Make sure there are still beverages in the middle for staff consumption

Post Bout
Gather sheets from all staffers, make sure you have all of them (4 penalty sheets, 4 lineup sheets plus spares, 4 score sheets plus spares) Verify score total Thank staff profusely. They deserve it. Make sure any visiting NSOs get gas money (coordinate with Treasurer) Complete bout reporting forms, get signed by captains and head ref Pack up gear, make sure all of it is present and accounted for Get contact information from other league s that you know where to send copies of the sheets Jot down notes for game post-mortem meeting

Post Bout Pack List

6 clipboards (or # used _______) 2 whiteboard-backed clipboards (if brought) 3 small whiteboards (3'x2') 2 inside penalty whiteboards pens whiteboard markers rags/erasers for whiteboards 6 armbands in each of the teams' colors (penalty, score, jam ref, outside pack refs) tape 4 each:
lineup sheets (completed, plus any spares used) penalty tracking sheets (completed) scorekeeping sheets (completed, plus any spares used) Penalty box equipment

6 stopwatches (or # used _______) 6 chairs returned Way to demarcate color and jammer seat (recovered if reusable) timer and whistle from jam timer

Within 48 hrs of Bout

Scan or photocopy the bout forms Send scans or copies to:
The other league(s) contact person (usually head ref or team coach/captain) Our league's statistician and/or coaches Email to JRDA Regional Coordinator for Rankings

Keep originals in a safe place Report score to JDN Report next bout t JDN if its not listed already

Within 1 Week of Bout

Attend bout post-mortem meeting, bring up any concerns or problems that arose from the bout Make sure all equipment is in good condition Replace any equipment that needs replacing Restock pens and whiteboard markers as needed Start training NSOs for the next bout!

Print and Sign

I have completed the Head NSO Workshop worth 2 CE (Continuing Education) Credits with JRDAs certification program. I have printed this form and will scan and email it to __________________________________________________ Printed (Legal Name) __________________________________________________ Signature (Legal Name) _____________/_____________/___________ Date

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