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Students names PROJECT 5

Ortiz Ramirez, Marvin Ernesto Ramirez Cristales, Gustavo Enriquez

Visible Thinking is a flexible and systematic research-based approach to integrating the development of students' thinking with content learning across subject matters. Visible thinking links two fundamental elements which are students thinking with content learning that means that the main purpose of Visible Thinking is to cultivate the thinking ability, curiosity, and creativity of our students by following classroom routines and so develop the academic content presented in the lesson plan. In other word the purpose of visible thinking is to alert students and make them think about the matter they are studying trough different routines to accomplish the objectives presented by the teacher. These routines are set into categories which are Understanding, Truth, Fairness and Creativity, for each ideal there exist different routines that make learning visible and possible. These key features are developed in group activities in which the teacher is the monitor and instructor. Making Thinking Visible The fundamental goals of visible thinking is to help students to think about the subject matters by using their creativity, curiosity and disposition to solve problems but generating, at the same time, intellectual capacity. Here are some of its key goals:

Deeperunderstanding of content Greatermotivationforlearning Development of learners' thinking and learningabilities. Development of learners' attitudestowardthinking and learning and theiralertnesstoopportunitiesforthinking and learning (the "dispositional" side of thinking). A shift in classroom culture toward a community of enthusiasticallyengagedthinkers and learners.

As we can infer about these goal is that visible thinking tries to activate the thinking ability by practicing different routines that is develop in the classroom and lead by the teacher respecting the institutional objectives and the lesson plan. The idea of all that is to make students active and emphasize in the achievement and use of the ideals mentioned before (Understanding, Truth, Fairness and Creativity) No matter if the topic is science, mathematics, literature or history, the essential part is that they have a clear idea about what they are talking about one each other.

The Visible Thinking Routines These are the routines that have to be implemented in a thinking classroom: CoreRoutines THINK / PUZZLE / EXPLORE - A routinethat sets thestagefordeeperinquiry THINK PAIR SHARE ROUTINE - A routinefor active reasoning and explanation SEE / THINK / WONDER - A routineforexploringworks of art and otherinterestingthings I USED TO THINK, BUT NOW I THINK - A routineforreflectingonhow and whyourthinking has changed CIRCLE OF VIEWPOINTS ROUTINE - A routineforexploringdiverseperspectives COMPASS POINTS - A routineforexaminingpropositions E excited W Worrisome N needtoknow S = StanceorSuggestionforMoving Forward WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT? - InterpretationwithJustificationRoutine CreativityRoutines OPTIONS EXPLOSION - A routineforcreativedecisionmaking OPTIONS DIAMOND - Exploringthetensions of decisionmakingroutine DOES IT FIT? - A routineforthinkingcreativelyaboutoptions CREATIVE QUESTIONS- A routineforgenerating and transformingquestions CREATIVE HUNT - A routineforlooking at parts, purposes and audiences STEP INSIDE: PERCEIVE, KNOW ABOUT, CARE ABOUT - A routineforgettinginsideviewpoints Fairnessroutines REPORTERS NOTEBOOK A routineforseparatingfact and feeling MAKING IT FAIR: NOW, THEN, LATER A routineforfindingactions HERE NOW / THERE THEN A routineforconsideringpresentistattitudes and judgments CIRCLE OF VIEWPOINTS ROUTINE A routineforexploringdiverseperspectives TUG OF WAR A routineforexploringthecomplexity of fairnessdilemmas TruthRoutines TRUE FOR WHO? A routineforexploringtruthclaimsfromdifferentperspectives HOTSPOTS A routinefornoticingtruthoccasions CLAIM / SUPPORT / QUESTION A reasoningroutine TUG FOR TRUTH A routineforexploringtensions of truth UnderstandingRoutines THINK / PUZZLE / EXPLORE- A routinethat sets thestagefordeeperinquiry THINK PAIR SHARE ROUTINE - A routinefor active reasoning and explanation QUESTION STARTS - A routineforcreatingthought-provokingquestions HEADLINES ROUTINE - A routineforcapturingessence THE EXPLANATION GAME - A routineforexploring causal understanding CONNECT / EXTEND / CHALLENGE - A routineforconnecting new ideas to priorknowledge WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT? - InterpretationwithJustificationRoutine

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