M1550225a WaaaghGorbad

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Gorbad Ironclaw was the most famous of all Orc Warbosses and lead what is arguably the most

impressive of all Waaaghs! Gorbads Waaagh! covered much territory and many different enemies. It would be an ambitious undertaking to recreate the entire great green crusade, but it is eminently possible to refight some of the key battles. Here then is our take on what those battles were and how you can go about fighting them for yourselves.


Gorbad's Waaagh! at the height of its powers uses artillery, boats and finally a floating bridge to launch wall assaults to take down Nuln. It is a masterminded assault, pulled off in the most difficult of positions. Nuln is not a city easy to take and Gorbad levelled it. This siege goes back and forth and ends when Gorbad builds a floating bridge out of boats and wreckages. The river is only crossable by boats or the specially built bridge.



Battle of Grunberg

Gorbad heads north and is met by a small but elite Empire army, composed of Reiksguard, Knights Panther, and Knights of the Blazing Sun under the Elector Count of Wissenland. Rather than wait for his whole army to reunite, Gorbad forges ahead with an all-cavalry force. Gorbad sustains an injury (a Runefang to the chest) but is victorious, ripping the arm off of an Elector Count.


Out Come the Jackals

The Waaagh! is broken and only the Ironclaw Orcs and the Broken Tooth Orcs remain loyal to Gorbad. They are beset by other greenskin tribes, notably the Wolf Riders of Bloody Fang tribe, the Red Eye Night Goblins, and Orcs of the Skullhacker tribe. Gorbad's dwindling armies are ambushed and their baggage (mostly spoils) is cut out from them.


One of the most exciting of battles, both sides are composed of mounted troops, with only the odd infantry unit or monster joining the outriding forces.

Using Gorbad: Gorbad rides a warboar and wields the axe, Morglor the Mangler. A powerhouse in close combat, what really makes him unique amongst Orcdom are his tremendous leadership skills. Gorbad is Leadership 10, has an 18" Inspiring Presence range and counts as a Battle Standard with an 18" range as well. If this wasnt enough, Gorbad allows you to upgrade any number of Orc Boyz or Boar Boyz units into Big Uns, potentially meaning your entire force could be made up of WS 4, Strength 4 Orcs!

The Razing of Solland

Gorbad divides his forces into seven separate armies and sends them to spread terror across the length and breadth of Solland and Wissenland. The Raze and Ruin scenario in the Warhammer rulebook (page 398) will work wonders here. Allow the greenskins a 25% points advantage.


Gorbad leads Orcs only to capture rocky highland fort from opposing tribes. This is a relatively small-scale affair, featuring Gorbad's Orcs attacking a well defended hill. Although the defence featured several Spear Chuckas, Gorbad softened them up with a Rok Lobber before sending in his waves of Boyz.

Battle for the Iron Rock



Battle of Black Fire Pass
Gorbad leads his entire Orc & Goblin horde to overwhelm the Empire garrison that defends the pass.


The Moot

To recreate this fight, use the Battle for the Pass scenario (Warhammer rulebook page 146) only allow the Empire side to place two Watchtowers (as per the Watchtower scenario in the rulebook on page 150) in their deployment zone. The Greenskins should have 50% more points and get the first turn. Massive Orc & Goblin horde fights Empire army dominated by Knights Panther and Halflings. The greenskins are all assembled now and their onrush slaughters the outnumbered Empire forces. Greenskins should enjoy a 2 to 1 advantage and be allowed to 'recycle' casualties that is, re-use slain units (but not characters, Monsters, or war machines). The Empire gains a victory if they can have any models on the table by the end of turn 6.

This is not really a battle, but more like target practice. Hold a shooting contest to see which Rock Lobber can splat the most Halflings. Try sinking their makeshift rafts as they attempt to escape by floating down the river Aver.


Battle of Solland's Crown 1707-1712

The Elector Counts of Solland and Wissenland mount a hopeless counterattack, hoping to catch Gorbad's army as it crosses the River Aver. It almost works and many Orcs die in the crossing, but they establish a foothold on the far bank just as an all cavalry army (Wolf Riders and Boar Boyz) arrives to flank the Empire forces. The disciplined retreat turns to slaughter and Count Eldred (the Elector Count of Solland) is slain by Gorbad and his crown and Runefang taken.

Gorbad's Waaagh! assaults Altdorf, but the attack lacks any of Gorbad's previous cunning. From now on Gorbad cannot use his Da Great Leader rule and his Inspiring Presence and Hold Your Ground range is reduced from 18" to the standard 12". Gorbad tries massed Rock Lobbers, then a massed flight of Wyverns but nothing works. As the siege grinds on, many greenskin tribes drift away, tired of the growing defeats. Eventually the siege is lifted. Probably better broken down into component battles rather than a single siege. Wyverns versus the ground troops, assaults upon main gates, duels between cannons and Rok Lobbers or the shooting galleries that the attacking greenskins presented when they foolishly launched frontal assault after frontal assault through the mire.

The Siege of Altdorf


Slaughter on the Aver Down


Gorbad's Waaagh!, now comprised of Orcs and Night Goblins fight many battles against the Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge Mountains.

Stunty Stomps


This is really innumerable battles and sees Gorbad's army take onboard loads of Night Goblins, who joined the Ironclaw Orcs out of fear of being crushed and also for a chance to 'give it to' the hated Stunties.

Gorbad's Waaagh!, larger than ever, besieges this walled Empire city. Many tribes of Forest Goblins riding Giant Spiders emerged out of the forest to join Gorbad. Fight a siege, but Averheim starts the battle with several holes already knocked in the walls (Rok Lobbers). Also, all spider-riders (including Arachnarok Spiders) can climb over the walls.



Inspired by his new crown and angered at the river ambush, Gorbad orders yet more razing until the smoke of Solland's burning can be seen from the peaks of Karaz-a-Karak

Yet More Razing

This will work well using the River of Death. The greenskins gain +25% of their starting force with a flanking army of Wolf Riders and Spider Riders. The Empire has not one, but two Elector Counts.

Much reduced, the Orcs under Gorbad are attacked just south of Black Fire Pass by the revenge-minded Dwarfs of Karaz-a-Karak. Seeking retribution for the slaughter and desecrations Gorbad inflicted upon them, the Dwarfs surround the Orcs in an ever tightening circle. Never before had Morglor the Mangler been so wielded, hacking down any Dwarf who approached. yet it is unknown what befell of Gorbad, for it is said that a handful of Orcs fought out of the massacre and fled into the night. Perhaps he survived or maybe he was finally brought low by the Dwarfs, but whatever the truth, none now know. The Dwarfs should encircle the Orcs and have a 50% points advantage.

Battle of Blood Peak



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