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SCHOOL ************** DATE _____/______/________ Teacher: Gracy Gomes das Chagas STUDENT ________________________________

TEXTO SPORT LIFE Ted, Bob, Mary and Jane like sports.They are in the club now. Ted likes basketball. He is playing basketball. Bob likes football. He is playing football. He is shooting the ball now. Mary likes tennis. She is playing tennis with Roberta. Jane likes to swim. An old man is reading a newspaper. Sports are good to develop our body and our mind. 1-Answer: (Responda:) 1- Ted, Bob, Mary and Jane: a) ( ) like music b) ( ) like sports c) ( ) like eat

2- Ted likes: a) ( ) football b) ( ) like eat c) ( ) basketball 3-List the sports: (Relacioneosesportes): A)-cycling B)-bowling C)-surf D) Football ( )surf ( )natao ( )boliche ( ) futebol

4_ D em resultado em ingles: A) 8+3=_____________ B) 9-7=_____________ C) 10:2=____________ D) 6X2=____________ 5) Use as preposiescorretamente in, on, under, in front: A) The cat is___________ table.(emcima) B) There is pen__________box (dentro da) C) There is boys ___________the tree ( aolado) D) The car is ___________house ( emfrente da)

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