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The SqlDataAdapter class is found in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace. It is a very important class in the .NET framework. It works as a bridge between DataSet and Database. It opens the database connection, executes the SQL statements and closes the connection at last. There is no need to open and close the connection. It has two more important methods Fill() and Update(). The Fill() method is used to fill the DataSet or DataTable and Update() is used for saving the changes to the Database in same order as the DataSet, which is made with DataSet.

DataSet is tabular representation of data. Tabular representation means it represents data into row and column format. This class is counted in a disconnected architecture in .NET Framework. Which means it is found in the "System.Data" namespace. The Dataset can hold records of more than one Database tables or DataTables.

This is a basically a Database Application illustrating the latest Microsoft ADO.NET DataSet Features. Features: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Navigating the records : prev, next, first and last Adding a new record Deleting a record Saving all changes made to DataSet Discarding all changes made to DataSet

Since this is a sample application and not a production code, proper exception handling, ui, code commenting/xml documentation has not carried out. The main idea is to give users an idea on how to proceed with ADO.NET DataSet programming.

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