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The Truth about Brainwashing For a truly independent and intelligent mind, it is important to correctly defin e and identify

the phenomenon of brainwashing, when and where it occurs in socie ty. Although many will agree that brainwashing is pervasive in modern society, few people can properly identify it, when it happens. When someone tells you, for example, that human intelligence is worthless or mea ningless and that you should believe the bible or religious speakers, that is a direct form of brainwashing. When someone tells you that all human opinions are insignificant and that people should simply have faith, that is also a form of brainwashing. In fact calling the bible the word of God is a form of brainwashing , implying that humans have no right to contradict it or bible authorities. Brainw ashing dulls and stunts intellectual development and deprives people of good jud gement. Another form of brainwashing is when people give out commands, regardless of oth ers opinions. One example is when people are programmed to work, usually mindles sly, instead of asking questions or reading serious books. More subtle brainwas hing might involve phrases such as Just go with the flow, or I do it, you should to o, Do you think that you are better than I am? (again ignoring peoples better judgem ent and intelligence). Some people will invoke many things, from God to family values for the purpose o f controlling our minds. When they control our minds, they can more effectively control our behaviour. It is easier to recruit brainwashed people into the mil itary and send them to war, than people, who use their own minds. Brainwashing is a process of washing others minds of their own thoughts and plant ing someone elses agenda there instead. It probably happens to all of us, starti ng from our early childhood! There are always people, who want us to accept the ir (usually dubious) agenda. The best way to identify and resist unwelcomed int rusions into our minds is to regularly and meticulously acquire rock-solid knowl edge. It can involve years of study of serious literature to develop an objecti ve, steadfast mind, based on knowledge.

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