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Lesson Outline

Session 1 Set up Farm Set in Classroom

Link to Australian Curriculum

Science Understanding Biological Science Living things live in different places where their needs are met (ACSSU211)

Children set up farm set on table in classroom. Talk about structure of farm. How is a farm set up? Do the animals need different environments to live in? How are the animals kept in their environments? What do they need in their environment? Do certain animals need more space than others? Why? Which animals would be close to the farm house? Why? Allocate a pair of children to set up each farm animals place on the farm. Children can use blue paper to represent water for each animal, straw for feed/grass etc. Children make farmer coats out of brown paper bags. Children can paint their bags with animal stamps and pop straw in the pockets. Children to paint their name on the back. Eg: Farmer John. Children to sing Farmer in the Dell and each child in turn gets to nominate an animal. Children can wear animal masks while they create shirt if they wish. Sheep Children make sheep from cardboard cut-outs, cotton balls etc. Discussion: 1. How many legs do sheep have? 2. Is their tail short or long? 3. What do they eat? 4. Do they live on their own or in groups? 5. Do they need a lot of space or little space to live? Why? 6. What do we get from sheep

Farm set (animals, fences, buildings etc) Table Coloured paper (blue, brown) Straw

Session 2 Make farmer jackets

English WritingLanguage Understand patterns of repetition and contrast in simple texts (ACELA1448)

Large brown paper bags Straw Paint Animal stamps CD of farm songs Animal masks

Session 3 Sheep

Science Understanding Biological Science Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017)

Lamb/sheep cardboard cutouts Cotton balls Glue Google eyes Black markers

Session 4 Pigs

Science Understanding Biological Science Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017)

Pigs Children finger paint pigs on cardboard cut-outs Discussion: 1. How many legs do pigs have? 2. Is their tail short or long? 3. What do they eat? 4. Do they live on their own or in groups? 5. Do they need a lot of space or little space to live? Why? 6. What do we get from pigs? Read the Interesting Fact page on each animal to the class. Discuss the fact with the children. Children take turn outing on an animal celebrity head and have to guess what animal they are. Encourage children to use facts from books in each question. Focus on the structure of a question. Must start with what, when, why, how, do, am etc.

Pig cardboard cut-outs Pink paint Black texters Google eyes

Session 5 Interesting Facts about animals

English Speaking and Listening Language Understand that there are different ways of asking for information, making offers and giving commands (ACELA1446)

Books on each animal (5 in total pigs; goats; chickens; sheep; cows) Animal Celebrity Heads

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