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Weekly Updates July 16th 2012

Subject: A2 Media Advanced Portfolio G324 Date: July 16th 2012 Minutes taken by Time: Attendees Afterschool Place: A29

Leeya, Hannah, Tia

Leeya Meghani

No. 1.



Key points discussed Topic Highlights Make sure all the equipment On our filming day, all our equipment and actors and actors are ready for our were ready for filming filming Make sure we know how we After discussing with the group, we had a few going to be filming the scenes ideas on what scenes we want to film for our so theres no time wasting short film Carry on completing paper We are also completing our work work

No. 1. 2. 3.

Action Plan Action item(s) Discuss with the group if the clip is up to our standards Discuss what other scenes we should add into our clip Get on with rest of the individual work

Owner Group Group Group

Points for next meeting 1. 2. 3. Date for next meeting Check if we need any more scenes to be added into our clip Discuss as a group, what extra scenes to add Carry on completing paper work July 23rd 2012

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