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Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS (cont) Lesson 4 Section: Write (page 70) I. Description of teachers: Pre- inter, grade 9. II. Aim: teaching students to write a informal letter objectives. After lesson, students know how to write a letter. III. Assumption: students can use some basic and know some vocabulary about celebration. IV. Anticipated problems: Maybe students meet some difficulties in information about Mothers day. V. Solution: Teacher goes around each group and gives more information. VI. Materials / Teaching aids: book, paper, handout, VII. Procedures: pre while post.

Time 10

The aim of stage & content Pre: - Brainstorming about ideas in some celebrations to help Ss active and interest in topic and lead Ss to the new lesson. - Teach vocabulary: Enhance Support Nationwide

Teachers activities - give a chart to Ss including information: time, meaning, activities, gift of the celebration. - write some vocabulary on the board - read loudly and ask Ss repeat after

Students activities - discuss and fill out the form

Interaction patterns Ss -Ss

- look at on the board. - repeat

T - Ss

- review some structures

- remind Ss some structures to write

- listen


While: + write the first graft - help Ss to practice writing skill.

- ask Ss to use clues from discussion to write their own writing.

- writing

+ peer correction - help Ss to check mistakes each other.

- ask Ss to exchange their writing and correct each other. - ask Ss to compare

- follow what teacher said. - compare

S -S S

- give sample letter to Ss To help Ss compare what they wrote


Post: + write final graft. To remind and enhance what Ss have just learned -give mark for Ss To evaluate their process about writing skill

- ask Ss to write final version and take their writing to give mark for Ss.

- writing

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