Anova 1

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Using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

One-way between-subjects ANOVA

One-way between subjects ANOVA

This is what you should be able to do: Describe basic motivation behind one-way ANOVA technique.

Conduct and interpret one-way ANOVA, including the use of post hoc tests. Report ANOVA results appropriately.

One-way between subjects ANOVA

An educator wants to know if weather condition affects problem-solving
30 undergrads assigned to 1 of 3 conditions. Raining outside Windy outside Sunny outside
Subjects took 30 minutes to solve problems. Null hypothesis: no significant difference in number of problems solved in 3 conditions.
Raining 12 17 14 13 15 17 15 13 18 16 Windy 15 12 13 14 17 16 13 18 15 17 Sunny 15 20 17 16 18 20 18 16 21 19

One-way between subjects ANOVA

How are you going to examine these data?

Could conduct t-tests to compare raining & windy, raining & sunny, windy & sunny.

More problems solved on sunny than rainy days (t(18) = 3.54, p < 0.05). More problems solved in sunny than windy days (t(18) = 3.54, p < 0.05). No difference in number of problems solved in rainy and windy conditions (t(18) = 0.0, p > 0.05).

One-way between subjects ANOVA Theres a problem with this.

Each t-test is accepted with a 5% chance of finding a difference when none exists (thats what p < 0.05 means).
So, if you do 3 t-tests, then thats 3 x 5% chance of error = 15%.

More tests you do, the more likely it is you will find a supposed difference when none actually exists (this is called a Type 1 error). Cant we just do one test on data?

One-way between subjects ANOVA Relationship between ANOVA and t-test

A t-test and an ANOVA with 1 factor with 2 levels are very similar, using similar calculations.
F = t2

ANOVA and regression are also related tests. ANOVA uses factorial method to test for differences. Regression looks for predictive relationships.

One-way between subjects ANOVA

Sampling theory and analysis of variance.
When you run an experiment, you take samples of data. Question is, do these samples belong to the same or a different underlying population? Samples from same population should have same variance & mean. ANOVA tests if means are from same or different populations.
Raining Windy Sunny

mean = 15.0 variance = 4.0

mean = 15.0 variance = 4.0

mean = 18.0 variance = 4.0

One-way between subjects ANOVA

How ANOVA works 1. Estimate spread of scores within groups (called MSwithin or MSerror). 2. Estimate spread of scores between groups (called MSbetween or MStreatment). If samples belong to same population then the ratio of 1 and 2 should be small. If samples belong to different populations then the ratio of 1 and 2 should be large. Example 1

Example 2

One-way between subjects ANOVA Source of error 1. Individual differences Everyone has different characteristics, and may behave slightly differently on different occasions, for a variety of reasons that are outside of our control. These differences may have an effect on the variability of scores. 2. Experimental error whenever you make a measurement there is a potential for error, which may influence the variability of scores.

One-way between subjects ANOVA F-ratios Anova is based on F-statistics (as compared with t-statistics etc.)
MS (between) F MS ( within)

treatment _ effect error F error

One-way between subjects ANOVA Conducting ANOVA

Entry your data into SPSS just as you would for independent samples t-test
Separate columns for condition codes and scores.
Only the condition column will have 3 condition codes, corresponding to the 3 levels of the manipulated variable.

One-way between subjects ANOVA

Select descriptive statistics & homogeneity of variance options. To see if test can be used. Select post-hoc bonferroni test option. To see what conditions cause significant effects using ANOVA

One-way between subjects ANOVA

Descriptiv e Statistics Dependent Variable: SCORES WEATHER 1.00 2.00 3.00 Total Mean 14.9000 15.0000 19.0000 16.3000 Std. Deviation 2.07900 2.00000 2.70801 2.93786 N 10 10 10 30

One-way between subjects ANOVA

Homogeneity of variance

Strictly speaking, you should only use ANOVA if samples have similar spread (variance).
In SPSS you can test this using Levenes test for Homogeneity of Variance. If sample variances do not differ significantly then you can use ANOVA.

One-way between subjects ANOVA

Sums of squares represent gross variability between and within subjects df gives the degrees of freedom associated with between subjects and within subjects effects. Mean square provides MSbetween and Mswithin F is F-ratio of MSbetween and Mswithin Sig. provides precise p-value for F-ratio.

One-way between subjects ANOVA

Post hoc tests ANOVA tells you if sample belong to different populations (i.e. if experimental manipulation had an effect). However, it doesnt tell you which conditions are different. Post hoc tests (such as the bonferroni test) are used to compare pairs of samples. Therefore, having first established that the experimental manipulation had an effect, you can compare the different levels of that condition.

One-way between subjects ANOVA

Interpreting bonferroni tests Table gives pair-wise comparisons, mean differences, and associated p-values.

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* * * *

One-way between subjects ANOVA

Reporting results Table 1: mean number of problems solved (with standard deviations).
Weather condition Rain Wind Sun 15 (2) 15 (2) 18 (2)

Say what you did in experiment. Present mean results in text or table or graph (but not all 3). State ANOVA results giving df, F-ratio & pvalue. State results of post hoc tests.

One-way between subjects ANOVA

We used a between subjects design to examine mathematical problem-solving in three external weather conditions: rain, wind and sun. The mean number of problems solved in each weather condition is shown in Table 1. There was a significant effect of weather condition (F(2, 27) = 7.50, p<0.01). Post hoc bonferroni tests indicated that more mathematical problems were solved when it was sunny than when it was raining (p<0.05), and more mathematical problems were solved when it was sunny than when it was windy (p<0.05). However, there was no difference in number of mathematical problems solved when it was raining or windy (p>0.05).

One-way between subjects ANOVA

Things I havent told you

1 What happens if you have unequal sample sizes.

Answer is that the method of calculation is modified (but not much in the case of one-way ANOVA - see Gravetter, p423). 2 What happens if sample is not normal?

Dont worry too much. ANOVA is robust and can endure violations of assumptions. However, you might consider transforming data -see Howell, p309.

One-way between subjects ANOVA One-way Analysis of Variance

3 What happens if samples do not have same variance? Again, ANOVA is robust and can deal with this (to some extent). If homogeneity of variance is seriously violated, then Howell advises using Welchs Procedure (Howell, p309). However, I cant imagine you ever having to do this. 4 What about other post hoc (and a priori) tests? There are many others - Gravetter, pp 425-430.

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