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Defining a Background Job to Run Immediately Overview

Chapter 28: Defining a Background Job to Run Immediately

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 281 Defining the Background Job Attributes ............................................................................................................................................... 281 Scheduling the Background Job............................................................................................................................................................ 282 Defining the Step .................................................................................................................................................................................... 283

When you schedule a background job to run immediately, the job is released, the scheduling server sends a message to the central background processing server, and the job begins right away.

Defining the Background Job Attributes

1. Follow the menu path: Tools Administration Jobs Define job. Alternative:

2. Enter a descriptive name of your choice in the Job name field.


Be sure that other users will be able to recognize the job and its function by the name you choose. 3. Because we want this job to run immediately, give it highest priority by entering A in the Job class field. 4. Leave the Target host field blank. 5. Click the Start date button to schedule the job.

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1996 SAP Technology, Inc.


Defining a Background Job to Run Immediately Scheduling the Background Job

There are three types of job classes: A, B, and C. A has the highest priority, meaning that jobs with the A classification are handled first in a queue. If the Job Class field is left blank, the job is assigned Job class C, and handled last.

Scheduling the Background Job

1. Click the Immediate button to start the job right away. 2. Click the Save icon to continue.

3. Click the Steps button to proceed to the Create Step 1 screen.



1996 SAP Technology, Inc.

Defining a Background Job to Run Immediately Defining the Step

Defining the Step

A job Step specifies a program that is to be run by a background job. A background job must have at least one job Step. Define the Step as follows: 1. Click the ABAP/ button. 4 2. Enter the program name (for example, RFKABL00 ). 3. If the program has a variant, click the Variant List button.
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If you are not sure whether or not the program has a variant, you can click the Variant list button to find out. If there are no variants, you can skip to step number 6. 4. Select the variant by placing the cursor next to the Variant name. 5. Click Choose.

1996 SAP Technology, Inc.


Defining a Background Job to Run Immediately Defining the Step

6. Click the Save icon.

7. Your job will be displayed in the Step List. Click the Back icon in the menu bar.

8. Click the Save icon to create the background job.


DO NOT click the save icon a second time or you will create two background jobs. Be careful!!


1996 SAP Technology, Inc.

Defining a Background Job to Run Immediately Defining the Step

9. Enter the transaction /nSM37 to view the background job status and job log. 10. Leave the default wildcard (*) in the Job name field and click the Enter icon to view all background jobs.


11. Scroll to the bottom of the list to see the job you just created. 12. Double click on the job name to view the job log.
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Job Overview Screen Terminology: Scheduled: The job has been scheduled to run at a certain date and time, weekly or monthly. Released: Ready: Active: Finished: This term signifies that the job will start when triggered by a job, event, or operation mode. A job listed as Ready is on hold, waiting for an appropriate SAP System resource. The job is running. Exactly what it says the job is done!

Canceled: The job in question has been stopped before completion by the user, or it has stopped because of an error.

1996 SAP Technology, Inc.


Defining a Background Job to Run Immediately Defining the Step

For further details refer to R/ System Administration Made Easy 3 Viewing Background Jobs (Ch. 34) R/ Basis Knowledge Products 3 System Management Reference Implementation Job Scheduling System Planning Jobs R/ System Online Help 3 Basis Components System Administration Computer Center Management System Background Processing Managing and Scheduling Background Jobs Basis Courses Advanced R/3 Administration (BC305)


1996 SAP Technology, Inc.

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