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Why do you want to be a Teach For India Fellow?

What would you like to accomplis h in the two years of Fellowship? What do you plan to do after the Fellowship an d why ? Please answer in separate paragraphs. (Suggested word limit: 150 - 500) Tell us about a time in the past three years when you were working towards a pro fessional, academic or extra-curricular goal and had to deal with a difficult si tuation or challenge. Please refrain from using personal examples (e.g. sickness or family issues). 1) Describe the GOAL that you wanted to achieve and the CHAL LENGE that came in your way. 2) How did you FEEL when you faced this challenge? 3) What STEPS did you take to address it? 4) What was the RESULT?Please ensure t hat you include answers to each question mentioned above in your essay. It is st rongly recommended that you should elaborate on each question in a separate para graph for clarity. (Suggested word limit: 150 - 500) Optional Please mention anything else that would make this application stronger or would help us in reviewing your application. You can mention any awards or accolades y ou have received till now. -----------------Puja Nahata - 9748131333

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